$ gemmi cif2json -h Usage: gemmi cif2json [options] INPUT_FILE OUTPUT_FILE Convert CIF file (any CIF files, including mmCIF) to JSON. The output can be COMCIFS CIF-JSON (-c), mmJSON (-m), or a custom JSON flavor (default). General options: -h, --help Print usage and exit. -V, --version Print version and exit. -v, --verbose Verbose output. JSON output options: -c, --comcifs Conform to the COMCIFS CIF-JSON standard draft. -m, --mmjson Compatible with mmJSON from PDBj. --bare-tags Output tags without the first underscore. --numb=quote|nosu|mix Convert the CIF numb type to one of: quote - string in quotes, nosu - number without s.u., mix (default) - quote only numbs with s.u. --dot=STRING JSON representation of CIF's '.' (default: null). Modifications: --skip-category=CAT Do not output tags starting with _CAT --sort Sort tags in alphabetical order. When output file is -, write to standard output.