# data file for the Fltk User Interface Designer (fluid) version 1.0400 i18n_type 1 i18n_include {} i18n_conditional {} i18n_gnu_function gettext i18n_gnu_static_function gettext_noop header_name {.h} code_name {.cxx} comment {About test/preferences: The preferences app shows two features of FLTK and FLUID. The Fl_Preferences class is used as a storage for user settings between app launches. Fl_Preferences can store small amounts of arbitrary data in an .ini file format which can be retrieved again at the next app launch. The FLUID setup uses GNU gettext for internationalisation (i18n). FLUID finds the texts that need to be translated and writes them into .po files that can be processed by the GNU gettext tools. FLUID produces source code that will translate all text into the current locale when generating the UI. In this small example, 'getttext' is only emulated.} {in_source not_in_header } decl {\#include } {public local } decl {\#include } {public local } decl {\#include } {private local } decl {\#include } {private local } decl {\#include } {private local } decl {\#define _(text) gettext(text)} {private local } decl {int g_language = 0;} { comment {Current languages are: 0 = English 1 = German} private global } decl {const char *project = "fltk.org";} {private local } decl {const char *application = "test/preferences";} {private local } Function {gettext(const char *text)} { comment {This is a minimal implementation of the GNU gettext API for systems that don't have GNU libintl library.} open return_type {const char*} } { code {static const char* translation_table[][2] = { { "Alarm at:", "Wecken um:" }, { "Bread:", "Brot:" }, { "Breakfast:", "Frühstück:" }, { "Cancel", "Abbrechen" }, { "Copy", "Kopieren" }, { "Cut", "Ausschneiden" }, { "Drink:", "Getränk:" }, { "English", "Englisch" }, { "German", "Deutsch" }, { "Get Up:", "Aufstehen:" }, { "Language:", "Sprache:" }, { "My Preferences", "Meine Vorlieben" }, { "NY Times", "Der Spiegel" }, { "Newspaper:", "Tageszeitung:" }, { "OK", "OK" }, { "Paste", "Einfügen" }, { "Please restart the app to use your new language setting.", "Bitte starten Sie die App erneut um Ihre Spracheinstellung zu nutzen." }, { "Wear:", "Schuhwerk:" }, { "a.m.", "früh" }, { "bare foot", "barfuß" }, { "brush teeth", "Zähne putzen" }, { "coffee", "Kaffee" }, { "eggs", "Eier" }, { "flip flops", "Schlappen" }, { "juice", "Saft" }, { "left side", "linke Seite" }, { "min.", "Min." }, { "of the bed", "vom Bett" }, { "p.m.", "spät" }, { "right side", "rechte Seite" }, { "rye", "Roggen" }, { "sandals", "Sandalen" }, { "shave", "rasieren" }, { "shoes", "Schuhe" }, { "shower", "duschen" }, { "sourdough", "Sauerteig" }, { "tea", "Tee" }, { "wheat", "Weizen" }, { "white", "Weißbrot" }, { "with butter", "mit Butter" }, { "with milk", "mit Milch" }, }; int lang = g_language; int i, n = 41; const char *found = 0L; // As this is just a minimal demo, I did not implement binary search. for (i=0; i} } { MenuItem {} { label English xywh {20 20 100 20} } MenuItem {} { label German xywh {20 20 100 20} } } } code {readPrefs();} {} } Function {readLanguagePrefs()} { comment {Read the language setting before we create the UI.} open return_type void } { code {Fl_Preferences app( Fl_Preferences::USER_L, project, application ); app.get( "language", g_language, 0 );} {} } Function {readPrefs()} {open return_type void } { code {int boolValue; int intValue; char buffer[80]; double doubleValue; char path[ FL_PATH_MAX ]; Fl_Preferences::Root root = Fl_Preferences::filename(path, FL_PATH_MAX, Fl_Preferences::USER_L, project, application); if (root == Fl_Preferences::UNKNOWN_ROOT_TYPE) { printf("Location of future Preferences file not found.