# Here you can configure which application is used to open your files. # Each kind of files is matched by its extension. # Every kind is listed below. The opener should be in your `$PATH`. # The `use_term` boolean is set to true if the application requires to be # run from the terminal, like `nvim`, false if it can be launched directly. # Let say you want to open text file with vscode, then: # text: # opener: code # use_term: false default: opener: xdg-open use_term: false audio: opener: mocp use_term: true bitmap_image: opener: viewnior use_term: false libreoffice: opener: libreoffice use_term: false readable: opener: zathura use_term: false text: opener: nvim use_term: true vectorial_image: opener: inkscape use_term: false video: opener: mpv use_term: false