[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/frafra/frakegps.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/frafra/frakegps) # Description FrakeGPS simulates a simple GPS receiver which emits NMEA codes. The location is selected clicking on a map, using [web-view](https://github.com/Boscop/web-view) and [Leaflet](http://leafletjs.com/). ![frakegps-gpsmon](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4068/58375414-ba3b3900-7f52-11e9-88bb-c6db1299eff0.png) # Build ## Dependencies - cargo - webkit2gtk (devel) ### Fedora ``` sudo dnf install cargo webkit2gtk4.1-devel ``` ### Ubuntu ``` sudo apt-get install cargo libwebkit2gtk-4.1-dev ``` ## Compile To build the latest stable release from crates.io: ``` cargo install frakegps ``` To built the source from the repository: ``` cargo build ``` # Usage ## Usage with gpsd ``` sudo systemctl stop gpsd.socket cargo run -q | gpsd -bnN /dev/stdin ``` ## Usage with geoclue ``` cargo run -q | nc -vkl 10110 avahi-publish -s "FrakeGPS for $(hostname)" _nmea-0183._tcp 10110 ``` # Additional resources - [NMEA reference](https://www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/GPS/NMEA%20Reference%20Manual-Rev2.1-Dec07.pdf) - [gclue-nmea-source.c](https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/geoclue/geoclue/blob/master/src/gclue-nmea-source.c) from geoclue - [avahi.rs](https://github.com/zeenix/gps-share/blob/master/src/avahi.rs) from gps-share