\\n"); } else { printf("Preferences file will be located at:\\n%s\\n", path); } Fl_Preferences app( Fl_Preferences::USER_L, project, application ); root = app.filename(path, FL_PATH_MAX); if (root == Fl_Preferences::UNKNOWN_ROOT_TYPE) { printf("Location of app Preferences file not found.\\n"); } else if (root == Fl_Preferences::MEMORY) { printf("App Preferences are memory mapped.\\n"); } else { printf("App Preferences file is actually located at:\\n%s\\n", path); } app.getUserdataPath( path, sizeof(path) ); if (path[0]) { printf("Preferences user data directory is located at:\\n%s\\n", path); } else { printf("Location of Preferences user data directory not found.\\n"); } wLanguage->value( g_language ); Fl_Preferences bed( app, "Bed" ); bed.get( "alarm", buffer, "8:00", 79 ); wAlarm->value( buffer ); bed.get( "ampm", intValue, 0 ); wAmPm->value( intValue ); bed.get( "wear", intValue, 1 ); wWear->value( intValue ); int side; bed.get( "side", side, 2 ); if ( side == 1 ) wLeft->value( 1 ); if ( side == 2 ) wRight->value( 1 ); int tasks; bed.get( "taskFlags", tasks, 0x05 ); if ( tasks & 0x01 ) wShower->value( 1 ); if ( tasks & 0x02 ) wShave->value( 1 ); if ( tasks & 0x04 ) wBrush->value( 1 ); Fl_Preferences eat( app, "Breakfast" ); eat.get( "drink", intValue, 1 ); wDrink->value( intValue ); eat.get( "wMilk", boolValue, 0 ); wMilk->value( boolValue ); eat.get( "bread", intValue, 0 ); wBread->value( intValue ); eat.get( "wButter", boolValue, 1 ); wButter->value( boolValue ); eat.get( "nEggs", intValue, 2 ); sprintf( buffer, "%d", intValue ); wEggs->value( buffer ); eat.get( "minutes", doubleValue, 3.2 ); wMinutes->value( doubleValue ); char *flexBuffer; eat.get( "newspaper", flexBuffer, gettext("NY Times") ); wPaper->value( flexBuffer ); if ( flexBuffer ) free( flexBuffer ); eat.get( "foo", buffer, "bar", 80 ); /** sample code only: Fl_Preferences prev( app, "PreviousStarts" ); { int i, n; prev.get( "n", n, 0 ); for ( i=0; ivalue() ); Fl_Preferences bed( app, "Bed" ); bed.set( "alarm", wAlarm->value() ); bed.set( "ampm", wAmPm->value() ); bed.set( "wear", wWear->value() ); int side = 0; if ( wLeft->value() ) side = 1; if ( wRight->value() ) side = 2; bed.set( "side", side ); int tasks = 0; if ( wShower->value() ) tasks |= 0x01; if ( wShave->value() ) tasks |= 0x02; if ( wBrush->value() ) tasks |= 0x04; bed.set( "taskFlags", tasks ); Fl_Preferences eat( app, "Breakfast" ); eat.set( "drink", wDrink->value() ); eat.set( "wMilk", wMilk->value() ); eat.set( "bread", wBread->value() ); eat.set( "wButter", wButter->value() ); eat.set( "nEggs", wEggs->value() ); eat.set( "minutes", wMinutes->value() ); eat.set( "newspaper", wPaper->value() ); eat.set( "foo", "bar\\nfly\\rBackslash: \\\\ and bell: \\007 and delete: \\177\\n" ); eat.set( Fl_Preferences::Name( 3 ), "Test3" ); /* sample: create a sub-sub-group */ Fl_Preferences eatMore( eat, "More" ); eatMore.set( "more", "stuff" ); /* all the following searches should return 1 */ int sum = 0; sum += app.groupExists( "Breakfast" ); /* find 'eat' relative to 'app' */ sum += app.groupExists( "Breakfast/More" ); /* find 'eat.eatMore' relative to 'app' */ sum += app.groupExists( "./Breakfast/More" ); /* find 'eat.eatMore' relative to Preferences */ sum += eat.groupExists( "More" ); /* find 'eatMore' relative to 'eat' */ sum += eat.groupExists( "./Breakfast/More" ); /* find 'eat.eatMore' relative to Preferences */ sum += eat.groupExists( "." ); /* find myself ('eat') */ sum += eat.groupExists( "./" ); /* find the topmost group ('app') */ if ( sum != 7 ) fl_message( "Assertion failed:\\nNot all group entries were found!" ); /* sample code only: */ // unsigned int hex = 0xefbeadde; // unsigned int size_of_bed = sizeof( bed ); // size of Fl_Preferences 'bed' // eat.set( "binFoo", (void*)&hex, sizeof( unsigned int ) ); // eat.set( "SizeOfBed", (int)size_of_bed ); // eat.set( "Prefs_Bed", (void*)&bed, sizeof( bed ) );} {} }