[[test]] testTitle = 'AtomicWorkload' [[test.workload]] testName = 'External' libraryName = 'atomic' workloadName = 'AtomicWorkload' libraryPath = './target/release/examples' count = 50 [[test.workload]] # Introduce network partitions testName = 'RandomClogging' testDuration = 30.0 # Unclog them in reversed order swizzle = 1 [[test.workload]] # Reboot processes testName = 'Attrition' machinesToKill = 10 machinesToLeave = 3 reboot = true testDuration = 30.0 [[test.workload]] # Introduce specific network partitions errors between proxies and tLogs testName = 'Rollback' testDuration = 30 [[test.workload]] # Change configuration of the database testName = 'ChangeConfig' maxDelayBeforeChange = 30.0 # Move consensus-based processes around coordinators = 'auto'