[package] name = "fqgrep" authors = ["Nils Homer ", "Seth Stadick "] version = "1.0.2" edition = "2018" license = "MIT" description = "Search a pair of fastq files for reads that match a given ref or alt sequence" homepage = "https://github.com/fulcrumgenomics/fqgrep" documentation = "https://docs.rs/fqgrep" repository = "https://github.com/fulcrumgenomics/fqgrep" readme = "README.md" categories = ["science"] keywords = ["bioinformatics", "fastq"] [lib] name = "fqgrep_lib" path = "src/lib/mod.rs" [[bin]] name = "fqgrep" path = "src/main.rs" [profile.release] lto = true [dependencies] ansi_term = "0.12.1" anyhow = "1.0.44" bitvec = "1.0.1" bstr = "0.2.17" csv = "1.1.6" env_logger = "0.9.0" flate2 = {version = "1.0.22", default-features = false, features = ["zlib-ng-compat"]} flume = "0.10.9" gzp = "0.9.1" isatty = "0.1.9" itertools = "0.10.3" lazy_static = "1.4.0" log = "0.4.14" mimalloc = {version = "0.1.26", default-features = false} num_cpus = "1.13.0" parking_lot = "0.11.2" proglog = {version = "0.3.0", features = ["pretty_counts"]} rayon = "1.5.1" regex = "1.6.0" seq_io = "0.3.1" serde = {version = "1.0.130", features = ["derive"]} structopt = "0.3.23" [build-dependencies] built = {version ="0.5.1", features = ["git2"]} [dev-dependencies] fgoxide = "0.1.3" rstest = "0.12.0" seq_io = "0.3.1" tempfile = "3"