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LIMIT 1U1U1 U1>C  000FGHHI JK!a Display implementation returned an error unexpectedlyLM/rustc/87e1447aadaa2899ff6ccabe1fa669eb50fb60a1/library/alloc/src/string.rs05K3 ErrorIoFNUnsupportedCodeFOInvalidSizeVarintFP/home/ubuntu/.cargo/registry/src/ to a vec should never failQR5cOnly owner of the service can set the script/storage/script.airError writing script to : 666STUerror loading script: 47TVh7NoneSomeY4ErrorcodeYZmessageY6/storage/spell.sqliteopen sqlite db[\spell/src/schema.rs8,7 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS trigger_config ( -- clock config start_sec INTEGER, end_sec INTEGER, period_sec INTEGER, -- connection pool config connect INTEGER, disconnect INTEGER, -- blockchain config start_block INTEGER, end_block INTEGER ); -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS kv (key TEXT, string TEXT, u32 INTEGER, list_order INTEGER); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS kv ( key TEXT NOT NULL, string TEXT, u32 INTEGER, list_order INTEGER DEFAULT -1, PRIMARY KEY(key, list_order) ); -- particles stored in the database, LRU-like CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS particles (particle_id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, timestamp INTEGER); -- errors happened in particles CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS errors ( particle_id TEXT, timestamp INTEGER, error_idx INTEGER, error_code INTEGER, instruction TEXT, message TEXT, peer_id TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS config_table (parameter TEXT PRIMARY KEY, value INTEGER NOT NULL); -- maximum number of particles to store information about INSERT OR REPLACE INTO config_table VALUES ('max_particles', ); -- current count of stored particles INSERT OR REPLACE INTO config_table VALUES ('count_particles', 0); -- maximum number of logs to store INSERT OR REPLACE INTO config_table VALUES ('max_logs', ); -- current count of stored logs INSERT OR REPLACE INTO config_table VALUES ('count_logs', 0); -- maximum number of mailbox messages to store INSERT OR REPLACE INTO config_table VALUES ('max_mailbox', ); -- current count of stored mailbox messages INSERT OR REPLACE INTO config_table VALUES ('count_mailbox', 0); -- if there are more than `max_particles` particles, delete the oldest one CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS errors_limit_trigger AFTER INSERT ON particles FOR EACH ROW -- if limit is reached WHEN (SELECT value FROM config_table WHERE parameter = 'count_particles') > (SELECT value FROM config_table WHERE parameter = 'max_particles') BEGIN -- delete all errors for the oldest particle DELETE FROM particles -- take oldest by 'timestamp' column WHERE particle_id = (SELECT particle_id FROM particles ORDER BY timestamp LIMIT 1); END; -- when a particle is removed, remove its errors CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS clear_errors AFTER DELETE ON particles FOR EACH ROW BEGIN -- remove all errors for that particle DELETE FROM errors WHERE particle_id = OLD.particle_id; -- decrement number of particles UPDATE config_table SET value = value - 1 WHERE parameter = 'count_particles'; END; -- when a particle is inserted, increment the counter CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS particles_count_insert_trigger AFTER INSERT ON particles FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE config_table SET value = value + 1 WHERE parameter = 