{ "isDeprecatedLicenseId": false, "licenseText": "(c) Jim Davies, January 1995\nYou may copy and distribute this file freely. Any queries and complaints should be forwarded to Jim.Davies@comlab.ox.ac.uk.\nIf you make any changes to this file, please do not distribute the results under the name `zed-csp.sty\u0027.", "standardLicenseTemplate": "(c) Jim Davies, January 1995\nYou may copy and distribute this file freely. Any queries and complaints should be forwarded to Jim.Davies@comlab.ox.ac.uk.\nIf you make any changes to this file, please do not distribute the results under the name `zed-csp.sty\u0027.", "name": "Zed License", "licenseId": "Zed", "standardLicenseHeader": "", "seeAlso": [ "https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Licensing/Zed" ], "isOsiApproved": false }