.. highlight:: cpp .. _molecular: Molecular models ################ In this section we show how to handle structural models of biomolecules (to some degree, it also applies to small molecules and inorganic structures). Models from a single file (PDB, mmCIF, etc.) are stored in the ``Structure`` class, with the usual Model-Chain-Residue-Atom hierarchy. Gemmi provides basic functions to access and manipulate the structure, and on top of it more complex functions, such as neighbor search, calculation of dihedral angles, removal of ligands from a model, etc. Comparing with tools rooted in bioinformatics: * Gemmi focuses more on working with incomplete models (on all stages before they are published and submitted to the PDB), * and Gemmi is aware of the neighbouring molecules that are implied by the crystallographic and non-crystallographic symmetry. .. _elements: Elements ======== When working with molecular structures it is good to have basic data from the periodic table at hand. **C++** .. literalinclude:: code/elem.cpp **Python** .. doctest:: >>> import gemmi >>> gemmi.Element('Mg').weight 24.305 >>> gemmi.Element(118).name 'Og' >>> gemmi.Element('Mo').atomic_number 42 .. _covalent_radius: We also included covalent radii of elements from a `Wikipedia page `_, which has data from Cordero *et al* (2008), *Covalent radii revisited*, Dalton Trans. 21, 2832. .. doctest:: >>> gemmi.Element('Zr').covalent_r 1.75 van der Waals radii taken from Wikipedia and cctbx: .. doctest:: >>> gemmi.Element('K').vdw_r 2.75 and a flag for metals (the classification is somewhat arbitrary): .. doctest:: >>> gemmi.Element('Mg').is_metal True >>> gemmi.Element('C').is_metal False Small Molecules =============== CIF files that describe small-molecule and inorganic structures can be read into an SmallStructure object. Unlike macromolecular Structure, SmallStructure has no hierarchy. It is just a flat list of atomic sites (``SmallStructure::Site``) together with the unit cell and symmetry. .. literalinclude:: code/smcif.cpp .. doctest:: >>> import gemmi >>> SiC = gemmi.read_small_structure('../tests/1011031.cif') >>> SiC.cell.a 4.358 >>> SiC.spacegroup_hm 'F -4 3 m' >>> SiC.find_spacegroup() >>> SiC.sites [, ] >>> len(SiC.get_all_unit_cell_sites()) 8 >>> site = SiC.sites[0] >>> site.label 'Si1' >>> site.type_symbol 'Si4+' >>> site.fract >>> site.occ 1.0 >>> site.u_iso # not specified here 0.0 >>> site.element # obtained from type_symbol 'Si4+' >>> site.charge # obtained from type_symbol 'Si4+' 4 We will need another cif file to show anisotropic ADPs and disorder_group: .. doctest:: >>> perovskite = gemmi.read_small_structure('../tests/4003024.cif') >>> for site in perovskite.sites: ... print(site.label, site.aniso.nonzero(), site.disorder_group or 'n/a') Cs1 True n/a Sn2 False 1 Cl1 True n/a In False 2 >>> perovskite.sites[2].aniso.u11 0.10300000000000001 >>> perovskite.sites[2].aniso.u22 0.15600000000000003 >>> perovskite.sites[2].aniso.u33 0.15600000000000003 >>> perovskite.sites[2].aniso.u12 0.0 >>> perovskite.sites[2].aniso.u13 0.0 >>> perovskite.sites[2].aniso.u23 0.0 If your structure is stored in a macromolecular format (PDB, mmCIF) you can read it first as macromolecular :ref:`hierarchy ` and convert to SmallStructure: .. doctest:: >>> gemmi.mx_to_sx_structure(gemmi.read_structure('../tests/HEM.pdb')) .. _chemcomp: Chemical Components =================== Residues (monomers) and small molecule components of macromolecular models are called *chemical components*. Gemmi can use three sources of knowledge about chemical components: * built-in basic data about 350+ popular components, * the Chemical Component Dictionary (CCD) maintained by the PDB (25,000+ components), * so-called CIF files compatible with the format of the Refmac/CCP4 monomer library. .. _find_tabulated_residue: Built-in data ------------- The built-in data is accessed through the function ``find_tabulated_residue``. It contains only minimal information about each residue: assigned category, the "standard" flag (non-standard residues are marked as HETATM in the PDB, even in polymer), one-letter code, the number of hydrogens and molecular weight: .. literalinclude:: code/resinfo.cpp .. doctest:: >>> gln = gemmi.find_tabulated_residue('GLN') >>> gln.is_amino_acid() True >>> gln.one_letter_code 'Q' >>> round(gln.weight, 3) 146.144 >>> gln.hydrogen_count 10 >>> gemmi.find_tabulated_residue('DOD').is_water() True >>> # PDB marks "non-standard" residues as HETATM. >>> # Pyrrolysine is standard - some microbes have it. >>> gemmi.find_tabulated_residue('PYL').is_standard() True >>> gemmi.find_tabulated_residue('MSE').is_standard() False .. _CCD_etc: CCD and monomer libraries ------------------------- To get more complete information, including atoms and bonds in the monomer, we need to first read either the `CCD `_ or a monomer library. The CCD :file:`components.cif` file describes all the monomers (residues, ligands, solvent molecules) from the PDB entries. Importantly, it contains information about bonds. .. note:: The absence of bond information in mmCIF files from wwPDB is a `well-known problem `_, mitigated somewhat by PDBe which in parallel to the wwPDB archive has also `mmCIF files with connectivity `_ and bond-order information; and by RCSB which has this information in the `MMTF format `_. Macromolecular refinement programs need to know more about monomers than the CCD can tell: they need to know how to restrain the structure. Therefore, they have own dictionaries of monomers (a.k.a monomer libraries), such as the Refmac dictionary, where each monomer is described by one cif file. These libraries are often complemented by user's own cif files. Gemmi has class ``ChemComp`` that corresponds to the data about a monomer from either the CCD or a cif file. .. literalinclude:: ../examples/with_bgl.cpp :lines: 13-14,42-47 .. doctest:: >>> # SO3.cif -> gemmi.ChemComp >>> block = gemmi.cif.read('../tests/SO3.cif')[-1] >>> so3 = gemmi.make_chemcomp_from_block(block) It also has class ``MonLib`` that corresponds to a monomer library. In addition to storing a mapping between residue names and ``ChemComp``\ s, it also stores information that in the CCP4 monomer library is kept in :file:`mon_lib_list.cif`: description of chemical links and modifications, and classification of the residues. These classes are not documented yet. The examples in :ref:`graph_analysis` show how to access the lists of atoms and bonds from ``ChemComp``. .. _coordinates: Coordinates and matrices ======================== Coordinates are represented by two classes: * ``Position`` for coordinates in Angstroms (orthogonal coordinates), * ``Fractional`` for coordinates relative to the unit cell (fractional coordinates). Both ``Position`` and ``Fractional`` are derived from ``Vec3``, which has three numeric properties: ``x``, ``y`` and ``z``. .. doctest:: >>> v = gemmi.Vec3(1.2, 3.4, 5.6) >>> v.y = -v.y >>> # it can also be indexed >>> v[1] -3.4 The only reason to have separate types is to prevent functions that expect fractional coordinates from accepting orthogonal ones, and vice versa. In C++ these types are defined in ``gemmi/math.hpp``. If you have points in space you may want to calculate distances, angles and dihedral angles: .. doctest:: >>> from math import degrees >>> p1 = gemmi.Position(0, 0, 0) >>> p2 = gemmi.Position(0, 0, 1) >>> p3 = gemmi.Position(0, 1, 0) >>> p4 = gemmi.Position(-1, 1, 0) >>> p1.dist(p2) 1.0 >>> degrees(gemmi.calculate_angle(p1, p2, p3)) 45.00000000000001 >>> degrees(gemmi.calculate_dihedral(p1, p2, p3, p4)) 90.0 Additionally, in C++ you have other functions. See headers ``gemmi/math.hpp`` and ``gemmi/calculate.hpp``. ---- .. _transform: Working with macromolecular coordinates involves 3D transformations, such as crystallographic and non-crystallographic symmetry operations, and fractionalization and orthogonalization of coordinates. This requires a tiny bit of linear algebra. 