'count_particles'; END; -- when a particle error is inserted, store particle id if it wasn't there yet CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS store_particle_id AFTER INSERT ON errors FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT OR IGNORE INTO particles (particle_id, timestamp) VALUES (NEW.particle_id, NEW.timestamp); END; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS logs ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, timestamp INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT (strftime('%s', 'now')), log TEXT ); CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS logs_insert_and_limit_trigger AFTER INSERT ON logs FOR EACH ROW BEGIN -- when a log is inserted, increment the counter UPDATE config_table SET value = value + 1 WHERE parameter = 'count_logs'; -- if there are more than `max_logs` logs, delete the oldest ones DELETE FROM logs WHERE (SELECT value FROM config_table WHERE parameter = 'count_logs') > (SELECT value FROM config_table WHERE parameter = 'max_logs') AND id = (SELECT id FROM logs ORDER BY timestamp ASC, id ASC LIMIT 1); -- decrement number of logs UPDATE config_table SET value = value - 1 WHERE parameter = 'count_logs' AND (SELECT value FROM config_table WHERE parameter = 'count_logs') > (SELECT value FROM config_table WHERE parameter = 'max_logs'); END; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mailbox ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, timestamp INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT (strftime('%s', 'now')), init_peer_id TEXT, message TEXT ); CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS mailbox_insert_and_limit_trigger AFTER INSERT ON mailbox FOR EACH ROW BEGIN -- when a mailbox message is inserted, increment the counter UPDATE config_table SET value = value + 1 WHERE parameter = 'count_mailbox'; -- if there are more than `max_mailbox` messages, delete the oldest ones DELETE FROM mailbox WHERE (SELECT value FROM config_table WHERE parameter = 'count_mailbox') > (SELECT value FROM config_table WHERE parameter = 'max_mailbox') AND id = (SELECT id FROM mailbox ORDER BY timestamp ASC, id ASC LIMIT 1); -- decrement number of mailbox messages UPDATE config_table SET value = value - 1 WHERE parameter = 'count_mailbox' AND (SELECT value FROM config_table WHERE parameter = 'count_mailbox') > (SELECT value FROM config_table WHERE parameter = 'max_mailbox'); END; ,8=>?Q2init sqlite db8 called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value^_/home/ubuntu/.cargo/registry/src/ is deprecated; use Display`8`a88Sb;c:defegftShijkdl ml nmSopjqdr mr smStujvdwxwyx(Tz{j|d} ~} ~dTbjd  Tjd  TjdUjdTUjdUjdUjdV j dUnknownCodecInputTooShortParsingErrorInvalidCidVersionInvalidCidV0CodecInvalidCidV0MultihashInvalidCidV0BaseVarIntDecodeErrorIoNInvalidExplicitCidV0SUtf8Errorvalid_up_toerror_lenNoneSome4Errorcodemessage6an SQLite errorSqliteErrorKeyNotExistsNoRelaySetRelayForbiddenRelayAlreadySetSetTriggerConfigForbiddenNoTriggerConfig/rustc/87e1447aadaa2899ff6ccabe1fa669eb50fb60a1/library/core/src/str/pattern.rsXOXO!XO!XO;$spell_a mapfailed to write whole bufferwY/rustc/87e1447aadaa2899ff6ccabe1fa669eb50fb60a1/library/std/src/io/mod.rsYI$ INSERT INTO kv (key, string, list_order) VALUES ( ?, ?, COALESCE( ( SELECT MAX(list_order) + 1 FROM kv WHERE key = ? ), 0 ) ) spell/src/kv/[" [! [ [ [ SELECT string, max(list_order) FROM kv WHERE key = ? AND list_order >= 0 DELETE FROM kv WHERE key = ? AND list_order = ?[?[>[=[<[8[5 [.