$ gemmi blobs -h Usage: gemmi blobs [options] MTZ_OR_MMCIF PDB_OR_MMCIF Search for umodelled blobs of electron density. Options: -h, --help Print usage and exit. -V, --version Print version and exit. -v, --verbose Verbose output. The area around model is masked to search only unmodelled density. --mask-radius=NUMBER Mask radius (default: 2.0 A). --mask-water Mask water (water is not masked by default). Searching blobs of density above: --sigma=NUMBER Sigma (RMSD) level (default: 1.0). --abs=NUMBER Absolute level in electrons/A^3. Blob criteria: --min-volume=NUMBER Minimal volume (default: 10.0 A^3). --min-score=NUMBER Min. this electrons in blob (default: 15.0). --min-sigma=NUMBER Min. peak rmsd (default: 0.0). --min-peak=NUMBER Min. peak density (default: 0.0 el/A^3). Options for map calculation: -d, --diff Use difference map coefficients. --section=NAME MTZ dataset name or CIF block name -f COLUMN F column (MTZ label or mmCIF tag). -p COLUMN Phase column (MTZ label or mmCIF tag). --weight=COLUMN (normally not needed) weighting for F. -g, --grid=NX,NY,NZ Grid size (user-specified minimum). --exact Use the exact grid size specified by --grid. -s, --sample=NUMBER Set spacing to d_min/NUMBER (3 is usual). -G Print size of the grid that would be used and exit. --timing Print calculation times.