$ gemmi mask -h Usage: gemmi mask [options] INPUT output.msk Makes a bulk-solvent mask in the CCP4 format. INPUT is a coordinate file (mmCIF, PDB, etc). -h, --help Print usage and exit. -V, --version Print version and exit. -v, --verbose Verbose output. --timing Print how long individual steps take. -s, --spacing=D Max. sampling for the grid (default: 1A). -g, --grid=NX,NY,NZ Grid sampling. -r, --radius=R Use constant radius of atom spheres. --r-probe=Rp Use VdW radius + Rp (default: 1.0A). --r-shrink=Rs Finally, remove a shell of thickness Rs (default: 1.1A). --island-limit=VOL Remove "islands" up to VOL A^3. --cctbx-compat Use vdW, Rprobe, Rshrink radii from cctbx. --refmac-compat Use radii compatible with Refmac. -I, --invert 0 for solvent, 1 for molecule.