"How do you pronounce SunOS?" "Just like you hear it, with a big SOS" -- dedicated to Roland Kaltefleiter % finlandia:~> apropos win win: nothing appropriate. % C:\> WIN Bad command or filename C:\> LOSE Loading Microsoft Windows ... % Linux ext2fs has been stable for a long time, now it's time to break it -- Linux-Kongress '95 in Berlin % The state of some commercial Un*x is more unsecure than any Linux box without a root password... -- Bernd Eckenfels % Less is more or less more -- Y_Plentyn on #LinuxGER % Let's call it an accidental feature. --Larry Wall % ......... Escape the 'Gates' of Hell `:::' ....... ...... ::: * `::. ::' ::: .:: .:.::. .:: .:: `::. :' ::: :: :: :: :: :: :::. ::: .::. .:: ::. `::::. .:' ::. ...:::.....................::' .::::.. -- William E. Roadcap % Win95 is not a virus; a virus does something. -- unknown source % Machine Always Crashes, If Not, The Operating System Hangs (MACINTOSH) -- Topic on #Linux % Except for Great Britain. According to ISO 9166 and Internet reality Great Britain's toplevel domain should be _gb_. Instead, Great Britain and Nortern Ireland (the United Kingdom) use the toplevel domain _uk_. They drive on the wrong side of the road, too. -- PERL book (or DNS and BIND book) % Save yourself from the 'Gates' of hell, use Linux." -- like that one. -- The_Kind @ LinuxNet % Feel free to contact me (flames about my english and the useless of this driver will be redirected to /dev/null, oh no, it's full...). -- Michael Beck, describing the PC-speaker sound device % if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "-advice") == 0) { printf("Don't Panic!\n"); exit(42); } -- Arnold Robbins in the LJ of February '95, describing RCS % lp1 on fire -- One of the more obfuscated kernel messages % A Linux machine! Because a 486 is a terrible thing to waste! -- Joe Sloan, jjs@wintermute.ucr.edu % Microsoft is not the answer. Microsoft is the question. NO (or Linux) is the answer. -- Taken from a .signature from someone from the UK, source unknown % In most countries selling harmful things like drugs is punishable. Then how come people can sell Microsoft software and go unpunished? -- Hasse Skrifvars, hasku@rost.abo.fi, % Fatal Error: Found [MS-Windows] System -> Repartitioning Disk for Linux... (By cbbrown@io.org, Christopher Browne) % win-nt from the people who invented edlin. -- MaDsen Wikholm, mwikholm@at8.abo.fi % Apples have meant trouble since eden. -- MaDsen Wikholm, mwikholm@at8.abo.fi % Linux, the way to get rid of boot viruses -- MaDsen Wikholm, mwikholm@at8.abo.fi % Once upon a time there was a DOS user who saw Unix, and saw that it was good. After typing cp on his DOS machine at home, he downloaded GNU's unix tools ported to DOS and installed them. He rm'd, cp'd, and mv'd happily for many days, and upon finding elvis, he vi'd and was happy. After a long day at work (on a Unix box) he came home, started editing a file, and couldn't figure out why he couldn't suspend vi (w/ ctrl-z) to do a compile. -- Erik Troan, ewt@tipper.oit.unc.edu % We are MicroSoft. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile. -- Attributed to B.G., Gill Bates % Avoid the Gates of Hell. Use Linux -- Unknown source % Intel engineering seem to have misheard Intel marketing strategy. The phrase was "Divide and conquer" not "Divide and cock up" -- Alan Cox, iialan@www.linux.org.uk % Linux! Guerrilla UNIX Development Venimus, Vidimus, Dolavimus. -- Mark A. Horton KA4YBR, mah@ka4ybr.com % ----==-- _ / / \ ---==---(_)__ __ ____ __ / / /\ \ --==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ / / /_/\ \ \ -=====/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\ /______\ \ \ A proud member of TeamLinux \_________\/ -- CHaley (HAC), haley@unm.edu, ch008cth@pi.lanl.gov) % "Who is General Failure and why is he reading my hard disk?" Microsoft spel chekar vor sail, worgs grate !! -- Felix von Leitner, leitner@inf.fu-berlin.de % Personally, I think my choice in the mostest-superlative-computer wars has to be the HP-48 series of calculators. They'll run almost anything. And if they can't, while I'll just plug a Linux box into the serial port and load up the HP-48 VT-100 emulator. -- Jeff Dege, jdege@winternet.com % /* * Oops. The kernel tried to access some bad page. We'll have to * terminate things with extreme prejudice. */ die_if_kernel("Oops", regs, error_code); -- From linux/arch/i386/mm/fault.c % Linux: because a PC is a terrible thing to waste -- ksh@cis.ufl.edu put this on Tshirts in '93 % Linux: the choice of a GNU generation -- ksh@cis.ufl.edu put this on Tshirts in '93 % There are two types of Linux developers - those who can spell, and those who can't. There is a constant pitched battle between the two. -- From one of the post-1.1.54 kernel update messages posted to c.o.l.a % > > Other than the fact Linux has a cool name, could someone explain why I > > should use Linux over BSD? > > No. That's it. The cool name, that is. We worked very hard on > creating a name that would appeal to the majority of people, and it > certainly paid off: thousands of people are using linux just to be able > to say "OS/2? Hah. I've got Linux. What a cool name". 