// // Unit tests for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK). // // Copyright 1998-2022 by Bill Spitzak and others. // // This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in // the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this // file is missing or damaged, see the license at: // // https://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php // // Please see the following page on how to report bugs and issues: // // https://www.fltk.org/bugs.php // #include "unittests.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #if HAVE_GL #include #endif // // --- test drawing circles and arcs ------ // class Ut_Complex_Shapes_Test; void draw_complex(Ut_Complex_Shapes_Test *p); #if HAVE_GL class Ut_GL_Complex_Shapes_Test : public Fl_Gl_Window { public: Ut_GL_Complex_Shapes_Test(int x, int y, int w, int h) : Fl_Gl_Window(x, y, w, h) { box(FL_FLAT_BOX); end(); } void draw() FL_OVERRIDE { draw_begin(); Fl_Window::draw(); draw_complex((Ut_Complex_Shapes_Test*)parent()); draw_end(); } }; #endif class Ut_Native_Complex_Shapes_Test : public Fl_Window { public: Ut_Native_Complex_Shapes_Test(int x, int y, int w, int h) : Fl_Window(x, y, w, h) { box(FL_FLAT_BOX); end(); } void draw() FL_OVERRIDE { Fl_Window::draw(); draw_complex((Ut_Complex_Shapes_Test*)parent()); } }; // //------- test the compelx shape drawing capabilities of this implementation ---------- // class Ut_Complex_Shapes_Test : public Fl_Group { Ut_Native_Complex_Shapes_Test* native_test_window; #if HAVE_GL Ut_GL_Complex_Shapes_Test* gl_test_window; #endif static void update_cb(Fl_Widget*, void *v) { Ut_Complex_Shapes_Test* This = (Ut_Complex_Shapes_Test*)v; This->native_test_window->redraw(); #if HAVE_GL This->gl_test_window->redraw(); #endif } public: Fl_Hor_Value_Slider* scale; Fl_Dial* rotate; Fl_Positioner* position; void set_transformation() { fl_translate(position->xvalue(), position->yvalue()); fl_rotate(-rotate->value()); fl_scale(scale->value(), scale->value()); } static Fl_Widget* create() { return new Ut_Complex_Shapes_Test(UT_TESTAREA_X, UT_TESTAREA_Y, UT_TESTAREA_W, UT_TESTAREA_H); } Ut_Complex_Shapes_Test(int x, int y, int w, int h) : Fl_Group(x, y, w, h) { label("Testing complex shape drawing."); align(FL_ALIGN_INSIDE|FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM|FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_WRAP); box(FL_BORDER_BOX); int a = x+16, b = y+34; Fl_Box *t = new Fl_Box(a, b-24, 80, 18, "native"); t->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE); native_test_window = new Ut_Native_Complex_Shapes_Test(a+23, b-1, 200, 200); t = new Fl_Box(a, b, 18, 18, "1"); t->box(FL_ROUNDED_BOX); t->color(FL_YELLOW); t->tooltip(// Title: "Testing complex drawing with transformations.\n\n" // Description: "Draw a point pattern, an open line, a closed line, and a covenx polygon.\n\n" // Things to look out for: "Use the controls at the bottom right to scale, rotate, and move the patterns." ); b+=44; t = new Fl_Box(a, b, 18, 18, "2"); t->box(FL_ROUNDED_BOX); t->color(FL_YELLOW); t->tooltip(// Title: "Testing complex polygons.\n\n" // Description: "Draw polygons at different leves of complexity. " "All polygons should be within the blue boundaries\n\n" // Things to look out for: "1: a convex polygon\n" "2: a non-convex polygon\n" "3: two polygons in a single operation\n" "4: a polygon with a square hole in it" ); b+=44; t = new Fl_Box(a, b, 18, 18, "3"); t->box(FL_ROUNDED_BOX); t->color(FL_YELLOW); t->tooltip(// Title: "Testing complex polygons with arcs.