@ SELECT string FROM kv WHERE key = ? AND list_order >= 0 ORDER BY list_order ASC [\ [P DELETE FROM kv WHERE key = ? AND (string = ? OR (string IS NULL AND ? IS NULL)) AND list_order != -1 [{ [z [y [x [pstore_log can be called only by the associated spell scriptINSERT INTO logs (log) VALUES (?)spell/src/log.rs_ _ _store_log error: `SELECT timestamp, log FROM logs ORDER BY timestamp ASC, id ASC_'  INSERT INTO mailbox (init_peer_id, message) VALUES (?, ?)spell/src/` ` ` ` Error storing mailbox message: ,aSELECT init_peer_id, timestamp, message FROM mailbox ORDER BY id DESC`"pop_mailbox can be called only by the associated spell scripta=`6 SELECT init_peer_id, timestamp, message, id FROM mailbox ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1DELETE FROM mailbox WHERE id = ?`I `H `G`C`>DELETE FROM trigger_config INSERT INTO trigger_config ( start_sec, end_sec, period_sec, connect, disconnect, start_block, end_block ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )spell/src/trigger_config.rsd0 d/ d. d- d, d+ d* d) dd SELECT * FROM trigger_configdTd;d:(g jgrn<:ORQhك[ɼg j;ʄg+rn<6_:OтRQl>+hkAكy!~[/home/ubuntu/.cargo/registry/src/`InsufficientOverflowNotMinimalIoUnsupportedCodeInvalidSizeVarint/home/ubuntu/.cargo/registry/src/ `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value/home/ubuntu/.cargo/registry/src/ "g jgrn<:ORQhك[  ef f  /home/ubuntu/.cargo/registry/src/ round_count greater than KECCAK_F_ROUND_COUNT is not supported!hY assertion failed: mid <= self.len()/home/ubuntu/.cargo/registry/src/ oiYjoiY oiY(oiY4oiYoiYoiY oiYoiY !oiY"oiY"Acalled `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` valueoiY2oiYoiYAoiYoiYoiYoiYoiY&CapacityError: Dkinsufficient capacity\kcalled `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value /home/ubuntu/.cargo/registry/src/`m_`m_`m_`m_N/home/ubuntu/.cargo/registry/src/` attempt to divide by zeron`Dn`+n`6n`+ n`4Kn`5n`n` explicit panicn` n` n` failed to write whole buffer\o/rustc/87e1447aadaa2899ff6ccabe1fa669eb50fb60a1/library/std/src/io/mod.rsoI$00010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899nullfalsetrue{} fmt error00010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899internal error: entered unreachable code/home/ubuntu/.cargo/registry/src/ nullfalsetrue"\"\\\b\f\n\r\t0123456789abcdef[],{}: , : q_.3q_!@uuuuuuuubtnufruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"\ a Display implementation returned an error unexpectedly/rustc/87e1447aadaa2899ff6ccabe1fa669eb50fb60a1/library/alloc/src/string.rssK3 /rustc/87e1447aadaa2899ff6ccabe1fa669eb50fb60a1/library/core/src/str/pattern.rs8tO8tO!8tO8tO!Errorassertion failed: self.is_char_boundary(new_len)sKt 8tO$EOF while parsing a listEOF while parsing an objectEOF while parsing a stringEOF while parsing a valueexpected `:`expected `,` or `]`expected `,` or `}`expected identexpected valueexpected `"`invalid escapeinvalid numbernumber out of rangeinvalid unicode code pointcontrol character (\u0000-\u001F) found while parsing a stringkey must be a stringinvalid value: expected key to be a number in quotesfloat key must be finite (got NaN or +/-inf)lone leading surrogate in hex escapetrailing commatrailing charactersunexpected end of hex escaperecursion limit exceeded at line column 8tTw ]wError(, line: , column: )www winvalid type: , expected ww floating point ``wwnull/home/ubuntu/.cargo/registry/src/!xa xa!xa *xa,?