# Freddo This is an opinionated library for accessing the Federal Reserve of St Louis data API. It may not implement all the functionalities of the API. For a like-for-like implementation of the API in Rust, see [`fred-rs`](https://crates.io/crates/fred-rs). ## Pre-requisites - You will need an API key that can be generated [here](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/docs/api/api_key.html) - To use the library, store the API key as the environment variable `FRED_API_KEY` ## General structure - A `client` stores the API key and the base URLs that are needed to interact with the API - The use of the library starts with the construction of a `query` - Each `query` belongs to one of the three types: + [`data`](data.rs) which obtains the actual observations + [`search`](search.rs) which allows the user to search for data series using key words + [`info`](info.rs) which obtains the metadata related to a data series - Each query has an `execute` method to carry out the request