#[ allow( unused_imports ) ] use super::*; #[ allow( unused_imports ) ] use test_tools::exposed::*; // tests_impls! { fn test_alias() { #[ derive( Debug, PartialEq, the_module::Former ) ] // #[ derive( Debug, PartialEq, the_module::Former ) ] #[ debug ] // #[ derive( Debug, PartialEq ) ] pub struct AliasTestStruct { #[ scalar( name = first_field ) ] string_field : String, #[ scalar( name = second_field ) ] i32_field : i32, i8_field : i8, } // == begin of generated // == end of generated let test_struct = AliasTestStruct::former() .first_field( "first_field" ) .second_field( 2 ) // .i32_field( 2 ) .i8_field( 1 ) .form(); let expected_struct = AliasTestStruct { string_field: "first_field".to_string(), i32_field: 2, i8_field: 1, }; a_id!( test_struct, expected_struct ); } } // tests_index! { test_alias, }