# ws_stream_wasm [![standard-readme compliant](https://img.shields.io/badge/readme%20style-standard-brightgreen.svg?style=flat-square)](https://github.com/RichardLitt/standard-readme) [![Build Status](https://api.travis-ci.org/najamelan/ws_stream_wasm.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/najamelan/ws_stream_wasm) [![Docs](https://docs.rs/ws_stream_wasm/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/ws_stream_wasm) [![crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/ws_stream_wasm.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/ws_stream_wasm) > A convenience library for using web sockets in WASM This is a fork of [ws_stream_wasm](https://crates.io/crates/ws_stream_wasm) that adds support for `Clone` to `WsStream` which may or may not create a memory leak. The _web-sys_ bindings for websockets aren't very convenient to use directly. This crates hopes to alleviate that. Browsers can't create direct TCP connections, and by putting `AsyncRead`/`AsyncWrite` on top of websockets, we can use interfaces that work over any async byte streams from within the browser. The crate has 2 main types. The `WsMeta` type exists to allow access to the web API while you pass `WsStream` to combinators that take ownership of the stream. **features:** - [`WsMeta`]: A wrapper around [`web_sys::WebSocket`]. - [`WsMessage`]: A simple rusty representation of a WebSocket message. - [`WsStream`]: A _futures_ `Sink`/`Stream` of `WsMessage`. It also has a method `into_io()` which let's you get a wrapper that implements `AsyncRead`/`AsyncWrite`/`AsyncBufRead` (_tokio_ version behind the feature `tokio_io`). - [`WsEvent`]: [`WsMeta`] is observable with [pharos](https://crates.io/crates/pharos) for events (mainly useful for connection close). **NOTE:** this crate only works on WASM. If you want a server side equivalent that implements `AsyncRead`/`AsyncWrite` over WebSockets, check out [ws_stream_tungstenite](https://crates.io/crates/ws_stream_tungstenite). **missing features:** - no automatic reconnect - not all features are thoroughly tested. Notably, I have little use for extensions and sub-protocols. Tungstenite, which I use for the server end (and for automated testing) doesn't support these, making it hard to write unit tests. ## Table of Contents - [Install](#install) - [Upgrade](#upgrade) - [Dependencies](#dependencies) - [Usage](#usage) - [API](#api) - [References](#references) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [Code of Conduct](#code-of-conduct) - [License](#license) ## Install With [cargo add](https://github.com/killercup/cargo-edit): `cargo add ws_stream_wasm` With [cargo yaml](https://gitlab.com/storedbox/cargo-yaml): ```yaml dependencies: ws_stream_wasm: ^0.7 ``` In Cargo.toml: ```toml [dependencies] ws_stream_wasm = "0.7" ``` ### Upgrade Please check out the [changelog](https://github.com/najamelan/ws_stream_wasm/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) when upgrading. ### Dependencies This crate has few dependencies. Cargo will automatically handle it's dependencies for you. There is one optional features. The `tokio_io` features causes the `WsIo` returned from [`WsStream::into_io`] to implement the tokio version of AsyncRead/AsyncWrite. ## Usage The [integration tests](https://github.com/najamelan/ws_stream_wasm/tree/master/tests) show most features in action. The example directory doesn't currently hold any interesting examples. The types in this library are `Send` as far as the compiler is concerned. This is so that you can use them with general purpose libraries that also work on WASM but that require a connection to be `Send`. Currently WASM has no threads though and most underlying types we use aren't `Send`. The solution for the moment is to use [`send_wrapper::SendWrapper`]. This will panic if it's ever dereferenced on a different thread than where it's created. You have to consider that the types aren't `Send`, but on WASM it's safe to pass them to an API that requires `Send`, because there is no multi-threading. The main entrypoint you'll want to use, eg to connect, is [`WsMeta::connect`]. ### Basic events example ```rust use { ws_stream_wasm :: * , pharos :: * , wasm_bindgen :: UnwrapThrowExt , wasm_bindgen_futures :: futures_0_3::spawn_local , futures :: stream::StreamExt , }; let program = async { let (mut ws, _wsio) = WsMeta::connect( "ws://", None ).await .expect_throw( "assume the connection succeeds" ); let mut evts = ws.observe( ObserveConfig::default() ).expect_throw( "observe" ); ws.close().await; // Note that since WsMeta::connect resolves to an opened connection, we don't see // any Open events here. // assert!( evts.next().await.unwrap_throw().is_closing() ); assert!( evts.next().await.unwrap_throw().is_closed () ); }; spawn_local( program ); ``` ### Filter events example This shows how to filter events. The functionality comes from _pharos_ which we use to make [`WsMeta`] observable. ```rust use { ws_stream_wasm :: * , pharos :: * , wasm_bindgen :: UnwrapThrowExt , wasm_bindgen_futures :: futures_0_3::spawn_local , futures :: stream::StreamExt , }; let program = async { let (mut ws, _wsio) = WsMeta::connect( "ws://", None ).await .expect_throw( "assume the connection succeeds" ); // The Filter type comes from the pharos crate. // let mut evts = ws.observe( Filter::Pointer( WsEvent::is_closed ).into() ).expect_throw( "observe" ); ws.close().await; // Note we will only get the closed event here, the WsEvent::Closing has been filtered out. // assert!( evts.next().await.unwrap_throw().is_closed () ); }; spawn_local( program ); ``` ## API Api documentation can be found on [docs.rs](https://docs.rs/ws_stream_wasm). ## References The reference documents for understanding web sockets and how the browser handles them are: - [HTML Living Standard](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/web-sockets.html) - [RFC 6455 - The WebSocket Protocol](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455) ## Contributing Please check out the [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/najamelan/ws_stream_wasm/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). ### Testing For testing we need back-end servers to echo data back to the tests. These are in the `ws_stream_tungstenite` crate. ```bash git clone https://github.com/najamelan/ws_stream_tungstenite cd ws_stream_tungstenite cargo run --example echo --release # in a different terminal: cargo run --example echo_tt --release -- "" # the second server is pure async-tungstenite without ws_stream_tungstenite wrapping it in AsyncRead/Write. This # is needed for testing a WsMessage::Text because ws_stream_tungstenite only does binary. # in a third terminal, in ws_stream_wasm you have different options: wasm-pack test --firefox [--headless] [--release] wasm-pack test --chrome [--headless] [--release] ``` In general chrome is well faster. When running it in the browser (without `--headless`) you get trace logging in the console, which helps debugging. In chrome you need to enable verbose output in the console, otherwise only info and up level are reported. ### Code of conduct Any of the behaviors described in [point 4 "Unacceptable Behavior" of the Citizens Code of Conduct](https://github.com/stumpsyn/policies/blob/master/citizen_code_of_conduct.md#4-unacceptable-behavior) are not welcome here and might get you banned. If anyone, including maintainers and moderators of the project, fail to respect these/your limits, you are entitled to call them out. ## License [Unlicence](https://unlicense.org/)