3D transformations tend to be represented either by a 4x4 matrix, or by a 3x3 matrix and a translation vector. Gemmi uses the latter. Transformations are represented by the ``Transform`` class that has two member variables: ``mat`` (of type ``Mat33``) and ``vec`` (of type ``Vec3``, which was introduced above). .. doctest:: >>> tr = gemmi.Transform() # identity >>> tr.mat >>> tr.vec Both ``Vec3`` and ``Mat33`` can be converted to and from Python's list: In case of ``Mat33`` it is a nested list: .. doctest:: >>> tr.vec.fromlist([3.0, 4.5, 5]) >>> tr.vec.tolist() [3.0, 4.5, 5.0] >>> # nested listed for Mat33 >>> m = tr.mat.tolist() >>> m [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]] >>> m[1][2] = -5 >>> tr.mat.fromlist(m) >>> tr.mat Here is an example that shows a few other properties: .. doctest:: >>> # get NCS transformation from an example pdb file >>> ncs_op = gemmi.read_structure('../tests/1lzh.pdb.gz').ncs[0].tr >>> type(ncs_op) >>> ncs_op.mat >>> _.determinant() 1.000003887799667 >>> ncs_op.vec >>> # is the 3x3 matrix above orthogonal? >>> mat = ncs_op.mat >>> identity = gemmi.Mat33() >>> mat.multiply(mat.transpose()).approx(identity, epsilon=1e-5) True >>> ncs_op.apply(gemmi.Vec3(20, 30, 40)) >>> ncs_op.inverse().apply(_) To avoid mixing of orthogonal and fractional coordinates Gemmi also has ``FTransform``, which is like ``Transform``, but can be applied only to ``Fractional`` coordinates. ---- Separate classes are used for symmetric 3x3 matrices: SMat33f and SMat33d (for 32- and 64-bit floating point numbers, respectively). These classes are used primarily for anisotropic ADP tensors; their member variables are named ``u11``, ``u22``, ``u33``, ``u12``, ``u13`` and ``u23``. SMat33 classes provide a few methods, including calculations of eigenvalues and eigenvectors. .. doctest:: >>> aniso = perovskite.sites[2].aniso >>> aniso.u11 0.10300000000000001 >>> aniso.elements() # (u11, u22, u33, u12, u13, u23) [0.10300000000000001, 0.15600000000000003, 0.15600000000000003, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] >>> aniso.trace() 0.41500000000000004 >>> aniso.determinant() 0.002506608000000001 >>> aniso.calculate_eigenvalues() [0.10300000000000001, 0.15600000000000003, 0.15600000000000003] ---- .. _box: We also have a little utility for calculation of bounding boxes. In two variants: for ``Position`` and ``Fractional``: .. doctest:: >>> box = gemmi.PositionBox() >>> box.extend(gemmi.Position(-5, 5, 0)) >>> box.extend(gemmi.Position(4, 4, -1)) >>> box.minimum >>> box.maximum >>> box.get_size() >>> box.add_margin(0.5) # changes both minimum and maximum >>> box.get_size() >>> # Fractional variant works in the same way >>> box = gemmi.FractionalBox() ---- In C++ all these types are defined in ``gemmi/math.hpp``. .. _unitcell: Unit Cell ========= When working with a structural model in a crystal we need to know the unit cell. In particular, we need to be able to switch between orthogonal and fractional coordinates. Here are the most important properties and methods of the ``UnitCell`` class: **C++** .. literalinclude:: code/cell.cpp **Python** .. doctest:: >>> cell = gemmi.UnitCell(25.14, 39.50, 45.07, 90, 90, 90) >>> cell >>> cell.a, cell.b, cell.c (25.14, 39.5, 45.07) >>> cell.alpha, cell.beta, cell.gamma (90.0, 90.0, 90.0) >>> cell.volume 44755.8621 >>> cell.fractionalization_matrix >>> cell.fractionalize(gemmi.Position(10, 10, 10)) >>> cell.orthogonalization_matrix >>> cell.orthogonalize(gemmi.Fractional(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) Next, we can obtain the reciprocal cell: .. doctest:: >>> cell.reciprocal() and `metric tensors `_ in the direct and reciprocal space: .. doctest:: >>> cell.metric_tensor().u22 1560.25 >>> cell.reciprocal_metric_tensor().u23 0.0 The UnitCell object can also store a list of symmetry transformations. This list is populated automatically when reading a coordinate file. It contains crystallographic symmetry operations. In rare cases when the file defines strict NCS operarations that are not "given" (MTRIX record in the PDB format or _struct_ncs_oper in mmCIF) the list contains also the NCS operations. With this list we can use: * ``UnitCell::volume_per_image() -> double`` -- returns ``UnitCell::volume`` divided by the number of the molecule images in the unit cell, .. doctest:: >>> st = gemmi.read_structure('../tests/1pfe.cif.gz') >>> st.spacegroup_hm 'P 63 2 2' >>> st.cell.volume / st.cell.volume_per_image() 12.0 * ``UnitCell::is_special_position(const Position& pos, double max_dist=0.8) -> int`` -- returns the number of nearby