#ifndef __CFL_ENUMS_H__ #define __CFL_ENUMS_H__ static const char *Fl_EventNames[] = { "Fl_Event_None", "Fl_Event_Push", "Fl_Event_Released", "Fl_Event_Enter", "Fl_Event_Leave", "Fl_Event_Drag", "Fl_Event_Focus", "Fl_Event_Unfocus", "Fl_Event_KeyDown", "Fl_Event_KeyUp", "Fl_Event_Close", "Fl_Event_Move", "Fl_Event_Shortcut", "Fl_Event_Deactivate", "Fl_Event_Activate", "Fl_Event_Hide", "Fl_Event_Show", "Fl_Event_Paste", "Fl_Event_SelectionClear", "Fl_Event_MouseWheel", "Fl_Event_DndEnter", "Fl_Event_DndDrag", "Fl_Event_DndLeave", "Fl_Event_DndRelease", "Fl_Event_ScreenConfigChanged", "Fl_Event_Fullscreen", "Fl_Event_ZoomGesture", "Fl_Event_ZoomEvent", "Fl_Event_Resize", }; enum Fl_BrowserType { Fl_BrowserType_Normal = 0, Fl_BrowserType_Select = 1, Fl_BrowserType_Hold = 2, Fl_BrowserType_Multi = 3, }; enum Fl_BrowserScrollbar { Fl_BrowserScrollbar_None = 0, Fl_BrowserScrollbar_Horizontal = 1, Fl_BrowserScrollbar_Vertical = 2, Fl_BrowserScrollbar_Both = 3, Fl_BrowserScrollbar_AlwaysOn = 4, Fl_BrowserScrollbar_HorizontalAlways = 5, Fl_BrowserScrollbar_VerticalAlways = 6, Fl_BrowserScrollbar_BothAlways = 7, }; enum Fl_FileType { Fl_FileType_Files = 0, Fl_FileType_Dirs, }; enum Fl_ButtonType { Fl_ButtonType_Normal = 0, Fl_ButtonType_Toggle = 1, Fl_ButtonType_Radio = 102, Fl_ButtonType_Hidden = 3, }; enum Fl_FileDialogType { Fl_FileDialogType_BrowseFile = 0, Fl_FileDialogType_BrowseDir, Fl_FileDialogType_BrowseMultiFile, Fl_FileDialogType_BrowseMultiDir, Fl_FileDialogType_BrowseSaveFile, Fl_FileDialogType_BrowseSaveDir, }; enum Fl_FileDialogOptions { Fl_FileDialogOptions_NoOptions = 0, Fl_FileDialogOptions_SaveAsConfirm = 1, Fl_FileDialogOptions_NewFolder = 2, Fl_FileDialogOptions_Preview = 4, Fl_FileDialogOptions_UseFilterExt = 8, }; enum Fl_BeepType { Fl_BeepType_Default = 0, Fl_BeepType_Message, Fl_BeepType_Error, Fl_BeepType_Question, Fl_BeepType_Password, Fl_BeepType_Notification, }; enum Fl_FileChooserType { Fl_FileChooserType_Single = 0, Fl_FileChooserType_Multi = 1, Fl_FileChooserType_Create = 2, Fl_FileChooserType_Directory = 4, }; enum Fl_LineStyle { Fl_LineStyle_Solid = 0, Fl_LineStyle_Dash, Fl_LineStyle_Dot, Fl_LineStyle_DashDot, Fl_LineStyle_DashDotDot, Fl_LineStyle_CapFlat = 100, Fl_LineStyle_CapRound = 200, Fl_LineStyle_CapSquare = 300, Fl_LineStyle_JoinMiter = 1000, Fl_LineStyle_JoinRound = 2000, Fl_LineStyle_JoinBevel = 3000, }; enum Fl_LabelType { Fl_LabelType_Normal = 0, Fl_LabelType_None, Fl_LabelType_Shadow, Fl_LabelType_Engraved, Fl_LabelType_Embossed, Fl_LabelType_Multi, Fl_LabelType_Icon, Fl_LabelType_Image, Fl_LabelType_FreeType, }; enum Fl_BoxType { Fl_BoxType_NoBox = 