class PointMass { forces mass gravity acceleration position velocity debug } method sumForces forces sum: { |f| f value } method tick: dt -- Velocity Verlet integration, should be more accurate than Euler's Method -- -- position = position + velocity * dt + (acceleration * (0.5 * dt * dt)). let newAcceleration = self sumForces / mass + gravity. velocity = velocity + (newAcceleration + acceleration) * (0.5 * dt). acceleration = newAcceleration method position: pos position = pos method velocity: vel velocity = vel end class Plane { model noseDirection upDirection maxLift maxSpeed maxThrust throttle debug } class method mass: mass maxLift: maxLift maxSpeed: maxSpeed maxThrust: maxThrust debug: debug let forces = []. let model = PointMass forces: forces mass: mass gravity: [0.0, 0.0, -9.81] acceleration: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] position: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] velocity: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] debug: debug. let plane = self model: model noseDirection: [0.0, 1.0, 0.0] upDirection: [0.0, 0.0, 1.0] maxLift: maxLift maxSpeed: maxSpeed maxThrust: maxThrust throttle: 0.0 debug: debug. -- PointMass has built-in gravity forces push: { plane drag }. forces push: { plane lift }. forces push: { plane thrust }. plane method position model position method velocity model velocity method throttle: new throttle = new atLeast: 0.0 atMost: 1.0 method tick: time model tick: time. self checkGround method checkGround -- Don't allow Z-position to go below zero let pos = model position. (pos at: 3) < 0 ifTrue: { model position put: 0.0 at: 3. model velocity put: 0.0 at: 3 } method crossSection: v 2.0 -- FIXME: a box model should not be too hard to calculate, also: should be parameter method dragCoefficient: v -- -- FIXME: current value is for sphere, box model might be nice -- FIXME: should really be a parameter 0.47 method drag -- let velocity = model velocity. let speed = velocity norm. speed == 0.0 ifTrue: { return [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] }. let direction = velocity normalized. let a = self crossSection: direction. let c = self dragCoefficient: direction. let p = 1.269. -- mass density of air at 5C direction * -0.5 * p * speed * speed * a * c method lift -- FIXME: let airSpeed = model velocity scalarProjectionOn: noseDirection. let lift = (airSpeed / maxSpeed) * maxLift. upDirection * lift method thrust let thrust = maxThrust * throttle. noseDirection * thrust end class Main {} class method run: command in: system let plane = Plane mass: 750.0 maxLift: 1200 * 9.81 maxSpeed: 27.0 maxThrust: 470.0 debug: system output. plane throttle: 1.0. let takeoff = False. let flying = False. let t = 0.0. let step = 0.02. { t < 100.0 } whileTrue: { -- system output println: "t: {t} pos: {plane position} speed: {plane velocity}" let height = plane position at: 3. takeoff ifFalse: { height > 0.1 ifTrue: { system output println: "TAKEOFF at {plane position at: 2} meters, t: {t}". takeoff = True. plane throttle: 0.25 } }. flying ifTrue: { height < 0.01 ifTrue: { system output println: "TOUCHDOWN at {plane position at: 2} meters, t: {t}". return True } } ifFalse: { height > 10.0 ifTrue: { system output println: "LANDING at {plane position at: 2} meters, t: {t}". flying = True. plane throttle: 0.0 } }. plane tick: step. t = t + step }. system output println: "TIMEOUT at {t}s" end