# fqtk
A toolkit for working with FASTQ files, written in Rust.
Currently `fqtk` contains a single tool, `demux` for demultiplexing FASTQ files based on sample barcodes.
`fqtk demux` can be used to demultiplex one or more FASTQ files (e.g. a set of R1, R2 and I1 FASTQ files) with any number of sample barcodes at fixed locations within the reads.
It is highly efficient and multi-threaded for high performance.
Usage for `fqtk demux` follows:
Performs sample demultiplexing on FASTQs.
The sample barcode for each sample in the metadata TSV will be compared against
the sample barcode bases extracted from the FASTQs, to assign each read to a
sample. Reads that do not match any sample within the given error tolerance
will be placed in the ``unmatched_prefix`` file.
FASTQs and associated read structures for each sub-read should be given:
- a single fragment read (with inline index) should have one FASTQ and one read
- paired end reads should have two FASTQs and two read structures
- a dual-index sample with paired end reads should have four FASTQs and four read
structures given: two for the two index reads, and two for the template reads.
If multiple FASTQs are present for each sub-read, then the FASTQs for each
sub-read should be concatenated together prior to running this tool (e.g.
`zcat s_R1_L001.fq.gz s_R1_L002.fq.gz | bgzip -c > s_R1.fq.gz`).
Read structures are made up of `` pairs much like the `CIGAR`
string in BAM files. Four kinds of operators are recognized:
1. `T` identifies a template read
2. `B` identifies a sample barcode read
3. `M` identifies a unique molecular index read
4. `S` identifies a set of bases that should be skipped or ignored
The last `` pair may be specified using a `+` sign instead of
number to denote "all remaining bases". This is useful if, e.g., fastqs have
been trimmed and contain reads of varying length. Both reads must have template
bases. Any molecular identifiers will be concatenated using the `-` delimiter
and placed in the given SAM record tag (`RX` by default). Similarly, the sample
barcode bases from the given read will be placed in the `BC` tag.
Metadata about the samples should be given as a headered metadata TSV file with
two columns 1. `sample_id` - the id of the sample or library. 2. `barcode` - the
expected barcode sequence associated with the `sample_id`.
The read structures will be used to extract the observed sample barcode, template
bases, and molecular identifiers from each read. The observed sample barcode
will be matched to the sample barcodes extracted from the bases in the sample
metadata and associated read structures.
An observed barcode matches an expected barcocde if all the following are true:
1. The number of mismatches (edits/substitutions) is less than or equal to the
maximum mismatches (see --max-mismatches).
2. The difference between number of mismatches in the best and second best
barcodes is greater than or equal to the minimum mismatch delta
(`--min-mismatch-delta`). The expected barcode sequence may contains Ns,
which are not counted as mismatches regardless of the observed base (e.g.
the expected barcode `AAN` will have zero mismatches relative to both the
observed barcodes `AAA` and `AAN`).
## Outputs
All outputs are generated in the provided `--output` directory. For each sample
plus the unmatched reads, FASTQ files are written for each read segment
(specified in the read structures) of one of the types supplied to
FASTQ files have names of the format:
where `segment_type` is one of `R`, `I`, and `U` (for template, barcode/index
and molecular barcode/UMI reads respectively) and `read_num` is a number starting
at 1 for each segment type.
In addition a `demux-metrics.txt` file is written that is a tab-delimited file
with counts of how many reads were assigned to each sample and derived metrics.
## Example Command Line
As an example, if the sequencing run was 2x100bp (paired end) with two 8bp index
reads both reading a sample barcode, as well as an in-line 8bp sample barcode in
read one, the command line would be:
fqtk demux \
--inputs r1.fq.gz i1.fq.gz i2.fq.gz r2.fq.gz \
--read-structures 8B92T 8B 8B 100T \
--sample-metadata metadata.tsv \
--output output_folder
Usage: fqtk demux [OPTIONS] --inputs ... --read-structures ... --sample-metadata --output