symmetry mates of an atom. Non-zero only for atoms on special positions. For example, returns 3 for an atom on 4-fold symmetry axis. .. doctest:: >>> # chloride ion in 1PFE is significantly off the special position >>> cl = st[0].sole_residue('A', gemmi.SeqId('20'))[0] >>> cl >>> round(1.0 / cl.occ) 6 >>> st.cell.is_special_position(cl.pos, max_dist=0.5) 0 >>> st.cell.is_special_position(cl.pos, max_dist=0.8) 3 >>> st.cell.is_special_position(cl.pos, max_dist=1.2) 5 * ``UnitCell::find_nearest_image(const Position& ref, const Position& pos, Asu asu) -> SymImage`` -- with the last argument set to ``Asu::Any``, it returns the symmetric image of ``pos`` that is nearest to ``ref``. The last argument can also be set to ``Asu::Same`` or ``Asu::Different``. The unit cell can be used to determine interplanar spacing *d*:sub:`hkl` in the reciprocal space (the resolution corresponding to a reflection): .. doctest:: >>> cell.calculate_d([0, 1, 0]) 39.5 Computationally, *d* is calculated from 1/*d*:sup:`2`, so if you need the latter you can calculate it directly: .. doctest:: >>> cell.calculate_1_d2([8, -9, 10]) 0.20240687828293985 Reading coordinate files ======================== Gemmi support the following coordinate file formats: * mmCIF (PDBx/mmCIF), * PDB (with popular extensions), * mmJSON, * a binary format (MMTF, binary CIF, or own format) is to be considered. In this section we show how to read a coordinate file in Gemmi. In the next sections we will go into details of the individual formats. Finally, we will show what can be done with a structural model. C++ --- All the macromolecular coordinate files supported by Gemmi can be opened using:: Structure read_structure_file(const std::string& path, CoorFormat format=CoorFormat::Unknown) // where CoorFormat is defined as enum class CoorFormat { Unknown, Pdb, Mmcif, Mmjson }; For example:: #include // ... gemmi::Structure st = gemmi::read_structure_file(path); std::cout << "This file has " << st.models.size() << " models.\n"; In this example the file format is not specified and is determined from the file extension. ``gemmi::Structure`` is defined in ``gemmi/model.hpp`` and it will be documented :ref:`later on `. Gemmi also has a templated function ``read_structure`` that you can use to customize how you provide the data (bytes) to the parsers. This function is used to uncompress gzipped files on the fly: .. literalinclude:: code/maybegz.cpp If you include the :file:`gz.hpp` header (as in the example above) the resulting program must be linked with the zlib library. .. code-block:: console $ c++ -std=c++11 -Iinclude example_above.cpp -lz $ ./a.out 2cco.cif.gz This file has 20 models. The :file:`gemmi/mmread.hpp` header includes many other headers and is relatively slow to compile. For this reason, consider including it in only one compilation unit (that does not change often). Alternatively, if you want to support gzipped files, use function ``gemmi::read_structure_gz()`` declared in the header ``gemmi/gzread.hpp`` and implemented in ``gemmi/gzread_impl.hpp``. The latter header must be included in only one compilation unit. If you know the format of files that you will read, you may also use a function specific to this format. For example, the next section shows how to read just a PDB file (``read_pdb_file(path)``). Python ------ Any of the macromolecular coordinate files supported by Gemmi (gzipped or not) can be opened using: .. doctest:: :hide: >>> path = '../tests/1orc.pdb' .. doctest:: >>> gemmi.read_structure(path) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS If the file format is not specified (example above) it is determined from the file extension. If the extension is not canonical you can specify the format explicitely: .. doctest:: >>> gemmi.read_structure(path, format=gemmi.CoorFormat.Pdb) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS The file form ``gemmi.Structure`` will be documented :ref:`later on `. PDB format ========== The PDB format evolved between 1970's and 2012. Nowadays the PDB organization uses PDBx/mmCIF as the primary format and the legacy PDB format is frozen. .. note:: The PDB format specification_ aims to describe the