use foundationdb::options::TransactionOption; use foundationdb::{options, tuple::Subspace, FdbResult}; use foundationdb_simulation::{ details, fdb_spawn, Metric, Promise, RustWorkload, Severity, SimDatabase, WorkloadContext, }; pub struct AtomicWorkload { context: WorkloadContext, client_id: usize, // how many transactions will be run expected_count: usize, // how many transactions succeeded success_count: usize, // how many transactions failed error_count: usize, // how many maybe_committed transactions we encountered maybe_committed_count: usize, } impl AtomicWorkload { pub fn new(context: WorkloadContext) -> Self { Self { client_id: context.client_id(), expected_count: context.get_option("count").expect("Could not get count"), context, success_count: 0, error_count: 0, maybe_committed_count: 0, } } } const COUNT_KEY: &[u8] = b"count"; impl RustWorkload for AtomicWorkload { fn description(&self) -> String { "Atomic Rust Workload".into() } fn setup(&'static mut self, _db: SimDatabase, done: Promise) { println!("rust_setup({})", self.client_id); done.send(true); } fn start(&'static mut self, db: SimDatabase, done: Promise) { println!("rust_start({})", self.client_id); fdb_spawn(async move { // Only use a single client if self.client_id == 0 { for _ in 0..self.expected_count { let trx = db.create_trx().expect("Could not create transaction"); // Enable idempotent txn trx.set_option(TransactionOption::AutomaticIdempotency) .expect("could not setup automatic idempotency"); let buf: [u8; 8] = 1i64.to_le_bytes(); trx.atomic_op( &Subspace::all().pack(&COUNT_KEY), &buf, options::MutationType::Add, ); match trx.commit().await { Ok(_) => self.success_count += 1, Err(err) => { if err.is_maybe_committed() { self.context.trace( Severity::Warn, "Detected an maybe_committed transactions with idempotency", details![ "Layer" => "Rust", "Client" => self.client_id ], ); self.maybe_committed_count += 1; } else { self.error_count += 1; } } } self.context.trace( Severity::Info, "Successfully setup workload", details![ "Layer" => "Rust", "Client" => self.client_id ], ); } } done.send(true); }); } fn check(&'static mut self, db: SimDatabase, done: Promise) { println!("rust_check({})", self.client_id); fdb_spawn(async move { if self.client_id == 0 { // even if buggify is off in checks, transactions can failed because of the randomized knob, // so we need to wrap the check in a txn let count = db .run(|trx, maybe_committed| async move { let fdb_slice = trx .get(&Subspace::all().pack(&COUNT_KEY), true) .await? .unwrap(); let count = i64::from_le_bytes(fdb_slice[..8].try_into().unwrap()); Ok(count as usize) }) .await .expect("could not check using"); if self.success_count == count { self.context.trace( Severity::Info, "Atomic count match", details![ "Layer" => "Rust", "Client" => self.client_id, "Expected" => self.expected_count, "Found" => count, "CommittedCount" => self.success_count, "MaybeCommitted" => self.maybe_committed_count, ], ); } else { self.context.trace( Severity::Error, "Atomic count doesn't match", details![ "Layer" => "Rust", "Client" => self.client_id, "Expected" => self.expected_count, "Found" => count, "CommittedCount" => self.success_count, "MaybeCommitted" => self.maybe_committed_count, ], ); } } done.send(true); }); } fn get_metrics(&self) -> Vec { println!("rust_get_metrics({})", self.client_id); vec![ Metric::val("expected_count", self.expected_count as f64), Metric::val("success_count", self.success_count as f64), Metric::val("error_count", self.error_count as f64), ] } fn get_check_timeout(&self) -> f64 { println!("rust_get_check_timeout({})", self.client_id); 5000.0 } }