use foxhole::{ action::Html, resolve::Get, sys, App, DefaultResponseGroup, Http1, Layer, Request, Response, Scope, }; pub struct Logger; // This implementation will be run before any handling of the request. impl Layer for Logger { fn execute(&self, data: &mut Request) { println!("Request url: {}", data.uri()) } } // This implementation will run right before sending to the client. impl Layer for Logger { fn execute(&self, data: &mut Response) { println!("Response: {:?}", data); } } fn get(_get: Get) -> Html { Html("


".to_string()) } fn main() { let scope = Scope::new(sys![get]); println!("Running on ''"); App::builder(scope) .request_layer(Logger) .response_layer(DefaultResponseGroup::new().add_layer(Logger)) .run::(""); }