#import ./light.wgsl as Lights struct CameraUniform { view_pos: vec4, view_proj: mat4x4, }; @group(0) @binding(0) var camera: CameraUniform; struct VertexInput { @location(0) position: vec3, @location(1) tex_coords: vec2, @location(2) normal: vec3 } struct InstanceInput { @location(5) model_matrix_0: vec4, @location(6) model_matrix_1: vec4, @location(7) model_matrix_2: vec4, @location(8) model_matrix_3: vec4, @location(9) normal_matrix_0: vec3, @location(10) normal_matrix_1: vec3, @location(11) normal_matrix_2: vec3, @location(12) texture_splits_1: vec4, // x-start, x1, x-mid, x2 @location(13) texture_splits_2: vec4 // x-end, y-start, y-mid, y-end } struct VertexOutput { @builtin(position) clip_position: vec4, @location(0) tex_coords: vec2, @location(1) world_normal: vec3, @location(2) world_position: vec3, } @vertex fn vs_main( model: VertexInput, instance: InstanceInput ) -> VertexOutput { // create model matrix let model_matrix = mat4x4( instance.model_matrix_0, instance.model_matrix_1, instance.model_matrix_2, instance.model_matrix_3, ); // used to rotate the normals let normal_matrix = mat3x3( instance.normal_matrix_0, instance.normal_matrix_1, instance.normal_matrix_2, ); // create texture coords var tex_coords = vec2(0.0, 0.0); if (model.tex_coords.x == 0.0) { tex_coords.x = instance.texture_splits_1.x; } else if (model.tex_coords.x == 0.25) { tex_coords.x = instance.texture_splits_1.y; } else if (model.tex_coords.x == 0.50) { tex_coords.x = instance.texture_splits_1.z; } else if (model.tex_coords.x == 0.75) { tex_coords.x = instance.texture_splits_1.w; } else if (model.tex_coords.x == 1.00) { tex_coords.x = instance.texture_splits_2.x; } if (model.tex_coords.y == 0.0) { tex_coords.y = instance.texture_splits_2.y; } else if (model.tex_coords.y == 0.5) { tex_coords.y = instance.texture_splits_2.z; } else if (model.tex_coords.y == 1.0) { tex_coords.y = instance.texture_splits_2.w; } // finalize output var out: VertexOutput; out.tex_coords = tex_coords; out.world_normal = normal_matrix * model.normal; var world_position = model_matrix * vec4(model.position, 1.0); out.world_position = world_position.xyz; out.clip_position = camera.view_proj * world_position; return out; } // Fragment shader @group(1) @binding(0) var t_diffuse: texture_2d; @group(1) @binding(1) var s_diffuse: sampler; @fragment fn fs_main(in: VertexOutput) -> @location(0) vec4 { let diffuse = textureSample(t_diffuse, s_diffuse, in.tex_coords); let color = diffuse.xyz * Lights::calculate_lights(camera.view_pos.xyz, in.world_position, in.world_normal); return vec4(color, diffuse.a); }