use forgejo_api::structs::*; mod common; #[tokio::test] async fn myself() { let api = common::login(); let myself = api.user_get_current().await.unwrap(); assert!(myself.is_admin.unwrap(), "user should be admin"); assert_eq!( myself.login.as_ref().unwrap(), "TestingAdmin", "user should be named \"TestingAdmin\"" ); let myself_indirect = api.user_get("TestingAdmin").await.unwrap(); assert_eq!( myself, myself_indirect, "result of `myself` does not match result of `get_user`" ); } #[tokio::test] async fn follow() { let api = common::login(); let query = UserListFollowingQuery::default(); let following = api .user_list_following("TestingAdmin", query) .await .unwrap(); assert!(following.is_empty(), "following list not empty"); let query = UserListFollowersQuery::default(); let followers = api .user_list_followers("TestingAdmin", query) .await .unwrap(); assert!(followers.is_empty(), "follower list not empty"); let option = CreateUserOption { created_at: None, email: "".into(), full_name: None, login_name: None, must_change_password: Some(false), password: Some("password".into()), restricted: None, send_notify: None, source_id: None, username: "Follower".into(), visibility: None, }; let _ = api.admin_create_user(option).await.unwrap(); let new_user = common::login_pass("Follower", "password"); new_user .user_current_put_follow("TestingAdmin") .await .unwrap(); api.user_current_put_follow("Follower").await.unwrap(); let query = UserListFollowingQuery::default(); let following = api .user_list_following("TestingAdmin", query) .await .unwrap(); assert!(!following.is_empty(), "following list empty"); let query = UserListFollowersQuery::default(); let followers = api .user_list_followers("TestingAdmin", query) .await .unwrap(); assert!(!followers.is_empty(), "follower list empty"); } #[tokio::test] async fn password_login() { let api = common::login(); let password_api = common::login_pass("TestingAdmin", "password"); assert!( api.user_get_current().await.unwrap() == password_api.user_get_current().await.unwrap(), "users not equal comparing token-auth and pass-auth" ); } #[tokio::test] async fn oauth2_login() { let api = common::login(); let opt = forgejo_api::structs::CreateOAuth2ApplicationOptions { confidential_client: Some(true), name: Some("Test Application".into()), redirect_uris: Some(vec!["".into()]), }; let app = api.user_create_oauth2_application(opt).await.unwrap(); let client_id = app.client_id.unwrap(); let client_secret = app.client_secret.unwrap(); let base_url = &std::env::var("FORGEJO_API_CI_INSTANCE_URL").unwrap(); let client = reqwest::Client::builder() .cookie_store(true) .redirect(reqwest::redirect::Policy::none()) .build() .unwrap(); // Log in via the web interface let _ = client .post(&format!("{base_url}user/login")) .form(&[("user_name", "TestingAdmin"), ("password", "password")]) .send() .await .unwrap() .error_for_status() .unwrap(); // Load the authorization page let response = client .get(&format!( "{base_url}login/oauth/authorize\ ?client_id={client_id}\ &redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A48879%2F\ &response_type=code\ &state=theyve" )) .send() .await .unwrap() .error_for_status() .unwrap(); let csrf = response.cookies().find(|x| == "_csrf").unwrap(); // Authorize the new application via the web interface let response = client .post(&format!("{base_url}login/oauth/grant")) .form(&[ ("_csrf", csrf.value()), ("client_id", &client_id), ("state", "theyve"), ("scope", ""), ("nonce", ""), ("redirect_uri", ""), ]) .send() .await .unwrap() .error_for_status() .unwrap(); // Extract the code from the redirect url let location = response.headers().get(reqwest::header::LOCATION).unwrap(); let location = url::Url::parse(dbg!(location.to_str().unwrap())).unwrap(); let mut code = None; for (key, value) in location.query_pairs() { if key == "code" { code = Some(value.into_owned()); } else if key == "error_description" { panic!("{value}"); } } let code = code.unwrap(); // Redeem the code and check it works let url = url::Url::parse(&base_url).unwrap(); let api = forgejo_api::Forgejo::new(forgejo_api::Auth::None, url.clone()).unwrap(); let request = forgejo_api::structs::OAuthTokenRequest::Confidential { client_id: &client_id, client_secret: &client_secret, code: &code, redirect_uri: url::Url::parse("").unwrap(), }; let token = api.oauth_get_access_token(request).await.unwrap(); let token_api = forgejo_api::Forgejo::new(forgejo_api::Auth::OAuth2(&token.access_token), url.clone()) .unwrap(); let myself = token_api.user_get_current().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(myself.login.as_deref(), Some("TestingAdmin")); let request = forgejo_api::structs::OAuthTokenRequest::Refresh { refresh_token: &token.refresh_token, client_id: &client_id, client_secret: &client_secret, }; let token = token_api.oauth_get_access_token(request).await.unwrap(); let token_api = forgejo_api::Forgejo::new(forgejo_api::Auth::OAuth2(&token.access_token), url).unwrap(); let myself = token_api.user_get_current().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(myself.login.as_deref(), Some("TestingAdmin")); } #[tokio::test] async fn user_vars() { let api = common::login(); let query = GetUserVariablesListQuery::default(); let var_list = api .get_user_variables_list(query) .await .expect("failed to list user vars"); assert!(var_list.is_empty()); let opt = CreateVariableOption { value: "false".into(), }; api.create_user_variable("likes_dogs", opt) .await .expect("failed to create user var"); let new_var = api .get_user_variable("likes_dogs") .await .expect("failed to get user var"); assert_eq!(, Some("false")); // what??? totally wrong. I love dogs! let opt = UpdateVariableOption { name: Some("loves_dogs".into()), value: "true".into(), }; api.update_user_variable("likes_dogs", opt) .await .expect("failed to update user variable"); let new_var = api .get_user_variable("loves_dogs") .await .expect("failed to get user var"); assert_eq!(, Some("true")); api.delete_user_variable("loves_dogs") .await .expect("failed to delete user var"); }