fnq (pronounced FUNK)
Single CLI for a flock-based approach to queuing Unix tasks & processes
## Usage
Set `FNQ_DIR` in your env to dictate where to store queue files. Defaults to `$(pwd)`
$ fnq [--quiet | --clean] cmd
Protip: since `fnq` uses `FNQ_DIR` to determine queue state, you can create an entirely new queue by changing `FNQ_DIR`
### Example
$ export FNQ_DIR=~/.fnqdir # Can put in .bashrc for global use
$ fnq ./task1 # Can also look in PATH
$ fnq ./task2 taskarg1 taskarg2 # Queues future tasks
$ fnq -q ./task3
$ ls $FNQ_DIR
fnq1617220638670.52957 fnq1617221011799.53621 fnq1617221184552.54371
$ fnq --tap fnq1617221011799.53621 # Will check if task is running
$ fnq --block # Will block until last task finishes
### Flags
#### `--quiet / -q`
No stdout
**Note:** std{out,error} from the task cmd will still be saved to the corresponding queue file
#### `--clean / -c`
Deletes queue file in `$FNQ_DIR` after task completes
#### `--block / -b