.. meta:: :google-site-verification: LsEfb1rjo2RL8WOSZGigV11Kgyhtk9v1Vb-6GZFnHKo GEMMI - library for structural biology ====================================== Gemmi is a library, accompanied by a set of programs, developed primarily for use in **macromolecular crystallography** (MX). For working with: * macromolecular models (content of PDB, PDBx/mmCIF and mmJSON files), * refinement restraints (CIF files), * reflection data (MTZ and mmCIF formats), * data on a 3D grid (electron density maps, masks, MRC/CCP4 format) * crystallographic symmetry. Parts of this library can be useful in structural bioinformatics (for symmetry-aware analysis of protein models), and in other molecular-structure sciences that use CIF files (we have the `fastest `_ open-source CIF parser). Gemmi is open-source (MPL_) and portable -- it runs on Linux, Windows, MacOS and even inside a web browser if compiled to WebAssembly. It is written in C++11, with Python (2 and 3) bindings, and with partial C and Fortran 2003 interface. .. _MPL: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/ Occasionally, the project gets sidetracked into `visualization of the PDB data `_. Gemmi is a joint project of `Global Phasing Ltd `_ and `CCP4 `_. It is named after `Gemmi Pass `_. The name can also be expanded as *GEneral MacroMolecular I/o*. Source code repository: https://github.com/project-gemmi/gemmi .. note:: As of 2021 the library is under intensive development and not everything is documented yet. Just ask questions. It's OK to drop me_ an email asking how to implement this and that, but add some context (is it for a student assignment, research project, in-house software?). .. _me: wojdyr+gemmi@gmail.com Contents -------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 Introduction install cif symmetry mol analysis grid hkl utils Python API reference