\n\n" // Description: "Draw polygons with an arc section. " "All polygons should be within the blue boundaries\n\n" // Things to look out for: "1: a polygon with a camel hump\n" "2: a polygon with a camel dip" ); #if HAVE_GL a = x+16+250, b = y+34; t = new Fl_Box(a, b-24, 80, 18, "OpenGL"); t->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE); gl_test_window = new Ut_GL_Complex_Shapes_Test(a+31, b-1, 200, 200); t = new Fl_Box(a, b, 26, 18, "1a"); t->box(FL_ROUNDED_BOX); t->color(FL_YELLOW); t->tooltip(// Title: "Testing complex drawing with transformations.\n\n" // Description: "Draw a point pattern, an open line, a closed line, and a convex polygon.\n\n" // Things to look out for: "Use the controls at the bottom right to scale, rotate, and move the patterns." ); b+=44; t = new Fl_Box(a, b, 28, 18, "2a"); t->box(FL_ROUNDED_BOX); t->color(FL_YELLOW); t->tooltip(// Title: "Testing complex polygons.\n\n" // Description: "Draw polygons at different leves of complexity. " "All polygons should be within the blue boundaries\n\n" // Things to look out for: "1: a convex polygon\n" "2: a non-convex polygon\n" "3: two polygons in a single operation\n" "4: a polygon with a square hole in it" ); b+=44; t = new Fl_Box(a, b, 28, 18, "3a"); t->box(FL_ROUNDED_BOX); t->color(FL_YELLOW); t->tooltip(// Title: "Testing complex polygons with arcs.\n\n" // Description: "Draw polygons with an arc section. " "All polygons should be within the blue boundaries\n\n" // Things to look out for: "1: a polygon with a camel hump\n" "2: a polygon with a camel dip" ); #endif a = UT_TESTAREA_X+UT_TESTAREA_W-250; b = UT_TESTAREA_Y+UT_TESTAREA_H-50; scale = new Fl_Hor_Value_Slider(a, b+10, 120, 20, "Scale:"); scale->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT); scale->range(0.8, 1.2); scale->value(1.0); scale->callback(update_cb, this); rotate = new Fl_Dial(a+140, b, 40, 40, "Rotate:"); rotate->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT); rotate->angles(0, 360); rotate->range(-180.0, 180.0); rotate->value(0.0); rotate->callback(update_cb, this); position = new Fl_Positioner(a+200, b, 40, 40, "Offset:"); position->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT); position->xbounds(-10, 10); position->ybounds(-10, 10); position->value(0.0, 0.0); position->callback(update_cb, this); t = new Fl_Box(a-1, b-1, 1, 1); resizable(t); } }; void convex_shape(int w, int h) { fl_vertex(-w/2, -h); fl_vertex(w/2, -h); fl_vertex(w, 0); fl_vertex(w, h); fl_vertex(0, h); fl_vertex(-w, h/2); fl_vertex(-w, -h/2); } void complex_shape(int w, int h) { fl_vertex(-w/2, -h); fl_vertex(0, -h/2); fl_vertex(w/2, -h); fl_vertex(w, 0); fl_vertex(w, h); fl_vertex(0, h); fl_vertex(-w, h/2); fl_vertex(-w/2, 0); fl_vertex(-w, -h/2); } void two_complex_shapes(int w, int h) { fl_vertex(-w/2, -h); fl_vertex(w/2, -h); fl_vertex(w, 0); fl_vertex(w, h-3); fl_gap(); fl_vertex(w-3, h); fl_vertex(0, h); fl_vertex(-w, h/2); fl_vertex(-w, -h/2); } void complex_shape_with_hole(int w, int h) { int w2 = w/3, h2 = h/3; // clockwise fl_vertex(-w/2, -h); fl_vertex(w/2, -h); fl_vertex(w, 0); fl_vertex(w, h); fl_vertex(0, h); fl_vertex(-w, h/2); fl_vertex(-w, -h/2); fl_gap(); // counterclockwise fl_vertex(-w2, -h2); fl_vertex(-w2, h2); fl_vertex( w2, h2); fl_vertex( w2, -h2); } void draw_complex(Ut_Complex_Shapes_Test *p) { int a = 0, b = 0, dx = 20, dy = 20, w = 10, h = 10; int w2 = w/3, h2 = h/3; // ---- 1: draw a random shape fl_color(FL_BLACK); // -- points fl_push_matrix(); fl_translate(a+dx, b+dy); p->set_transformation(); fl_begin_points(); convex_shape(w, h); fl_end_points(); fl_pop_matrix(); // -- lines