# freecut freecut is a free and open source cut optimizer software for optimizing rectangular cut pieces from panels. It is easy to use and after you have made the entries in the gui, a pdf file is created with the result. This software is written in Rust using the Rust bindings for the FLTK Graphical User Interface library [fltk-rs](https://crates.io/crates/fltk), [comfy-table](https://crates.io/crates/comfy-table), [pdf-canvas](https://crates.io/crates/pdf-canvas) and the genetic algorithms and heuristics from the [cut-optimizer-2d](https://crates.io/crates/cut-optimizer-2d) crate. ![Screenshot gui0](assets/freecut01.png) ![Screenshot pdf](assets/freecut_screenshot2.png) ## Installation ### Linux and other First install `cargo` and `cmake`, which is a dependency of fltk-sys. Now, compile the freecut-crate: ``` cargo install freecut ``` ## Usage This software helps you to optimize panel cuts. ### Add a stockpiece To add a stockpiece, fill all fields and press the "add" Button, the stockpiece will apear in the table in the output fields. ### Add a cutpiece To add a cutpiece, fill all fields and press the "add" Button, the cutpiece will apear in the table in the output. ### Pattern If a pattern on the workpiece is to be taken into account, then select the respective direction. In this case, however, a pattern must also be selected on each cutpiece. ### Optimize Choose a cutwidth between 1 and 15mm and a prefered Layout. Guillotine-Layout is better for panel-saws. Now press the [optimize]-Button and a pdf-File with a solution will be generated. ## Contributions Contributions are welcome, please create an issue or pull request.