SQLite format 3@ | Q|.;  @  p $ U  E etablevcachevcache CREATE TABLE vcache( vid INTEGER, -- check-in ID fname TEXT, -- filename rid INTEGER, -- artifact ID PRIMARY KEY(vid,fname) ) WITHOUT ROWIDZ %indexvfile_nocasevfile CREATE INDEX vfile_nocase ON vfile(pathname COLLATE nocase)K%%[tablesqlite_stat1sqlite_stat1CREATE TABLE sqlite_stat1(tbl,idx,stat)L!itriggervmerge_ck1vmergeCREATE TRIGGER vmerge_ck1 AFTER INSERT ON vmerge WHEN new.mhash IS NULL BEGIN SELECT raise(FAIL, 'trying to update a newer checkout with an older version of Fossil'); ENDJmindexvmergex1vmergeCREATE UNIQUE INDEX vmergex1 ON vmerge(id,mhash)l3tablevmergevmergeCREATE TABLE vmerge( id INTEGER REFERENCES vfile, merge INTEGER, mhash TEXT )4GtablevfilevfileCREATE TABLE vfile( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, vid INTEGER REFERENCES blob, chnged INT DEFAULT 0, deleted BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0, isexe BOOLEAN, islink BOOLEAN, rid INTEGER, mrid INTEGER, mtime INTEGER, pathname TEXT, origname TEXT, mhash TEXT, UNIQUE(pathname,vid) ))=indexsqlite_autoindex_vfile_1vfile {tablevvarvvarCREATE TABLE vvar( name TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, value CLOB, CHECK( typeof(name)='text' AND length(name)>=1 ) )';indexsqlite_autoindex_vvar_1vvar ?Np]]?Dwci-commentmaking small alterations to meta data for the package0z#Qfingerprint7/6a658956aee13fd8201752a8fe1aeca84X]client-id68f2f3a5941853251f62eddec704587d81a2c7facheckout22 xcheckout32|'undo_checkout0Qy' checkout-hash1b85b3c42af63b022a828c91a753e818b7a3e8530eda786548500191111d7e82{)undo_available0'!Arepository..\pipe_traits_rust.fossil ci-commentw client-idX'undo_checkout|)undo_available{#fingerprintz'checkout-hashy checkoutx ! repository V88|\  ! ]،.gitignore ! ]src/lib.rs  ],README.md# + ]،LICENSE-2.0.txt ! ]۞Cargo.toml ! ]@Cargo.lock !src/lib.rs README.md +LICENSE-2.0.txt !Cargo.toml !Cargo.lock ! .gitignore   vcachevcache6 6 1&=vfilesqlite_autoindex_vfile_16 1 1%vfilevfile_nocase6 1 !src/lib.rs README.md+LICENSE-2.0.txt!Cargo.toml!Cargo.lock ! .gitignore !src/lib.rsREADME.md+LICENSE-2.0.txt!Cargo.toml!Cargo.lock! .gitignore