fl_push_matrix(); fl_translate(a+dx+50, b+dy); p->set_transformation(); fl_begin_line(); convex_shape(w, h); fl_end_line(); fl_pop_matrix(); // -- line loop fl_push_matrix(); fl_translate(a+dx+100, b+dy); p->set_transformation(); fl_begin_loop(); convex_shape(w, h); fl_end_loop(); fl_pop_matrix(); // -- polygon fl_push_matrix(); fl_translate(a+dx+150, b+dy); p->set_transformation(); fl_begin_polygon(); convex_shape(w, h); fl_end_polygon(); fl_pop_matrix(); // ---- 2: draw a complex shape b += 44; // -- covex polygon drawn in complex mode fl_push_matrix(); fl_translate(a+dx, b+dy); p->set_transformation(); fl_color(FL_DARK2); fl_begin_complex_polygon(); convex_shape(w, h); fl_end_complex_polygon(); fl_color(FL_BLUE); fl_begin_loop(); convex_shape(w, h); fl_end_loop(); fl_pop_matrix(); // -- non-convex polygon drawn in complex mode fl_push_matrix(); fl_translate(a+dx+50, b+dy); p->set_transformation(); fl_color(FL_DARK2); fl_begin_complex_polygon(); complex_shape(w, h); fl_end_complex_polygon(); fl_color(FL_BLUE); fl_begin_loop(); complex_shape(w, h); fl_end_loop(); fl_pop_matrix(); // -- two part polygon with gap fl_push_matrix(); fl_translate(a+dx+100, b+dy); p->set_transformation(); fl_color(FL_DARK2); fl_begin_complex_polygon(); two_complex_shapes(w, h); fl_end_complex_polygon(); fl_color(FL_BLUE); fl_begin_loop(); fl_vertex(-w/2, -h); fl_vertex(w/2, -h); fl_vertex(w, 0); fl_vertex(w, h-3); fl_end_loop(); fl_begin_loop(); fl_vertex(w-3, h); fl_vertex(0, h); fl_vertex(-w, h/2); fl_vertex(-w, -h/2); fl_end_loop(); fl_pop_matrix(); // -- polygon with a hole fl_push_matrix(); fl_translate(a+dx+150, b+dy); p->set_transformation(); fl_color(FL_DARK2); fl_begin_complex_polygon(); complex_shape_with_hole(w, h); fl_end_complex_polygon(); fl_color(FL_BLUE); fl_begin_loop(); fl_vertex(-w/2, -h); fl_vertex(w/2, -h); fl_vertex(w, 0); fl_vertex(w, h); fl_vertex(0, h); fl_vertex(-w, h/2); fl_vertex(-w, -h/2); fl_end_loop(); fl_begin_loop(); fl_vertex(-w2, -h2); fl_vertex(-w2, h2); fl_vertex( w2, h2); fl_vertex( w2, -h2); fl_end_loop(); fl_pop_matrix(); // ---- 3: draw polygons with arcs b += 44; // -- a rectangle with a camel hump fl_push_matrix(); fl_translate(a+dx, b+dy); p->set_transformation(); fl_color(FL_DARK2); fl_begin_complex_polygon(); fl_vertex(-w, 0); fl_arc(0, 0, w-3, 180.0, 0.0); fl_vertex(w, 0); fl_vertex(w, h); fl_vertex(-w, h); fl_end_complex_polygon(); fl_color(FL_BLUE); fl_begin_loop(); fl_vertex(-w, 0); fl_arc(0, 0, w-3, 180.0, 0.0); fl_vertex(w, 0); fl_vertex(w, h); fl_vertex(-w, h); fl_end_loop(); fl_pop_matrix(); // -- a rectangle with a camel dip fl_push_matrix(); fl_translate(a+dx+50, b+dy); p->set_transformation(); fl_color(FL_DARK2); fl_begin_complex_polygon(); fl_vertex(-w, 0); fl_arc(0, 0, w-3, 180.0, 360.0); fl_vertex(w, 0); fl_vertex(w, h); fl_vertex(-w, h); fl_end_complex_polygon(); fl_color(FL_BLUE); fl_begin_loop(); fl_vertex(-w, 0); fl_arc(0, 0, w-3, 180.0, 360.0); fl_vertex(w, 0); fl_vertex(w, h); fl_vertex(-w, h); fl_end_loop(); fl_pop_matrix(); // -- a rectangle with a bezier curve top fl_push_matrix(); fl_translate(a+dx+100, b+dy); p->set_transformation(); fl_color(FL_DARK2); fl_begin_complex_polygon(); fl_vertex(-w, 0); fl_curve(-w+3, 0, 0, -h, 0, h, w-3, 0); fl_vertex(w, 0); fl_vertex(w, h); fl_vertex(-w, h); fl_end_complex_polygon(); fl_color(FL_BLUE); fl_begin_loop(); fl_vertex(-w, 0); fl_curve(-w+3, 0, 0, -h, 0, h, w-3, 0); fl_vertex(w, 0); fl_vertex(w, h); fl_vertex(-w, h); fl_end_loop(); fl_pop_matrix(); } UnitTest complex_shapes(UT_TEST_COMPLEX_SHAPES, "Complex Shapes", Ut_Complex_Shapes_Test::create);