0, Fl_BoxType_FlatBox, Fl_BoxType_UpBox, Fl_BoxType_DownBox, Fl_BoxType_UpFrame, Fl_BoxType_DownFrame, Fl_BoxType_ThinUpBox, Fl_BoxType_ThinDownBox, Fl_BoxType_ThinUpFrame, Fl_BoxType_ThinDownFrame, Fl_BoxType_EngraveBox, Fl_BoxType_EmbossedBox, Fl_BoxType_EngravedFrame, Fl_BoxType_EmbossedFrame, Fl_BoxType_BorderBox, Fl_BoxType_ShadowBox, Fl_BoxType_BorderFrame, Fl_BoxType_ShadowFrame, Fl_BoxType_RoundedBox, Fl_BoxType_RShadowBox, Fl_BoxType_RoundedFrame, Fl_BoxType_RFlatBox, Fl_BoxType_RoundUpBox, Fl_BoxType_RoundDownBox, Fl_BoxType_DiamondUpBox, Fl_BoxType_DiamondDownBox, Fl_BoxType_OvalBox, Fl_BoxType_OShadowBox, Fl_BoxType_OvalFrame, Fl_BoxType_OFlatBox, Fl_BoxType_PlasticUpBox, Fl_BoxType_PlasticDownBox, Fl_BoxType_PlasticUpFrame, Fl_BoxType_PlasticDownFrame, Fl_BoxType_PlasticThinUpBox, Fl_BoxType_PlasticThinDownBox, Fl_BoxType_PlasticRoundUpBox, Fl_BoxType_PlasticRoundDownBox, Fl_BoxType_GtkUpBox, Fl_BoxType_GtkDownBox, Fl_BoxType_GtkUpFrame, Fl_BoxType_GtkDownFrame, Fl_BoxType_GtkThinUpBox, Fl_BoxType_GtkThinDownBox, Fl_BoxType_GtkThinUpFrame, Fl_BoxType_GtkThinDownFrame, Fl_BoxType_GtkRoundUpFrame, Fl_BoxType_GtkRoundDownFrame, Fl_BoxType_GleamUpBox, Fl_BoxType_GleamDownBox, Fl_BoxType_GleamUpFrame, Fl_BoxType_GleamDownFrame, Fl_BoxType_GleamThinUpBox, Fl_BoxType_GleamThinDownBox, Fl_BoxType_GleamRoundUpBox, Fl_BoxType_GleamRoundDownBox, Fl_BoxType_FreeBoxType, }; enum Fl_Align { Fl_Align_Center = 0x0000, Fl_Align_Top = 0x0001, Fl_Align_Bottom = 0x0002, Fl_Align_Left = 0x0004, Fl_Align_Right = 0x0008, Fl_Align_Inside = 0x0010, Fl_Align_TextOverImage = 0x0020, Fl_Align_ImageOverText = 0x000, Fl_Align_NoWrap = 0x000, Fl_Align_Clip = 0x0040, Fl_Align_Wrap = 0x0080, Fl_Align_ImageNextToText = 0x0100, Fl_Align_TextNextToImage = 0x0120, Fl_Align_ImageBackdrop = 0x0200, Fl_Align_TopLeft = 0x0001 | 0x0004, Fl_Align_TopRight = 0x0001 | 0x0008, Fl_Align_BottomLeft = 0x0002 | 0x0004, Fl_Align_BottomRight = 0x0002 | 0x0008, Fl_Align_LeftTop = 0x0007, Fl_Align_RightTop = 0x000B, Fl_Align_LeftBottom = 0x000D, Fl_Align_RightBottom = 0x000E, Fl_Align_PositionMask = 0x000F, Fl_Align_ImageMask = 0x0320, }; enum Fl_Font { Fl_Font_Helvetica = 0, Fl_Font_HelveticaBold = 1, Fl_Font_HelveticaItalic = 2, Fl_Font_HelveticaBoldItalic = 3, Fl_Font_Courier = 4, Fl_Font_CourierBold = 5, Fl_Font_CourierItalic = 6, Fl_Font_CourierBoldItalic = 7, Fl_Font_Times = 8, Fl_Font_TimesBold = 9, Fl_Font_TimesItalic = 10, Fl_Font_TimesBoldItalic = 11, Fl_Font_Symbol = 12, Fl_Font_Screen = 13, Fl_Font_ScreenBold = 14, Fl_Font_Zapfdingbats = 15, }; enum Fl_Color { Fl_Color_ForeGround = 0, Fl_Color_Foreground = 0, Fl_Color_BackGround2 = 7, Fl_Color_Background2 = 7, Fl_Color_Inactive = 8, Fl_Color_Selection = 15, Fl_Color_Gray0 = 32, Fl_Color_Dark3 = 39, Fl_Color_Dark2 = 45, Fl_Color_Dark1 = 47, Fl_Color_FrameDefault = 49, Fl_Color_BackGround = 49, Fl_Color_Background = 49, Fl_Color_Light1 = 50, Fl_Color_Light2 = 52, Fl_Color_Light3 = 54, Fl_Color_Black = 56, Fl_Color_Red = 88, Fl_Color_Green = 63, Fl_Color_Yellow = 95, Fl_Color_Blue = 216, Fl_Color_Magenta = 248, Fl_Color_Cyan = 223, Fl_Color_DarkRed = 72, Fl_Color_DarkGreen = 60, Fl_Color_DarkYellow = 76, Fl_Color_DarkBlue = 136, Fl_Color_DarkMagenta = 152, Fl_Color_DarkCyan = 140, Fl_Color_White = 255, }; enum Fl_Event { Fl_Event_None = 0, Fl_Event_Push, Fl_Event_Released, Fl_Event_Enter, Fl_Event_Leave, Fl_Event_Drag, Fl_Event_Focus, Fl_Event_Unfocus, Fl_Event_KeyDown, Fl_Event_KeyUp, Fl_Event_Close, Fl_Event_Move, Fl_Event_Shortcut, Fl_Event_Deactivate, Fl_Event_Activate, Fl_Event_Hide, Fl_Event_Show, Fl_Event_Paste, Fl_Event_SelectionClear, Fl_Event_MouseWheel, Fl_Event_DndEnter, Fl_Event_DndDrag, Fl_Event_DndLeave, Fl_Event_DndRelease, Fl_Event_ScreenConfigChanged, Fl_Event_Fullscreen, Fl_Event_ZoomGesture, Fl_Event_ZoomEvent, Fl_Event_Resize, }; enum Fl_Key { Fl_Key_None = 0, Fl_Key_Button = 0xfee8, Fl_Key_BackSpace = 0xff08, Fl_Key_Tab = 0xff09, Fl_Key_IsoKey = 0xff0c, Fl_Key_Enter = 0xff0d, Fl_Key_Pause = 0xff13, Fl_Key_ScrollLock = 0xff14, Fl_Key_Escape = 0xff1b, Fl_Key_Kana = 0xff2e, Fl_Key_Eisu = 0xff2f, Fl_Key_Yen = 0xff30, Fl_Key_JISUnderscore = 0xff31, Fl_Key_Home = 0xff50, Fl_Key_Left = 0xff51, Fl_Key_Up = 0xff52, Fl_Key_Right = 0xff53, Fl_Key_Down = 0xff54, Fl_Key_PageUp = 0xff55, Fl_Key_PageDown = 0xff56, Fl_Key_End = 0xff57, Fl_Key_Print = 0xff61, Fl_Key_Insert = 0xff63, Fl_Key_Menu = 0xff67, Fl_Key_Help = 0xff68, Fl_Key_NumLock = 0xff7f, Fl_Key_KP = 0xff80, Fl_Key_KPEnter = 0xff8d, Fl_Key_KPLast = 0xffbd, Fl_Key_F1 = 0xffbd + 1, Fl_Key_F2 = 0xffbd + 2, Fl_Key_F3 = 0xffbd + 3, Fl_Key_F4 = 0xffbd + 4, Fl_Key_F5 = 0xffbd + 5, Fl_Key_F6 = 0xffbd + 6, Fl_Key_F7 = 0xffbd + 7, Fl_Key_F8 = 0xffbd + 8, Fl_Key_F9 = 0xffbd + 9, Fl_Key_F10 = 0xffbd + 10, Fl_Key_F11 = 0xffbd + 11, Fl_Key_F12 = 0xffbd + 12, Fl_Key_FLast = 0xffe0, Fl_Key_ShiftL = 0xffe1, Fl_Key_ShiftR = 0xffe2, Fl_Key_ControlL = 0xffe3, Fl_Key_ControlR = 0xffe4, Fl_Key_CapsLock = 0xffe5, Fl_Key_MetaL = 0xffe7, Fl_Key_MetaR = 0xffe8, Fl_Key_AltL = 0xffe9, Fl_Key_AltR = 0xffea, Fl_Key_Delete = 0xffff, }; enum Fl_Shortcut { Fl_Shortcut_None = 0, Fl_Shortcut_Shift = 0x00010000, Fl_Shortcut_CapsLock = 0x00020000, Fl_Shortcut_Ctrl = 0x00040000, Fl_Shortcut_Alt = 0x00080000, Fl_Shortcut_Meta = 0x00400000, Fl_Shortcut_Button1 = 0x01000000, Fl_Shortcut_Button2 = 0x02000000, Fl_Shortcut_Button3 = 0x04000000, Fl_Shortcut_Buttons = 0x7f000000, }; enum Fl_CallbackTrigger { Fl_CallbackTrigger_Never = 0, Fl_CallbackTrigger_Changed = 1, Fl_CallbackTrigger_NotChanged = 2, Fl_CallbackTrigger_Release = 4, Fl_CallbackTrigger_ReleaseAlways = 6, Fl_CallbackTrigger_EnterKey = 8, Fl_CallbackTrigger_EnterKeyAlways = 10, Fl_CallbackTrigger_EnterKeyChanged = 11, }; enum Fl_TextCursor { Fl_TextCursor_Normal, Fl_TextCursor_Caret, Fl_TextCursor_Dim, Fl_TextCursor_Block, Fl_TextCursor_Heavy, Fl_TextCursor_Simple, }; enum Fl_Cursor { Fl_Cursor_Default = 0, Fl_Cursor_Arrow = 35, Fl_Cursor_Cross = 66, Fl_Cursor_Wait = 76, Fl_Cursor_Insert = 77, Fl_Cursor_Hand = 31, Fl_Cursor_Help = 47, Fl_Cursor_Move = 27, Fl_Cursor_NS = 78, Fl_Cursor_WE = 79, Fl_Cursor_NWSE = 80, Fl_Cursor_NESW = 81, Fl_Cursor_N = 70, Fl_Cursor_NE = 69, Fl_Cursor_E = 49, Fl_Cursor_SE = 8, Fl_Cursor_S = 9, Fl_Cursor_SW = 7, Fl_Cursor_W = 36, Fl_Cursor_NW = 68, Fl_Cursor_None = 255, }; enum Fl_Mode { Fl_Mode_Rgb = 0, Fl_Mode_Index = 1, Fl_Mode_Double = 2, Fl_Mode_Accum = 4, Fl_Mode_Alpha = 8, Fl_Mode_Depth = 16, Fl_Mode_Stencil = 32, Fl_Mode_Rgb8 = 64, Fl_Mode_MultiSample = 128, Fl_Mode_Stereo = 256, Fl_Mode_FakeSingle = 512, Fl_Mode_Opengl3 = 1024, }; enum Fl_PackType { Fl_PackType_Vertical = 0, Fl_PackType_Horizontal = 1, }; enum Fl_ScrollType { Fl_ScrollType_None = 0, Fl_ScrollType_Horizontal = 1, Fl_ScrollType_Vertical = 2, Fl_ScrollType_Both = 3, Fl_ScrollType_AlwaysOn = 4, Fl_ScrollType_HorizontalAlways = 5, Fl_ScrollType_VerticalAlways = 6, Fl_ScrollType_BothAlways = 7, }; enum Fl_InputType { Fl_InputType_Normal = 0, Fl_InputType_Float = 1, Fl_InputType_Int = 2, Fl_InputType_Multiline = 4, Fl_InputType_Secret = 5, Fl_InputType_Input = 7, Fl_InputType_Readonly = 8, Fl_InputType_Wrap = 16, }; enum Fl_OutputType { Fl_OutputType_Normal = 8, Fl_OutputType_Multiline = 12, }; enum Fl_MenuFlag { Fl_MenuFlag_Normal = 0, Fl_MenuFlag_Inactive = 1, Fl_MenuFlag_Toggle = 2, Fl_MenuFlag_Value = 4, Fl_MenuFlag_Radio = 8, Fl_MenuFlag_Invisible = 0x10, Fl_MenuFlag_SubmenuPointer = 0x20, Fl_MenuFlag_Submenu = 0x40, Fl_MenuFlag_MenuDivider = 0x80, Fl_MenuFlag_MenuHorizontal = 0x100, }; enum Fl_ChartType { Fl_ChartType_Bar = 0, Fl_ChartType_HorizontalBar = 1, Fl_ChartType_Line = 2, Fl_ChartType_Fill = 3, Fl_ChartType_Spike = 4, Fl_ChartType_Pie = 5, Fl_ChartType_SpecialPie = 6, }; enum Fl_ClockType { Fl_ClockType_Square = 0, Fl_ClockType_Round = 1, }; enum Fl_TableContext { Fl_TableContext_None = 0, Fl_TableContext_StartPage = 0x01, Fl_TableContext_EndPage = 0x02, Fl_TableContext_RowHeader = 0x04, Fl_TableContext_ColHeader = 0x08, Fl_TableContext_Cell = 0x10, Fl_TableContext_Table = 0x20, Fl_TableContext_RcResize = 0x40, }; enum Fl_TableRowSelectMode { Fl_TableRowSelectMode_None, Fl_TableRowSelectMode_Single, Fl_TableRowSelectMode_Multi, }; enum