#!/usr/bin/env bash SCRIPT_HOME_REL_PATH="${0%/*}" if [[ "${SCRIPT_HOME_REL_PATH}" != "." ]]; then APP_NAME=$(basename "${0}") echo "${APP_NAME}: For safety, this script must be run from the root project folder (same folder as the '${APP_NAME}' script itself)." exit 1 fi if [[ ${#} -lt 1 ]] || [[ ${#} -gt 2 ]]; then APP_NAME=$(basename "${0}") echo "${APP_NAME}: Usage: ${APP_NAME} NewRustProject_name [-l]" echo " Renames the project and the update CLion project files to reference NewRustProject_name." echo " Optionally launches CLion, importing the renamed project if -l switch is present." echo " This script commits changes to your git log, ensure git status is clean for best results." exit 1 fi DEFAULT_PROJ_NAME="NewRustProject" GITHUB_URL_BASE="github:U-007D/" find . -not -iname "rename_project" -not -path "./.git" -not -path "./.git/*" -execdir rename "s/${DEFAULT_PROJ_NAME}/${1}/g" '{}' \+ find . -not -iname "rename_project" -not -path "./.git" -not -path "./.git/*" -type f -exec sed -Ei "s/${DEFAULT_PROJ_NAME}/${1}/g" "{}" \; git add -A . git add -f ./.idea git >/dev/null commit -am "Renamed project to ${1}" git >/dev/null rm -r --cached ./.idea git >/dev/null commit -am "Removed CLion workspace configuration tracking" git remote set-url origin "${GITHUB_URL_BASE}${1}.git" echo "Project renamed to ${1}." if [[ "${2}" == "-l" ]]; then echo "Launch" fi