import re import sys import struct import yaml from pprint import pprint from time import strftime, gmtime import calendar epoch_diff = calendar.timegm((1904, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) basetypes = { "USHORT": ">H", "GlyphID": ">H", "NameID": ">H", "Offset32": ">L", "Offset16": ">H", "VERSION": (">HH", lambda x: x[0] + x[1] / (10 ** len(str(x[1])))), "F2DOT14": (">H", lambda x: x[0] / (1 << 14)), "FIXED": (">l", lambda x: x[0] / (1 << 16)), "Tag": (">cccc", lambda x: "".join([g.decode() for g in x])), "LONGDATETIME": ( ">Q", lambda x: strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", gmtime(x[0] + epoch_diff)), ), "LONG": ">l", "ULONG": ">L", "FWORD": ">h", "SHORT": ">h", } trickyFields = { ("hmtxTable", "hMetrics"): lambda f, d, p, o: (0, p), ("hmtxTable", "leftSideBearings"): lambda f, d, p, o: (0, p), ("postTableVersion20", "names"): lambda f, d, p, o: ([], p), ("prepTable", "values"): lambda f, d, p, o: ([], p), } def consume(fmt, data, pos): if isinstance(fmt, str): output = struct.unpack_from(fmt, data, offset=pos) pos += struct.calcsize(fmt) return output[0], pos if isinstance(fmt, tuple): output = struct.unpack_from(fmt[0], data, offset=pos) pos += struct.calcsize(fmt[0]) return fmt[1](output), pos with open("commontype.yaml") as yaml_file: commontype = yaml.load(yaml_file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) data = def checkCondition(condition, table): m = re.match(r'(\w+)\s*([<>=]+)\s*(.*)', condition) if m: # Super lazy return eval(f'table["{m[1]}"] {m[2]} {m[3]}') import code; code.interact(local=locals()) def readAField(field, data, pos, tableSoFar): fType = field["type"] if "condition" in field and not checkCondition(field["condition"], tableSoFar): return None, pos if fType in basetypes: fmt = basetypes[fType] output, pos = consume(fmt, data, pos) if "to" in field: # It's an offset if output: # Generally read from start of table... output, _ = readATable(field["to"], data, output + tableSoFar["_pos"]) else: output = {} elif fType in commontype: # Bare field singly embedded output, pos = readATable(fType, data, pos) elif fType.endswith("[]"): fType = fType[:-2] if not "count" in field: print(field["name"] + " is tricky but is not in my list of tricky fields") sys.exit(1) counter = field["count"] output = [] for i in range(tableSoFar[counter]): if fType in commontype: rv, pos = readATable(fType, data, pos) else: rv, pos = readAField({"type": fType}, data, pos, tableSoFar) output.append(rv) else: print("Unknown type %s" % fType) sys.exit(1) return output, pos def readATable(table, data, pos=0): # Format switching header if "union" in commontype[table]: origtable = table table = None for t in commontype[origtable]["union"]: firstField = commontype[t]["fields"][0] assert "value" in firstField expected = firstField["value"] got, _ = readAField(firstField, data, pos, {}) if expected == got: table = t break if not table: print("No table format matched for %s at position %i" % (origtable, pos)) sys.exit(1) structure = commontype[table]["fields"] output = {"_pos": pos} doOffsets = [] print(table) for field in structure: if (table, field["name"]) in trickyFields: output[field["name"]], pos = trickyFields[(table, field["name"])]( field, data, pos, output ) else: output[field["name"]], pos = readAField(field, data, pos, output) return output, pos if len(sys.argv) > 1: table = sys.argv[1] if table not in commontype: print("Table %s not found" % table) print(sorted(commontype.keys())) sys.exit(1) out, _ = readATable(table, data) pprint(out) else: fdir, pos = readATable("TableDirectory", data) output = {} entries = [(x, x["tableTag"] + "Table") for x in fdir["entries"]] entries = filter(lambda x: x[1] in commontype, entries) for entry, tablename in entries: output[entry["tableTag"]], _ = readATable(tablename, data, pos=entry["offset"]) pprint(output)