TOP_DIR=. README=$(TOP_DIR)/ VERSION=$(strip $(shell cat version)) build: @echo "Building the software..." init: install dep @echo "Initializing the repo..." travis-init: @echo "Initialize software required for travis (normally ubuntu software)" install: @echo "Install software required for this repo..." dep: @echo "Install dependencies required for this repo..." pre-build: install dep @echo "Running scripts before the build..." post-build: @echo "Running scripts after the build is done..." all: pre-build build post-build test: @echo "Running test suites..." lint: @echo "Linting the software..." doc: @echo "Building the documenation..." precommit: dep lint doc build test travis: precommit travis-deploy: release @echo "Deploy the software by travis" clean: @echo "Cleaning the build..." watch: @make build @echo "Watching templates and slides changes..." @fswatch -o src/ | xargs -n1 -I{} make build run: @echo "Running the software..." include .makefiles/*.mk .PHONY: build init travis-init install dep pre-build post-build all test doc precommit travis clean watch run bump-version create-pr