386BSD made the > mistake of putting a lot of numbers and weird abbreviations into the > name, and is scaring away a lot of people just because it sounds too > technical. -- Linus Torvalds' follow-up to a question about Linux % > The day people think linux would be better served by somebody else (FSF > being the natural alternative), I'll "abdicate". I don't think that > it's something people have to worry about right now - I don't see it > happening in the near future. I enjoy doing linux, even though it does > mean some work, and I haven't gotten any complaints (some almost timid > reminders about a patch I have forgotten or ignored, but nothing > negative so far). > > Don't take the above to mean that I'll stop the day somebody complains: > I'm thick-skinned (Lasu, who is reading this over my shoulder commented > that "thick-HEADED is closer to the truth") enough to take some abuse. > If I weren't, I'd have stopped developing linux the day ast ridiculed me > on c.o.minix. What I mean is just that while linux has been my baby so > far, I don't want to stand in the way if people want to make something > better of it (*). > > Linus > > (*) Hey, maybe I could apply for a saint-hood from the Pope. Does > somebody know what his email-address is? I'm so nice it makes you puke. -- Taken from Linus's reply to someone worried about the future of Linux % > : Any porters out there should feel happier knowing that DEC is shipping > : me an AlphaPC that I intend to try getting linux running on: this will > : definitely help flush out some of the most flagrant unportable stuff. > : The Alpha is much more different from the i386 than the 68k stuff is, so > : it's likely to get most of the stuff fixed. > > It's posts like this that almost convince us non-believers that there > really is a god. -- Anthony Lovell, to Linus's remarks about porting % When you say "I wrote a program that crashed Windows", people just stare at you blankly and say "Hey, I got those with the system, *for free*". -- Linus Torvalds % We come to bury DOS, not to praise it. -- Paul Vojta, vojta@math.berkeley.edu ( paraphrasing a quote of Shakespeare) % Be warned that typing \fBkillall \fIname\fP may not have the desired effect on non-Linux systems, especially when done by a privileged user. -- From the killall manual page % Note that if I can get you to "su and say" something just by asking, you have a very serious security problem on your system and you should look into it. -- Paul Vixie, vixie-cron 3.0.1 installation notes % How should I know if it works? That's what beta testers are for. I only coded it. -- Attributed to Linus Torvalds, somewhere in a posting % I develop for Linux for a living, I used to develop for DOS. Going from DOS to Linux is like trading a glider for an F117. -- Lawrence Foard, entropy@world.std.com % Absolutely nothing should be concluded from these figures except that no conclusion can be drawn from them. -- Joseph L. Brothers, Linux/PowerPC Project) % If the future navigation system [for interactive networked services on the NII] looks like something from Microsoft, it will never work. -- Chairman of Walt Disney Television & Telecommunications % Problem solving under Linux has never been the circus that it is under AIX. -- Pete Ehlke in comp.unix.aix % I don't know why, but first C programs tend to look a lot worse than first programs in any other language (maybe except for fortran, but then I suspect all fortran programs look like `firsts') -- Olaf Kirch % On a normal ascii line, the only safe condition to detect is a 'BREAK' - everything else having been assigned functions by Gnu EMACS. -- Tarl Neustaedter % By golly, I'm beginning to think Linux really *is* the best thing since sliced bread. -- Vance Petree, Virginia Power % I'd crawl over an acre of 'Visual This++' and 'Integrated Development That' to get to gcc, Emacs, and gdb. Thank