format of files generated by the wwPDB. It does not aim to specify a format that can be used for data exchange between third-party programs. Following literally the specification is neither useful nor possible. For example: the REVDAT record is mandatory, but using it makes sense only for the entries released by the PDB. Therefore no software generates files conforming to the specification except from the wwPDB software (and even this one is not strictly conforming: it writes ``1555`` in the LINK record for the identity operator while the specifications requires leaving these fields blank). Do not read too much into the specification. Gemmi aims to support all flavours of PDB files that are in common use in the field of macromolecular crystallography. This includes files from wwPDB as well as files outputted by mainstream software. In particular, we support the following extensions: * two-character chain IDs (columns 21 and 22), * segment ID (columns 73-76) from PDB v2, * hybrid-36_ encoding of sequence IDs for sequences longer than 9999 (although we are yet to find an examples for this), * hybrid-36_ encoding of serial numbers for more than 99,999 atoms. Gemmi interprets more PDB records than most of programs and libraries, but supporting all the records is not a goal. The records that are interpreted can be converted from/to mmCIF: - HEADER - TITLE - KEYWDS - EXPDTA - NUMMDL - REMARK 2 - REMARK 3 (read-only, i.e. only in PDB -> mmCIF conversion) - REMARK 200/230/240 (read-only) - REMARK 290 (partly-read, but not by default) - REMARK 300 (read-only) - REMARK 350 - DBREF/DBREF1/DBREF2 - SEQRES - HELIX - SHEET - SSBOND - LINK - CISPEP - CRYST1 - ORIGXn - SCALEn - MTRIXn - MODEL/ENDMDL - ATOM/HETATM - ANISOU - TER - END Although the PDB format is widely used, some of its features can be easily overlooked. The rest of this section describes such features. It is for people who are interested in the details of the PDB format. You do not need to read it if you just want to use Gemmi and work with molecular models. ---- Let us start with the the list of atoms: .. code-block:: none HETATM 8 CE MSE A 1 8.081 3.884 27.398 1.00 35.65 C ATOM 9 N GLU A 2 2.464 5.718 24.671 1.00 14.40 N ATOM 10 CA GLU A 2 1.798 5.810 23.368 1.00 13.26 C Standard residues of protein, DNA or RNA are marked as ATOM. Solvent, ligands, metals, carbohydrates and everything else is marked as HETATM. What about non-standard residues of protein, DNA or RNA? According to the wwPDB they are HETATM, but some programs and crystallographers prefer to mark them as ATOM. It is better to not rely on any of the two conventions. In particular, removing ligands and solvent cannot be done by removing all the HETATM records. The next field after ATOM/HETATM is the serial number of an atom. The wwPDB spec limits the serial numbers to the range 1--99,999, but the popular extension called hybrid-36_ allows to have more atoms in the file by using also letters in this field. If you do not need to interpret the CONECT records the serial number can be simply ignored. Columns 13-27 describe the atom's place in the hierarchy. In the example above they are: .. code-block:: none 1 2 345678901234567 CE MSE A 1 N GLU A 2 CA GLU A 2 Here the CE atom is in chain A, in residue MSE with sequence ID 1. The atom names (columns 13-16) starts with the element name, and as a rule columns 13-14 contain only the element name. Therefore Cα and calcium ion, both named CA, are aligned differently: .. code-block:: none 1 2 345678901234567 CA GLU A 2 CA CA A 101 This rule has an exception: when the atom name has four characters it starts in column 13 even if it has a one-letter element code: .. code-block:: none HETATM 6495 CAX R58 A 502 17.143 -29.934 7.180 1.00 58.54 C HETATM 6496 CAX3 R58 A 502 16.438 -31.175 6.663 1.00 57.68 C Columns 23-27 contain a sequence ID. It consists of a number (columns 23-26) and, optionally, also an insertion code (A-Z) in column 27: .. code-block:: none ATOM 11918 CZ PHE D 100 -6.852 76.356 -23.289 1.00107.94 C ATOM 11919 N ARG D 100A -9.676 74.726 -19.958 1.00105.71 N ... ATOM 11970 CE MET D 100H -8.264 83.348 -19.494 1.00107.93 C ATOM 11971 N ASP D 101 -11.329 81.237 -14.804 1.00107.41 N The insertion codes are the opposite of gaps in the numbering; both are used to make the numbering consistent with a reference sequence (and for the same reason the sequence number can be negative). Another fields that is blank for most of the atoms is altloc. It is a letter marking an alternative conformation (columns 17, just before the residue name): .. code-block:: none HETATM 557 O AHOH A 301 13.464 41.125 8.469 0.50 20.23 O HETATM 558 O BHOH A 301 12.554 42.700 8.853 0.50 26.40 O Handling alternative conformations adds a lot of complexity, as it will be described later on in this documentation. These were all tricky things in the atom list. Now let's go to matrices. In most of the PDB entries the CRYST1 record is all that is needed to construct the crystal structure. But in some PDB files we need to take into account two other records: * MTRIX -- if marked as not-given it defines operations needed to reconstruct the asymmetric unit, * SCALE -- provides fractionalization matrix. The format of this entry is unfortunate: for large unit cells the relative precision of numbers is too small. So if coordinates are given in standard settings it is better to calculate the fractionalization matrix from the unit cell dimensions (i.e. from the CRYST1 record). But the SCALE record needs to be checked to see if the settings *are* the standard ones. .. _specification: https://www.wwpdb.org/documentation/file-format-content/format33/v3.3.html .. _hybrid-36: http://cci.lbl.gov/hybrid_36/ Reading ------- **C++** As described in the previous section, all coordinate files can be read using the same function calls. Additionally, in C++, you may read a selected file format to avoid linking with the code you do not use:: #include // to read #include // to uncompress on the fly gemmi::Structure st1 = gemmi::read_pdb_file(path); // or gemmi::Structure st2 = gemmi::read_pdb(gemmi::MaybeGzipped(path)); The content of the file can also be read from a string or from memory:: Structure read_pdb_string(const std::string& str, const std::string& name); Structure read_pdb_from_memory(const char* data, size_t size, const std::string& name); **Python** .. code-block:: python import gemmi # just use interface common for all file formats structure = gemmi.read_structure(path) # or a function that reads only pdb files structure = gemmi.read_pdb(path) # if you have the content of the PDB file in a string: structure = gemmi.read_pdb_string(string) Not all the metadata read from a PDB file is directly accessible from Python. Experimental details, refinement statistics, the secondary structure information, and many other things can be only read indirectly, by first putting it into a cif.Block: .. doctest:: >>> st = gemmi.read_structure('../tests/5moo_header.pdb') >>> block = st.make_mmcif_headers() >>> block.get_mmcif_category('_diffrn') {'id': ['1', '2'], 'crystal_id': ['1', '2'], 'ambient_temp': ['295', '295']} >>> block.get_mmcif_category('_diffrn_radiation') {'diffrn_id': ['1', '2'], 'pdbx_scattering_type': ['x-ray', 'neutron'], 'pdbx_monochromatic_or_laue_m_l': ['M', None], 'monochromator': [None, None]} PDB files are expected to have 80 columns, although trailing spaces are often not included. Some programs in certain situations produce longer lines, so Gemmi reads lines up to 120 characters. In some old files from the `wwPDB snapshots `_ columns 73-80 contain PDB ID and line number (such as "1ABC 205"). It confuses the PDB parser and it is not handled automatically -- such files are not in use nowadays. Nevertheless, they can be read by manually limiting the line length: >>> gemmi.read_pdb('../tests/pdb1gdr.ent', max_line_length=72) Writing ------- **C++** Function for writing data from Structure to a pdb file are in a header ``gemmi/to_pdb.hpp``:: void write_pdb(const Structure& st, std::ostream& os, PdbWriteOptions opt=PdbWriteOptions()); void write_minimal_pdb(const Structure& st, std::ostream& os); std::string make_pdb_headers(const Structure& st); Internally, these functions use the `stb_sprintf `_ library. And like in stb-style libraries, the implementation of the functions above is guarded by