$@Y@@@@j@.AcAחAeA _BvH7BmB@0BļB4&k C7yAC؅W4vCNgmC=`XC@xDPKDMDJ-DyCxD(,* E52TEqىE/'E!1Eꌠ9Y>)F$_FnFF"F|FMraB3G yhGiWCG*GJH\)c=H7]rHaxHyֲHL}YI\CkFI3T|I\'Isȡ1I:~^Jd~QJvaJ0}GJ>nllJ$KAjZK=P1PKMZ>dKW`M}Kmn/LDcL^LpuLafirM?O8MrbnMG9Mz)M:Ft NdȋBN=ֺ.wN 9iNCNuOILLO֯OO[пOE!P/'%UP_QP6PbDP{U[*QmUx`Q*4VQz5߼QlX R.4R9mr"iRY) kRعeR$N(Sa򮌮>S }W-sSO\]ScbuSp] T%L9hGT.B}T}Ô%IT\nTsqUFQU`RUxӫU?+dpU5=%VN=@[Vҟ&VG0JV=:YVf$0W&sdWW)>W]3sMXk5!a9XBioX)8ӣX*4X5AHxY(-\CYr%4xYv/AYiY?ZOMZ20HwZ~$|7Z-[bZXC}"[;/V[ ;C-[SJ[= \[M"4+\0IΕ2a\|AH\[R\ysKp]WPM4]mH=j]Į]-f]u8W]am ^|M$D@^`-Ut^x^WUH^P.5_[ypH_r]~_':__ k_EW`RVR`'.N`(:W"`Yv5`o%&a.s\ax}?5ȑa\,C:a 4az]1beb"b _Sb72cϢER:ckpc2gFxc@BXVch)5,dtC7Ddx0REydVfYd6 6dCCuesTNNeGe1eeax~Ze= "f β̈Wf_jfbf8jfD},gJ#agZqg$gwWӈhה,5h :7ekhHDbhZսghJzg iN@iZbti: iDhTi VBijkzIjsYH j7-4j 8jL%k0V(wSkk21Ukjk*do^k5= 6~'l ]]l8l@4l7#l#s:V!2mOBɫfm㒻Tmp;5m Š±!nr-3;ngRJqn眥na}!n,}ovk*:Eobzo=$qE}om͖o\Ȁp9}UPpCD pT&)p4osp%#qVA1/XqkYqz42q܍qSr-rCbrnr1{Jr _|sNsv[06sTrlst"sRyXsW tquAtztUutGtc2 tXSTv/Ngvazjv}+vZ/v(wp-T_w&2bw~Ù:w\4@Iw!2xT):gx0xg^Jp5|x\By3tp`:p`>%called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` valuep`/     inf-infNaNcalled `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value/rustc/87e1447aadaa2899ff6ccabe1fa669eb50fb60a1/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/navigate.rs_/_$ GzGzGz$ClMb h"lxz,C6Cnah㈵"6X8IǴ6j#RWHOfA90yQ-沔& . 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Use set_trigger_config to set it. 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System call completed successfully.Argument list too long.Permission denied.Address in use.Address not available.Address family not supported.Resource unavailable, or operation would block.Connection already in progress.Bad file descriptor.Bad message.Device or resource busy.Operation canceled.No child processes.Connection aborted.Connection refused.Connection reset.Resource deadlock would occur.Destination address required.Mathematics argument out of domain of function.Reserved.File exists.Bad address.File too large.Host is unreachable.Identifier removed.Illegal byte sequence.Operation in progress.Interrupted function.Invalid argument.I/O error.Socket is connected.Is a directory.Too many levels of symbolic links.File descriptor value too large.Too many links.Message too large.Filename too long.Network is down.Connection aborted by network.Network unreachable.Too many files open in system.No buffer space available.No such device.No such file or directory.Executable file format error.No locks available.Not enough space.No message of the desired type.Protocol not available.No space left on device.Function not supported.The socket is not connected.Not a directory or a symbolic link to a directory.Directory not empty.State not recoverable.Not a socket.Not supported, or operation not supported on socket.Inappropriate I/O control operation.No such device or address.Value too large to be stored in data type.Previous owner died.Operation not permitted.Broken pipe.Protocol error.Protocol not supported.Protocol wrong type for socket.Result too large.Read-only file system.Invalid seek.No such process.Connection timed out.Text file busy.Cross-device link.Extension: Capabilities insufficient.Errno           7>BGP\glsw} %07?INTY^dioty   $6/ /  "   2 4$*   %.d{1=Uh{%1=L`s4CUgw ':Kj(5i /N_uHash table capacity overflow/rust/deps/hashbrown-0.14.2/src/raw/*X(./.SuccessIllegal byte sequenceDomain errorResult not representableNot a ttyPermission deniedOperation not permittedNo such file 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