you. -- Vance Petree, Virginia Power % Oh, I've seen copies [of Linux Journal] around the terminal room at The Labs. -- Dennis Ritchie % If you want to travel around the world and be invited to speak at a lot of different places, just write a Unix operating system. -- Linus Torvalds % ...you might as well skip the Xmas celebration completely, and instead sit in front of your linux computer playing with the all-new-and-improved linux kernel version. -- Linus Torvalds % Besides, I think Slackware sounds better than 'Microsoft,' don't you? -- Patrick Volkerding % All language designers are arrogant. Goes with the territory... -- Larry Wall % And the next time you consider complaining that running Lucid Emacs 19.05 via NFS from a remote Linux machine in Paraguay doesn't seem to get the background colors right, you'll know who to thank. -- Matt Welsh % Are Linux users lemmings collectively jumping off of the cliff of reliable, well-engineered commercial software? -- Matt Welsh % Even more amazing was the realization that God has Internet access. I wonder if He has a full newsfeed? -- Matt Welsh % I once witnessed a long-winded, month-long flamewar over the use of mice vs. trackballs... It was very silly. -- Matt Welsh % Linux poses a real challenge for those with a taste for late-night hacking (and/or conversations with God). -- Matt Welsh % What you end up with, after running an operating system concept through these many marketing coffee filters, is something not unlike plain hot water. -- Matt Welsh % ...Deep Hack Mode -- that mysterious and frightening state of consciousness where Mortal Users fear to tread. -- Matt Welsh % ...Unix, MS-DOS, and Windows NT (also known as the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly). -- Matt Welsh % ...very few phenomena can pull someone out of Deep Hack Mode, with two noted exceptions: being struck by lightning, or worse, your *computer* being struck by lightning. -- Matt Welsh % ..you could spend *all day* customizing the title bar. Believe me. I speak from experience. -- Matt Welsh % [In 'Doctor' mode], I spent a good ten minutes telling Emacs what I thought of it. (The response was, 'Perhaps you could try to be less abusive.') -- Matt Welsh % I would rather spend 10 hours reading someone else's source code than 10 minutes listening to Musak waiting for technical support which isn't. -- Dr. Greg Wettstein, Roger Maris Cancer Center % ...[Linux's] capacity to talk via any medium except smoke signals. -- Dr. Greg Wettstein, Roger Maris Cancer Center % Whip me. Beat me. Make me maintain AIX. -- Stephan Zielinski % I still maintain the point that designing a monolithic kernel in 1991 is a fundamental error. Be thankful you are not my student. You would not get a high grade for such a design :-) -- Andrew Tanenbaum to Linus Torvalds % We use Linux for all our mission-critical applications. Having the source code means that we are not held hostage by anyone's support department. -- Russell Nelson, President of Crynwr Software % Linux is obsolete -- Andrew Tanenbaum % Dijkstra probably hates me. -- Linus Torvalds, in kernel/sched.c % And 1.1.81 is officially BugFree(tm), so if you receive any bug-reports on it, you know they are just evil lies. -- Linus Torvalds % We are Pentium of Borg. Division is futile. You will be approximated. -- seen in someone's .signature % Linux: the operating system with a CLUE... Command Line User Environment. -- seen in a posting in comp.software.testing % quit When the quit statement is read, the bc processor is terminated, regardless of where the quit state- ment is found. For example, "if (0 == 1) quit" will cause bc to terminate. -- seen in the manpage for "bc". Note the "if" statement's logic % Sic transit discus mundi -- From the System Administrator's Guide, by Lars Wirzenius % Sigh. I like to think it's just the Linux people who want to be on the "leading edge" so bad they walk right off the precipice. -- Craig E. Groeschel % We all know Linux is great... it does infinite loops in 5 seconds. - Linus Torvalds about the superiority of Linux on the Amsterdam Linux Symposium % Waving away a cloud of smoke, I look up, and am blinded by a bright, white light. It's God. No, not Richard Stallman, or Linus Torvalds, but God. In a booming voice, He says: "THIS IS A SIGN. USE LINUX, THE FREE UNIX SYSTEM FOR THE 386. -- Matt Welsh % The chat program is in public domain. This is not the GNU public license. If it breaks then you get to keep both pieces. -- Copyright notice for the chat program %