Getting the weather forecast from yandex for embedding in polybar ![](screenshots/img.png) ### Setup 1. [Install Rust and Cargo]( 2. ```shell cargo install forecast-get ``` 3. Trying: ```shell forecast-get -V ``` ### Providers * [yandex]( ### Configuration (yandex) Location `$HOME/.config/forecast/config.toml` ```toml # yandex provider = "Yandex" # Output format display = "{{ condition_icon }}{{ temperature_celsius_full }}[{{ feel_temperature_celsius }}]{{ humidity }}% >> {{ forecast_0_condition_icon }}{{ forecast_0_temperature_celsius_full }} " [cache] enabled = true expiration = "30m" [yandex] api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY" lat = "57.1522" lon = "65.5272" lang = "en_EN" user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/81.0" ``` ### Polybar You can define your new module like this: ``` ... [bar/example] font-3 = weathericons:size=10;2 modules-center = weather ... [module/weather] type = custom/script exec-if = ping -c 1 exec = /path/to/forecast-get interval = 300 label-font = 3 click-left = xdg-open ```