Fl_TreeSort { Fl_TreeSort_None = 0, Fl_TreeSort_Ascending = 1, Fl_TreeSort_Descending = 2, }; enum Fl_TreeConnectorStyle { Fl_TreeConnectorStyle_None = 0, Fl_TreeConnectorStyle_Dotted = 1, Fl_TreeConnectorStyle_Solid = 2, }; enum Fl_TreeSelect { Fl_TreeSelect_None = 0, Fl_TreeSelect_Single = 1, Fl_TreeSelect_Multi = 2, Fl_TreeSelect_SingleDraggable = 3, }; enum Fl_TreeItemSelect { Fl_TreeItemSelect_Deselect = 0, Fl_TreeItemSelect_Select = 1, Fl_TreeItemSelect_Toggle = 2, }; enum Fl_TreeReason { Fl_TreeReason_None = 0, Fl_TreeReason_Selected, Fl_TreeReason_Deselected, Fl_TreeReason_Reselected, Fl_TreeReason_Opened, Fl_TreeReason_Closed, Fl_TreeReason_Dragged, }; enum Fl_TreeItemReselectMode { Fl_TreeItemReselectMode_Once = 0, Fl_TreeItemReselectMode_Always, }; enum Fl_TreeItemDrawMode { Fl_TreeItemDrawMode_Default = 0, Fl_TreeItemDrawMode_LabelAndWidget = 1, Fl_TreeItemDrawMode_HeightFromWidget = 2, }; enum Fl_SliderType { Fl_SliderType_Vertical = 0, Fl_SliderType_Horizontal = 1, Fl_SliderType_VerticalFill = 2, Fl_SliderType_HorizontalFill = 3, Fl_SliderType_VerticalNice = 4, Fl_SliderType_HorizontalNice = 5, }; enum Fl_DialType { Fl_DialType_Normal = 0, Fl_DialType_Line = 1, Fl_DialType_Fill = 2, }; enum Fl_CounterType { Fl_CounterType_Normal = 0, Fl_CounterType_Simple = 1, }; enum Fl_ScrollbarType { Fl_ScrollbarType_Vertical = 0, Fl_ScrollbarType_Horizontal = 1, Fl_ScrollbarType_VerticalFill = 2, Fl_ScrollbarType_HorizontalFill = 3, Fl_ScrollbarType_VerticalNice = 4, Fl_ScrollbarType_HorizontalNice = 5, }; enum Fl_WindowType { Fl_WindowType_Normal = 240, Fl_WindowType_Double = 241, }; enum Fl_WrapMode { Fl_Wrap_None, Fl_Wrap_At_Column, Fl_Wrap_At_Pixel, Fl_Wrap_At_Bounds, }; enum Fl_DragType { Fl_Drag_None = -2, Fl_Drag_Start_Dnd = -1, Fl_Drag_Char = 0, Fl_Drag_Word = 1, Fl_Drag_Line = 2, }; enum Fl_Damage { Fl_Damage_Child = 0x01, /**< A child needs to be redrawn. */ Fl_Damage_Expose = 0x02, /**< The window was exposed. */ Fl_Damage_Scroll = 0x04, /**< The Fl_Scroll widget was scrolled. */ Fl_Damage_Overlay = 0x08, /**< The overlay planes need to be redrawn. */ Fl_Damage_User1 = 0x10, /**< First user-defined damage bit. */ Fl_Damage_User2 = 0x20, /**< Second user-defined damage bit. */ Fl_Damage_All = 0x80 /**< Everything needs to be redrawn. */ }; enum Fl_MenuButtonType { Popup1 = 1, Popup2, Popup12, Popup3, Popup13, Popup23, Popup123, }; enum Fl_FlexType { Fl_FlexType_Row = 0, Fl_FlexType_Column, }; enum Fl_RgbScaling { Fl_RgbScaling_Nearest = 0, Fl_RgbScaling_Bilinear, }; enum Fl_Table_ResizeFlag { Fl_Table_RESIZE_NONE = 0, Fl_Table_RESIZE_COL_LEFT = 1, Fl_Table_RESIZE_COL_RIGHT = 2, Fl_Table_RESIZE_ROW_ABOVE = 3, Fl_Table_RESIZE_ROW_BELOW = 4 }; #endif