// // Menu item code for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK). // // Menu items are kludged by making a phony Fl_Box widget so the normal // widget panel can be used to control them. // // This file also contains code to make Fl_Menu_Button, Fl_Menu_Bar, // etc widgets. // // Copyright 1998-2023 by Bill Spitzak and others. // // This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in // the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this // file is missing or damaged, see the license at: // // https://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php // // Please see the following page on how to report bugs and issues: // // https://www.fltk.org/bugs.php // #include "Fl_Menu_Type.h" #include "fluid.h" #include "Fl_Window_Type.h" #include "file.h" #include "code.h" #include "Fluid_Image.h" #include "custom_widgets.h" #include "mergeback.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../src/flstring.h" #include #include Fl_Menu_Item menu_item_type_menu[] = { {"Normal",0,0,(void*)0}, {"Toggle",0,0,(void*)FL_MENU_BOX}, {"Radio",0,0,(void*)FL_MENU_RADIO}, {0}}; static char submenuflag; static uchar menuitemtype = 0; static void delete_dependents(Fl_Menu_Item *m) { if (!m) return; int level = 0; for (;;m++) { if (m->label()==NULL) { if (level==0) { break; } else { level--; } } if (m->flags&FL_SUBMENU) level++; if (m->labeltype()==FL_MULTI_LABEL) delete (Fl_Multi_Label*)m->label(); } } static void delete_menu(Fl_Menu_Item *m) { if (!m) return; delete_dependents(m); delete[] m; } void Fl_Input_Choice_Type::build_menu() { Fl_Input_Choice* w = (Fl_Input_Choice*)o; // count how many Fl_Menu_Item structures needed: int n = 0; Fl_Type* q; for (q = next; q && q->level > level; q = q->next) { if (q->is_parent()) n++; // space for null at end of submenu n++; } if (!n) { if (menusize) delete_menu((Fl_Menu_Item*)(w->menu())); w->menu(0); menusize = 0; } else { n++; // space for null at end of menu if (menusizemenu())); menusize = n+10; w->menu(new Fl_Menu_Item[menusize]); } else { if (menusize) delete_dependents((Fl_Menu_Item*)(w->menu())); } // Menus are already built during the .fl file reading process, so if the // end of a menu list is not read yet, the end markers (label==NULL) will // not be set, and deleting dependents will randomly free memory. // Clearing the array should avoid that. memset( (void*)w->menu(), 0, menusize * sizeof(Fl_Menu_Item) ); // fill them all in: Fl_Menu_Item* m = (Fl_Menu_Item*)(w->menu()); int lvl = level+1; for (q = next; q && q->level > level; q = q->next) { Fl_Menu_Item_Type* i = (Fl_Menu_Item_Type*)q; if (i->o->image()) { if (i->o->label() && i->o->label()[0]) { Fl_Multi_Label *ml = new Fl_Multi_Label; ml->labela = (char*)i->o->image(); ml->labelb = i->o->label(); ml->typea = FL_IMAGE_LABEL; ml->typeb = FL_NORMAL_LABEL; ml->label(m); } else { i->o->image()->label(m); } } else { m->label(i->o->label() ? i->o->label() : "(nolabel)"); m->labeltype(i->o->labeltype()); } m->shortcut(((Fl_Button*)(i->o))->shortcut()); m->callback(0,(void*)i); m->flags = i->flags(); m->labelfont(i->o->labelfont()); m->labelsize(i->o->labelsize()); m->labelcolor(i->o->labelcolor()); if (q->is_parent()) {lvl++; m->flags |= FL_SUBMENU;} m++; int l1 = (q->next && q->next->is_a(ID_Menu_Item)) ? q->next->level : level; while (lvl > l1) {m->label(0); m++; lvl--;} lvl = l1; } } o->redraw(); } /** Create and add a new Menu Item node. \param[in] strategy add after current or as last child \return new Menu Item node */ Fl_Type *Fl_Menu_Item_Type::make(Strategy strategy) { // Find the current menu item: Fl_Type* q = Fl_Type::current; Fl_Type* p = q; if (p) { if ( (force_parent && q->is_a(ID_Menu_Item)) || !q->is_parent()) p = p->parent; } force_parent = 0; if (!p || !