# THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY CARGO # # When uploading crates to the registry Cargo will automatically # "normalize" Cargo.toml files for maximal compatibility # with all versions of Cargo and also rewrite `path` dependencies # to registry (e.g., crates.io) dependencies. # # If you are reading this file be aware that the original Cargo.toml # will likely look very different (and much more reasonable). # See Cargo.toml.orig for the original contents. [package] edition = "2021" name = "former_meta" version = "2.6.0" authors = [ "Kostiantyn Wandalen ", "Dmytro Kryvoruchko ", ] description = """ A flexible implementation of the Builder pattern supporting nested builders and collection-specific subformers. Implementation of its derive macro. Should not be used independently, instead use module::former which relies on the module. """ homepage = "https://github.com/Wandalen/wTools/tree/master/module/core/former_meta" documentation = "https://docs.rs/former_meta" readme = "Readme.md" keywords = [ "fundamental", "general-purpose", "builder-pattern", ] categories = [ "algorithms", "development-tools", ] license = "MIT" repository = "https://github.com/Wandalen/wTools/tree/master/module/core/former_meta" [package.metadata.docs.rs] all-features = false features = ["full"] [lib] proc-macro = true [dependencies.const_format] version = "0.2.32" [dependencies.convert_case] version = "0.6.0" features = [] optional = true default-features = false [dependencies.former_types] version = "~2.6.0" features = ["types_component_assign"] default-features = false [dependencies.iter_tools] version = "~0.19.0" default-features = false [dependencies.macro_tools] version = "~0.36.0" features = [ "attr", "attr_prop", "item_struct", "container_kind", "diag", "phantom", "generic_params", "generic_args", "typ", "derive", ] default-features = false [dev-dependencies.test_tools] version = "~0.9.0" features = ["full"] [features] default = [ "enabled", "derive_former", "derive_components", "derive_component_from", "derive_component_assign", "derive_components_assign", "derive_from_components", ] derive_component_assign = [] derive_component_from = [] derive_components = [ "derive_component_assign", "derive_components_assign", "derive_component_from", "derive_from_components", ] derive_components_assign = [ "derive_component_assign", "convert_case", ] derive_former = ["convert_case"] derive_from_components = [] enabled = [ "macro_tools/enabled", "iter_tools/enabled", "former_types/enabled", ] full = ["default"] [lints.clippy] absolute_paths = "allow" inline_always = "allow" module_name_repetitions = "allow" pedantic = "warn" restriction = "warn" single_call_fn = "allow" std_instead_of_alloc = "warn" std_instead_of_core = "warn" undocumented_unsafe_blocks = "deny" [lints.rust] future_incompatible = "deny" missing_debug_implementations = "warn" missing_docs = "warn" rust_2018_idioms = "deny" unsafe-code = "warn"