# 0.29.0 [unreleased] - Introduce `MdnsConfig` with configurable TTL of discovered peer records and configurable multicast query interval. The default query interval is increased from 20 seconds to 5 minutes, to significantly reduce bandwidth usage. To ensure timely peer discovery in the majority of cases, a multicast query is initiated whenever a change on a network interface is detected, which includes MDNS initialisation at node startup. If necessary the MDNS query interval can be reduced via the `MdnsConfig`. The `MdnsService` has been removed from the public API, making it compulsory that all uses occur through the `Mdns` `NetworkBehaviour`. An `MdnsConfig` must now be given to `Mdns::new()`. [PR 1977](https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/1977). - Update `libp2p-swarm`. # 0.28.1 [2021-02-15] - Update dependencies. # 0.28.0 [2021-01-12] - Update dependencies. # 0.27.0 [2020-12-17] - Update `libp2p-swarm` and `libp2p-core`. # 0.26.0 [2020-12-08] - Create multiple multicast response packets as required to avoid hitting the limit of 9000 bytes per MDNS packet. [PR 1877](https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/1877). - Detect interface changes and join the MDNS multicast group on all interfaces as they become available. [PR 1830](https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/1830). - Replace the use of macros for abstracting over `tokio` and `async-std` with the use of `async-io`. As a result there may now be an additional reactor thread running called `async-io` when using `tokio`, with the futures still being polled by the `tokio` runtime. [PR 1830](https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/1830). # 0.25.0 [2020-11-25] - Update `libp2p-swarm` and `libp2p-core`. # 0.24.0 [2020-11-09] - Update dependencies. # 0.23.0 [2020-10-16] - Update `libp2p-swarm` and `libp2p-core`. - Double receive buffer to 4KiB. [PR 1779](https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/1779/files). # 0.22.0 [2020-09-09] - Update `libp2p-swarm` and `libp2p-core`. # 0.21.0 [2020-08-18] - Bump `libp2p-core` and `libp2p-swarm` dependencies. - Allow libp2p-mdns to use either async-std or tokio to drive required UDP socket ([PR 1699](https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/1699)). # 0.20.0 [2020-07-01] - Updated dependencies. # 0.19.2 [2020-06-22] - Updated dependencies.