# Fiberplane Daemon The Fiberplane Daemon allows executing Providers outside of the Studio. This can be useful in situation where direct access from the Studio to a resource is not available. It does require that the Daemon has access to the resource in question. Unlike a HTTP proxy, this Daemon won't simply forward requests. Rather, it will invoke a Provider, that will fetch the actual data. ## Quickstart ```shell cargo install --locked fpd fpd pull --all ${EDITOR} "$(fpd config paths data-sources)" ``` ## Installation ### With cargo Once the crate is published on crates.io, you will be able to do ```shell cargo install --locked fpd ``` Otherwise, with a cloned version of the repository ```shell cargo install --path . ``` ### Kubernetes > Instructions to run on Kubernetes coming soon ## Setup ### Finding configuration directories To know where the Fiberplane Daemon is looking for its configuration file (`data_sources.yaml`) and its providers, you can use ```shell fpd config paths ``` This is where you should put your providers and `data_sources.yaml` (the exact value depends on the platform). ### Download pre-built providers To download all first-party (Fiberplane) providers, you can use ```shell fpd pull --all ``` Check `fpd pull --help` to see the supported providers if you want to pull only some of them. ## Run Once you the configuration is ready (including the token from `fp` or from Studio when adding a daemon), you can run it with ```shell fpd --token $TOKEN ``` You can always check `fpd --help` if you need more guidance ## Overview The following diagram shows the interaction between the Studio, Daemon (showing up as "Proxy", its legacy name), and their Providers ([source](https://swimlanes.io/#bZFBEoMgDEX3nCIX8AJOp6u26449AQOxMtOCDaBy+zJqqaA74L//kxDG2MN5qQxUZ1hPPZlBSaQaGvx4tA4kdxxaMu+kgevI+GcHHCJCASS2SqMEpaOEa1QKT7ZY5U5mCjXcDI2c5GJnbH5N8qaH64TCO/xHjMp1QChQDVjYt2UatMaTwHyKEjxVGeg86YU7SCw7i3eB1mZ8zCuxLLX8jx8f59SCQu+Aaxmn21siebCfPZf2WMNF2f7Fw6x/AQ==)): ![](docs/architecture.png)