$ gemmi cif2mtz -h Usage: gemmi cif2mtz [options] CIF_FILE MTZ_FILE gemmi cif2mtz [options] CIF_FILE --dir=DIRECTORY Options: -h, --help Print usage and exit. -V, --version Print version and exit. -v, --verbose Verbose output. -b NAME, --block=NAME mmCIF block to convert. -d DIR, --dir=NAME Output directory. --title MTZ title. -H LINE, --history=LINE Add a history line. -u, --unmerged Write unmerged MTZ file(s). First variant: converts the first block of CIF_FILE, or the block specified with --block=NAME, to MTZ file with given name. Second variant: converts each block of CIF_FILE to one MTZ file (block-name.mtz) in the specified DIRECTORY. If CIF_FILE is -, the input is read from stdin.