(p->is_a(ID_Menu_Manager_) || p->is_a(ID_Submenu))) { fl_message("Please select a menu to add to"); return 0; } if (!o) { o = new Fl_Button(0,0,100,20); // create template widget } Fl_Menu_Item_Type* t = submenuflag ? new Fl_Submenu_Type() : new Fl_Menu_Item_Type(); t->o = new Fl_Button(0,0,100,20); t->o->type(menuitemtype); t->factory = this; t->add(p, strategy); if (!reading_file) t->label(submenuflag ? "submenu" : "item"); return t; } /** Create and add a new Checkbox Menu Item node. \param[in] strategy add after current or as last child \return new node */ Fl_Type *Fl_Checkbox_Menu_Item_Type::make(Strategy strategy) { menuitemtype = FL_MENU_TOGGLE; Fl_Type* t = Fl_Menu_Item_Type::make(strategy); menuitemtype = 0; return t; } /** Create and add a new Radio ButtonMenu Item node. \param[in] strategy add after current or as last child \return new node */ Fl_Type *Fl_Radio_Menu_Item_Type::make(Strategy strategy) { menuitemtype = FL_MENU_RADIO; Fl_Type* t = Fl_Menu_Item_Type::make(strategy); menuitemtype = 0; return t; } /** Create and add a new Submenu Item node. \param[in] strategy add after current or as last child \return new node */ Fl_Type *Fl_Submenu_Type::make(Strategy strategy) { submenuflag = 1; Fl_Type* t = Fl_Menu_Item_Type::make(strategy); submenuflag = 0; return t; } Fl_Menu_Item_Type Fl_Menu_Item_type; Fl_Checkbox_Menu_Item_Type Fl_Checkbox_Menu_Item_type; Fl_Radio_Menu_Item_Type Fl_Radio_Menu_Item_type; Fl_Submenu_Type Fl_Submenu_type; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Writing the C code: // test functions in Fl_Widget_Type.C: int is_name(const char *c); const char *array_name(Fl_Widget_Type *o); int isdeclare(const char *c); // Search backwards to find the parent menu button and return it's name. // Also put in i the index into the button's menu item array belonging // to this menu item. const char* Fl_Menu_Item_Type::menu_name(Fd_Code_Writer& f, int& i) { i = 0; Fl_Type* t = prev; while (t && t->is_a(ID_Menu_Item)) { // be sure to count the {0} that ends a submenu: if (t->level > t->next->level) i += (t->level - t->next->level); // detect empty submenu: else if (t->level == t->next->level && t->is_parent()) i++; t = t->prev; i++; } if (!t) return "\n#error Fl_Menu_Item_Type::menu_name, invalid f\n"; return f.unique_id(t, "menu", t->name(), t->label()); } void Fl_Menu_Item_Type::write_static(Fd_Code_Writer& f) { if (image && label() && label()[0]) { f.write_h_once("#include "); f.write_h_once("#include "); } if (callback() && is_name(callback()) && !user_defined(callback())) f.write_h_once("extern void %s(Fl_Menu_*, %s);", callback(), user_data_type() ? user_data_type() : "void*"); for (int n=0; n < NUM_EXTRA_CODE; n++) { if (extra_code(n) && isdeclare(extra_code(n))) f.write_h_once("%s", extra_code(n)); } if (callback() && !is_name(callback())) { // see if 'o' or 'v' used, to prevent unused argument warnings: int use_o = 0; int use_v = 0; const char *d; for (d = callback(); *d;) { if (*d == 'o' && !is_id(d[1])) use_o = 1; if (*d == 'v' && !is_id(d[1])) use_v = 1; do d++; while (is_id(*d)); while (*d && !is_id(*d)) d++; } const char* cn = callback_name(f); const char* k = class_name(1); if (k) { f.write_c("\nvoid %s::%s_i(Fl_Menu_*", k, cn); } else { f.write_c("\nstatic void %s(Fl_Menu_*", cn); } if (use_o) f.write_c(" o"); const char* ut = user_data_type() ? user_data_type() : "void*"; f.write_c(", %s", ut); if (use_v) f.write_c(" v"); f.write_c(") {\n"); // Matt: disabled f.tag(FD_TAG_GENERIC, 0); f.write_c_indented(callback(), 1, 0); if (*(d-1) != ';' && *(d-1) != '}') { const char *p = strrchr(callback(), '\n'); if (p) p ++; else p = callback(); // Only add trailing semicolon if the last line is not a preprocessor // statement... if (*p != '#' && *p) f.write_c(";"); } f.write_c("\n"); // Matt: disabled f.tag(FD_TAG_MENU_CALLBACK, get_uid()); f.write_c("}\n"); if (k) { f.write_c("void %s::%s(Fl_Menu_* o, %s v) {\n", k, cn, ut); f.write_c("%s((%s*)(o", f.indent(1), k); Fl_Type* t = parent; while (t->is_a(ID_Menu_Item)) t = t->parent; Fl_Type *q = 0; // Go up one more level for Fl_Input_Choice, as these are groups themselves if (t && t->is_a(ID_Input_Choice)) f.write_c("->parent()"); for (t = t->parent; t && t->is_widget() && !is_class(); q = t, t = t->parent) f.write_c("->parent()"); if (!q || !q->is_a(ID_Widget_Class)) f.write_c("->user_data()"); f.write_c("))->%s_i(o,v);\n}\n", cn); } } if (image) { if (!f.c_contains(image)) image->write_static(f, compress_image_); } if (next && next->is_a(ID_Menu_Item)) return; // okay, when we hit last item in the menu we have to write the // entire array out: const char* k = class_name(1); if (k) { int i; f.write_c("\nFl_Menu_Item %s::%s[] = {\n", k, menu_name(f, i)); } else { int i; f.write_c("\nFl_Menu_Item %s[] = {\n", menu_name(f, i)); } Fl_Type* t = prev; while (t && t->is_a(ID_Menu_Item)) t = t->prev; for (Fl_Type* q = t->next; q && q->is_a(ID_Menu_Item); q = q->next) { ((Fl_Menu_Item_Type*)q)->write_item(f); int thislevel = q->level; if (q->is_parent()) thislevel++; int nextlevel = (q->next && q->next->is_a(ID_Menu_Item)) ? q->next->level : t->level+1; while (thislevel > nextlevel) {f.write_c(" {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},\n"); thislevel--;} } f.write_c(" {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}\n};\n"); if (k) { // Write menu item variables... t = prev; while (t && t->is_a(ID_Menu_Item)) t = t->prev; for (Fl_Type* q = t->next; q && q->is_a(ID_Menu_Item); q = q->next) { Fl_Menu_Item_Type *m = (Fl_Menu_Item_Type*)q; const char *c = array_name(m); if (c) { if (c==m->name()) { // assign a menu item address directly to a variable int i; const char* n = ((Fl_Menu_Item_Type *)q)->menu_name(f, i); f.write_c("Fl_Menu_Item* %s::%s = %s::%s + %d;\n", k, c, k, n, i); } else { // if the name is an array, only define the array. // The actual assignment is in write_code1(Fd_Code_Writer& f) f.write_c("Fl_Menu_Item* %s::%s;\n", k, c); } } } } } int Fl_Menu_Item_Type::flags() { int i = o->type(); if (((Fl_Button*)o)->value()) i |= FL_MENU_VALUE; if (!o->active()) i |= FL_MENU_INACTIVE; if (!o->visible()) i |= FL_MENU_INVISIBLE; if (is_parent()) { if (user_data() == NULL) i |= FL_SUBMENU; else i |= FL_SUBMENU_POINTER; } if (hotspot()) i |= FL_MENU_DIVIDER; return i; } void Fl_Menu_Item_Type::write_item(Fd_Code_Writer& f) { static const char * const labeltypes[] = { "FL_NORMAL_LABEL", "FL_NO_LABEL", "FL_SHADOW_LABEL", "FL_ENGRAVED_LABEL", "FL_EMBOSSED_LABEL", "FL_MULTI_LABEL", "FL_ICON_LABEL", "FL_IMAGE_LABEL" }; write_comment_inline_c(f, " "); f.write_c(" {"); if (label() && label()[0]) switch (g_project.i18n_type) { case FD_I18N_GNU: // we will call i18n when the menu is instantiated for the first time f.write_c("%s(", g_project.i18n_gnu_static_function.c_str()); f.write_cstring(label()); f.write_c(")"); break; case FD_I18N_POSIX: // fall through: strings can't be translated before a catalog is chosen default: f.write_cstring(label()); } else f.write_c("\"\""); if (((Fl_Button*)o)->shortcut()) { int s = ((Fl_Button*)o)->shortcut(); f.write_c(", "); if (g_project.use_FL_COMMAND) { if (s & FL_CTRL) { f.write_c("FL_CONTROL|"); s &= ~FL_CTRL; } if (s & FL_META) { f.write_c("FL_COMMAND|"); s &= ~FL_META; } } else { if (s & FL_CTRL) { f.write_c("FL_CTRL|"); s &= ~FL_CTRL; } if (s & FL_META) { f.write_c("FL_META|"); s &= ~FL_META; } } if (s & FL_SHIFT) { f.write_c("FL_SHIFT|"); s &= ~FL_SHIFT; } if (s & FL_ALT) { f.write_c("FL_ALT|"); s &= ~FL_ALT; } if ((s < 127) && isprint(s)) f.write_c("'%c', ", s); else f.write_c("0x%x, ", s); } else { f.write_c(", 0, "); } if (callback()) { const char* k = is_name(callback()) ? 0 : class_name(1); if (k) { f.write_c(" (Fl_Callback*)%s::%s,", k, callback_name(f)); } else { f.write_c(" (Fl_Callback*)%s,", callback_name(f)); } } else f.write_c(" 0,"); if (user_data()) f.write_c(" (void*)(%s),", user_data()); else f.write_c(" 0,"); f.write_c(" %d, (uchar)%s, %d, %d, %d", flags(), labeltypes[o->labeltype()], o->labelfont(), o->labelsize(), o->labelcolor()); f.write_c("},\n"); } void start_menu_initialiser(Fd_Code_Writer& f, int &initialized, const char *name, int index) { if (!initialized) { initialized = 1; f.write_c("%s{ Fl_Menu_Item* o = &%s[%d];\n", f.indent(), name, index); f.indentation++; } } void Fl_Menu_Item_Type::write_code1(Fd_Code_Writer& f) { int i; const char* mname = menu_name(f, i); if (!prev->is_a(ID_Menu_Item)) { // for first menu item, declare the array if (class_name(1)) { f.write_h("%sstatic Fl_Menu_Item %s[];\n", f.indent(1), mname); } else { f.write_h("extern Fl_Menu_Item %s[];\n", mname); } } const char *c = array_name(this); if (c) { if (class_name(1)) { f.write_public(public_); f.write_h("%sstatic Fl_Menu_Item *%s;\n", f.indent(1), c); } else { if (c==name()) f.write_h("#define %s (%s+%d)\n", c, mname, i); else f.write_h("extern Fl_Menu_Item *%s;\n", c); } } if (callback()) { if (!is_name(callback()) && class_name(1)) { const char* cn = callback_name(f); const char* ut = user_data_type() ? user_data_type() : "void*"; f.write_public(0); f.write_h("%sinline void %s_i(Fl_Menu_*, %s);\n", f.indent(1), cn, ut); f.write_h("%sstatic void %s(Fl_Menu_*, %s);\n", f.indent(1), cn, ut); } } int menuItemInitialized = 0; // if the name is an array variable, assign the value here if (name() && strchr(name(), '[')) { f.write_c("%s%s = &%s[%d];\n", f.indent_plus(1), name(), mname, i); } if (image) { start_menu_initialiser(f, menuItemInitialized, mname, i); if (label() && label()[0]) { f.write_c("%sFl_Multi_Label *ml = new Fl_Multi_Label;\n", f.indent()); f.write_c("%sml->labela = (char*)", f.indent()); image->write_inline(f); f.write_c(";\n"); if (g_project.i18n_type==FD_I18N_NONE) { f.write_c("%sml->labelb = o->label();\n", f.indent()); } else if (g_project.i18n_type==FD_I18N_GNU) { f.write_c("%sml->labelb = %s(o->label());\n", f.indent(), g_project.i18n_gnu_function.c_str()); } else if (g_project.i18n_type==FD_I18N_POSIX) { f.write_c("%sml->labelb = catgets(%s,%s,i+%d,o->label());\n", f.indent(), g_project.i18n_pos_file.empty() ? "_catalog" : g_project.i18n_pos_file.c_str(), g_project.i18n_pos_set.c_str(), msgnum()); } f.write_c("%sml->typea = FL_IMAGE_LABEL;\n", f.indent()); f.write_c("%sml->typeb = FL_NORMAL_LABEL;\n", f.indent()); f.write_c("%sml->label(o);\n", f.indent()); } else { image->write_code(f, 0, "o"); } } if (g_project.i18n_type && label() && label()[0]) { Fl_Labeltype t = o->labeltype(); if (image) { // label was already copied a few lines up } else if ( t==FL_NORMAL_LABEL || t==FL_SHADOW_LABEL || t==FL_ENGRAVED_LABEL || t==FL_EMBOSSED_LABEL) { start_menu_initialiser(f, menuItemInitialized, mname, i); if (g_project.i18n_type==FD_I18N_GNU) { f.write_c("%so->label(%s(o->label()));\n", f.indent(), g_project.i18n_gnu_function.c_str()); } else if (g_project.i18n_type==FD_I18N_POSIX) { f.write_c("%so->label(catgets(%s,%s,i+%d,o->label()));\n", f.indent(), g_project.i18n_pos_file.empty() ? "_catalog" : g_project.i18n_pos_file.c_str(), g_project.i18n_pos_set.c_str(), msgnum()); } } } for (int n=0; n < NUM_EXTRA_CODE; n++) { if (extra_code(n) && !isdeclare(extra_code(n))) { start_menu_initialiser(f, menuItemInitialized, mname, i); f.write_c("%s%s\n", f.indent(), extra_code(n)); } } if (menuItemInitialized) { f.indentation--; f.write_c("%s}\n",f.indent()); } } void Fl_Menu_Item_Type::write_code2(Fd_Code_Writer&) {} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This is the base class for widgets that contain a menu (ie // subclasses of Fl_Menu_. // This is a parent widget and menu items can be added as // children. An actual array of Fl_Menu_Items is kept parallel // with the child objects and updated as they change. void Fl_Menu_Base_Type::build_menu() { Fl_Menu_* w = (Fl_Menu_*)o; // count how many Fl_Menu_Item structures needed: int n = 0; Fl_Type* q; for (q = next; q && q->level > level; q = q->next) { if (q->is_parent()) n++; // space for null at end of submenu n++; } if (!n) { if (menusize) delete_menu((Fl_Menu_Item*)(w->menu())); w->menu(0); menusize = 0; } else { n++; // space for null at end of menu if (menusizemenu())); menusize = n+10; w->menu(new Fl_Menu_Item[menusize]); } else { if (menusize) delete_dependents((Fl_Menu_Item*)(w->menu())); } // Menus are already built during the .fl file reading process, so if the // end of a menu list is not read yet, the end markers (label==NULL) will // not be set, and deleting dependents will randomly free memory. // Clearing the array should avoid that. memset( (void*)w->menu(), 0, menusize * sizeof(Fl_Menu_Item) ); // fill them all in: Fl_Menu_Item* m = (Fl_Menu_Item*)(w->menu()); int lvl = level+1; for (q = next; q && q->level > level; q = q->next) { Fl_Menu_Item_Type* i = (Fl_Menu_Item_Type*)q; if (i->o->image()) { if (i->o->label() && i->o->label()[0]) { Fl_Multi_Label *ml = new Fl_Multi_Label; ml->labela = (char*)i->o->image(); ml->labelb = i->o->label(); ml->typea = FL_IMAGE_LABEL; ml->typeb = FL_NORMAL_LABEL; ml->label(m); } else { i->o->image()->label(m); } } else { m->label(i->o->label() ? i->o->label() : "(nolabel)"); m->labeltype(i->o->labeltype()); } m->shortcut(((Fl_Button*)(i->o))->shortcut()); m->callback(0,(void*)i); m->flags = i->flags() | i->o->type(); m->labelfont(i->o->labelfont()); m->labelsize(i->o->labelsize()); m->labelcolor(i->o->labelcolor()); if (q->is_parent()) {lvl++; m->flags |= FL_SUBMENU;} m++; int l1 = (q->next && q->next->is_a(ID_Menu_Item)) ? q->next->level : level; while (lvl > l1) {m->label(0); m++; lvl--;} lvl = l1; } } o->redraw(); } Fl_Type* Fl_Menu_Base_Type::click_test(int, int) { if (selected) return 0; // let user move the widget Fl_Menu_* w = (Fl_Menu_*)o; if (!menusize) return 0; const Fl_Menu_Item* save = w->mvalue(); w->value((Fl_Menu_Item*)0); Fl::pushed(w); w->handle(FL_PUSH); Fl::focus(NULL); const Fl_Menu_Item* m = w->mvalue(); if (m) { // restore the settings of toggles & radio items: if (m->flags & (FL_MENU_RADIO | FL_MENU_TOGGLE)) build_menu(); return (Fl_Type*)(m->user_data()); } w->value(save); return this; } void Fl_Menu_Manager_Type::write_code2(Fd_Code_Writer& f) { if (next && next->is_a(ID_Menu_Item)) { f.write_c("%s%s->menu(%s);\n", f.indent(), name() ? name() : "o", f.unique_id(this, "menu", name(), label())); } Fl_Widget_Type::write_code2(f); } void Fl_Menu_Base_Type::copy_properties() { Fl_Widget_Type::copy_properties(); Fl_Menu_ *s = (Fl_Menu_*)o, *d = (Fl_Menu_*)live_widget; d->menu(s->menu()); d->down_box(s->down_box()); d->textcolor(s->textcolor()); d->textfont(s->textfont()); d->textsize(s->textsize()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Fl_Menu_Item button_type_menu[] = { {"normal",0,0,(void*)0}, {"popup1",0,0,(void*)Fl_Menu_Button::POPUP1}, {"popup2",0,0,(void*)Fl_Menu_Button::POPUP2}, {"popup3",0,0,(void*)Fl_Menu_Button::POPUP3}, {"popup12",0,0,(void*)Fl_Menu_Button::POPUP12}, {"popup23",0,0,(void*)Fl_Menu_Button::POPUP23}, {"popup13",0,0,(void*)Fl_Menu_Button::POPUP13}, {"popup123",0,0,(void*)Fl_Menu_Button::POPUP123}, {0}}; Fl_Menu_Button_Type Fl_Menu_Button_type; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Fl_Menu_Item dummymenu[] = {{"CHOICE"},{0}}; Fl_Choice_Type Fl_Choice_type; Fl_Input_Choice_Type Fl_Input_Choice_type; void Fl_Input_Choice_Type::copy_properties() { Fl_Widget_Type::copy_properties(); Fl_Input_Choice *s = (Fl_Input_Choice*)o, *d = (Fl_Input_Choice*)live_widget; d->menu(s->menu()); d->down_box(s->down_box()); d->textcolor(s->textcolor()); d->textfont(s->textfont()); d->textsize(s->textsize()); } Fl_Type* Fl_Input_Choice_Type::click_test(int, int) { if (selected) return 0; // let user move the widget Fl_Menu_* w = ((Fl_Input_Choice*)o)->menubutton(); if (!menusize) return 0; const Fl_Menu_Item* save = w->mvalue(); w->value((Fl_Menu_Item*)0); Fl::pushed(w); w->handle(FL_PUSH); Fl::focus(NULL); const Fl_Menu_Item* m = w->mvalue(); if (m) { // restore the settings of toggles & radio items: if (m->flags & (FL_MENU_RADIO | FL_MENU_TOGGLE)) build_menu(); return (Fl_Type*)(m->user_data()); } w->value(save); return this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Fl_Menu_Bar_Type Fl_Menu_Bar_type; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Shortcut entry item in panel: void shortcut_in_cb(Fl_Shortcut_Button* i, void* v) { if (v == LOAD) { if (current_widget->is_button()) i->value( ((Fl_Button*)(current_widget->o))->shortcut() ); else if (current_widget->is_a(ID_Input)) i->value( ((Fl_Input_*)(current_widget->o))->shortcut() ); else if (current_widget->is_a(ID_Value_Input)) i->value( ((Fl_Value_Input*)(current_widget->o))->shortcut() ); else if (current_widget->is_a(ID_Text_Display)) i->value( ((Fl_Text_Display*)(current_widget->o))->shortcut() ); else { i->hide(); i->parent()->hide(); return; } //i->default_value( i->value() ); // enable the "undo" capability of the shortcut button i->show(); i->parent()->show(); i->redraw(); } else { int mod = 0; for (Fl_Type *o = Fl_Type::first; o; o = o->next) if (o->selected && o->is_button()) { Fl_Button* b = (Fl_Button*)(((Fl_Widget_Type*)o)->o); if (b->shortcut() != (int)i->value()) mod = 1; b->shortcut(i->value()); if (o->is_a(ID_Menu_Item)) ((Fl_Widget_Type*)o)->redraw(); } else if (o->selected && o->is_a(ID_Input)) { Fl_Input_* b = (Fl_Input_*)(((Fl_Widget_Type*)o)->o); if (b->shortcut() != (int)i->value()) mod = 1; b->shortcut(i->value()); } else if (o->selected && o->is_a(ID_Value_Input)) { Fl_Value_Input* b = (Fl_Value_Input*)(((Fl_Widget_Type*)o)->o); if (b->shortcut() != (int)i->value()) mod = 1; b->shortcut(i->value()); } else if (o->selected && o->is_a(ID_Text_Display)) { Fl_Text_Display* b = (Fl_Text_Display*)(((Fl_Widget_Type*)o)->o); if (b->shortcut() != (int)i->value()) mod = 1; b->shortcut(i->value()); } if (mod) set_modflag(1); } }