use foxhole::{ action::Html, connection::Http1, resolve::Get, sys, Action, App, PathIter, Resolve, ResolveGuard, Scope, }; struct Auth { #[allow(unused)] token: String, } impl<'a> Resolve<'a> for Auth { type Output = Self; fn resolve(ctx: &'a foxhole::RequestState, _path_iter: &mut PathIter) -> ResolveGuard { match ctx.request.headers().get("Authorization") { Some(v) => ResolveGuard::Value(Auth { token: v.to_str().unwrap().to_string(), }), None => ResolveGuard::Respond(401u16.action().unwrap()), } } } fn middleware(_auth: Auth) { // We could additionally do some extra work here or just use `Auth` on the endpoints like // `get_page. } fn get_page(_get: Get) -> Html { Html("

This page is for authorized personnel only

".to_string()) } fn main() { // ! systems are run from left to right until a response is received from a system let scope = Scope::new(sys![middleware]).route("page", sys![get_page]); println!("Try connecting on a browser at 'http://localhost:8080/page'"); App::builder(scope).run::(""); }