module Main open Command open Download open System open System.IO open FSharpPlus type PdbCode = PdbCode of string type FileFormat = | PDB | CIF type PdbFile = { Path: string Format: FileFormat Code: PdbCode } type Output = { Output: String Warnings: String ExitCode: int } type CalculationError = | CalculationFailed of Output | DownloadFailed of String type FreesasaResult = Result type ComparisonError = | CalculationError of CalculationError list | CalculationDifference type Comparison = (PdbCode * ComparisonError) option type ResultComparer = PdbCode -> FreesasaResult -> FreesasaResult -> Comparison let archiveUrl = Uri("") let dataDirectory = "./data/" let freesasaProgram = "../../src/freesasa" let getExtension format = match format with | PDB -> ".pdb" | CIF -> ".cif" let downloadPdb code format = let getUrl (PdbCode code) = Uri(archiveUrl, code + (getExtension format)) let getPath (PdbCode code) = dataDirectory + code + (getExtension format) async { let path = getPath code let url = getUrl code let! result = downloadFile url path return match result with | Ok () -> Ok { Path = path Format = format Code = code } | Error e -> Error(DownloadFailed e) } let normalizeCommandResult (commandResult: CommandResult) : Output = let stripSource output = String.split [ "\n" ] output |> Seq.filter (fun line -> not (line.StartsWith "source")) |> Seq.sort |> String.intercalate "\n" { Output = stripSource commandResult.StandardOutput Warnings = commandResult .StandardError .Replace(" ", "") .Split("\n") |> Seq.sort |> String.intercalate "\n" ExitCode = commandResult.ExitCode } let runPdbCalc args file = let log output = printf "\rCalculated %s (exit code %d)" file.Path output.ExitCode stdout.Flush() let allArgs = if file.Format = CIF then "--cif" :: args else args async { let! output = executeCommand freesasaProgram (file.Path :: allArgs) |> normalizeCommandResult do log output return match output with | { ExitCode = 0 } -> Ok output | _ -> Error(CalculationFailed output) } let calcStructure code fileType args = downloadPdb code fileType |> AsyncResult.bind (runPdbCalc args) let compareFormats args (compare: ResultComparer) code : Async = async { let! cifResult = calcStructure code CIF args let! pdbResult = calcStructure code PDB args return compare code cifResult pdbResult } let compareResults : ResultComparer = fun code result1 result2 -> let err = CalculationDifference match (result1, result2) with | Ok v1, Ok v2 -> if (v1 = v2) then None else Some(code, err) | Error e1, Error e2 -> if (e1 = e2) then None else Some(code, err) | _ -> Some(code, err) let checkArgs codes args = printf "Checking with args %A\n" args let computations = codes |> (compareFormats args compareResults) Async.Parallel(computations, 8) |> Async.RunSynchronously |> Array.toList |> List.choose id |> fun errors -> printf "%s" ("\r" + (new string (' ', Console.WindowWidth - 1)) + "\r") if List.isEmpty errors then printfn " - No errors" None else printfn " - Comparison failed:\n %A\n" errors Some errors let getCodes fileName = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(fileName) |> (String.trimEnd " " >> PdbCode) |> Seq.toList [] let main argv = if argv.Length < 1 then printfn "usage: pass input file as argument" 1 else if not (Directory.Exists dataDirectory) then do Directory.CreateDirectory(dataDirectory) |> ignore // [ PdbCode "1ubq"; PdbCode "1d3z" ] // for testing script itself let codes = getCodes argv.[0] // [ [ "--hetatm" ] // [ "--hydrogen" ] // [ "--separate-chains" // "--separate-models" ] // [] ] [ [ "--separate-chains" ] ] |> (checkArgs codes) |> List.choose id |> fun errList -> if List.isEmpty errList then 0 else 1