a macro. In exactly one file you need to add:: #define GEMMI_WRITE_IMPLEMENTATION #include Moreover, the same holds for functions writing MTZ and mmCIF files defined in ``gemmi/mtz.hpp`` and ``gemmi/to_mmcif.hpp``. In the source of the gemmi program all these functions are compiled in one compilation unit -- see :file:`src/output.cpp`. **Python** To output a file or string in the PDB format use one of the functions: .. code-block:: python # To write full PDB use (the options are listed below): structure.write_pdb(path [, options]) # To write only CRYST1 and coordinates, use: structure.write_minimal_pdb(path) # To get the same as a string: pdb_string = structure.make_minimal_pdb() # To get PDB headers as a string: header_string = structure.make_pdb_headers() ``write_pdb()`` has options to suppress writing of various records, to avoid assigning a serial number to the TER record, and to add use non-standard Refmac LINKR record instead of LINK. Here is the full signature: .. doctest:: >>> print(gemmi.Structure.write_pdb.__doc__.replace(',', ',\n ')) write_pdb(self: gemmi.Structure, path: str, seqres_records: bool = True, ssbond_records: bool = True, link_records: bool = True, cispep_records: bool = True, ter_records: bool = True, numbered_ter: bool = True, ter_ignores_type: bool = False, use_linkr: bool = False) -> None PDBx/mmCIF format ================= The mmCIF format (more formally: PDBx/mmCIF) became the primary format used by the wwPDB. The format uses the CIF 1.1 syntax with semantics described by the PDBx/mmCIF DDL2 dictionary. While this section may clarify a few things, you do not need to read it to work with mmCIF files. The main characteristics of the CIF syntax are described in the :ref:`CIF introduction `. Here we focus on things specific to mmCIF: * PDBx/mmCIF dictionary is clearly inspired by relational databases. Categories correspond to tables. Data items correspond to columns. Key data items correspond to primary (or composite) keys in RDBMS. While a single block in a single file always describes a single PDB entry, some relations between tables seem to be designed for any number of entries in one block. For example, although a file has only one ``_entry.id`` and ``_struct.title``, the dictionary uses an extra item called ``_struct.entry_id`` to match the title with id. Is it a good practice to check ``_struct.entry_id`` before reading ``_struct.title``? Probably not, as I have seen files with missing ``_struct.entry_id`` but never (yet) with multiple ``_struct.title``. * Any category (RDBMS table) can be written as a CIF loop (table). If such a table would have a single row it can be (and always is in wwPDB) written as key-value pairs. So when accessing a value it is safer to use abstraction that hides the difference between a loop and a key-value pair (``cif::Table`` in Gemmi). * Arguably, the mmCIF format is harder to parse than the old PDB format. Using ``grep`` and ``awk`` to extract atoms will work only with files written in a specific layout, usually by a particular software. It is unfortunate that the wwPDB FAQ encourages it, so one may expect portability problems when using mmCIF. * The atoms (``_atom_site``) table has four "author defined alternatives" (``.auth_*``) that have similar meaning to the "primary" identifiers (``.label_*``). Two of them, atom name (``atom_id``) and residue name (``comp_id``) :ref:`almost never ` differ (update: these few differences were removed from the PDB in 2018). The other two, chain name (``asym_id``) and sequence number (``seq_id``) may differ in a confusing way (A,B,C <-> C,A,B). Which one is presented to the user depends on a program (usually the author's version). This may lead to funny situations. * There is a formal distinction between mmCIF and PDBx/mmCIF dictionaries (they are controlled by separate committees). The latter is built upon the former. So we have the ``pdbx_`` prefix in otherwise random places, to mark tags that are not in the vanilla mmCIF. Here are example lines from a PDB file (3B9F) with the fields numbered at the bottom: .. code-block:: none ATOM 1033 OE2 GLU H 77 -9.804 19.834 -55.805 1.00 25.54 O ATOM 1034 N AARG H 77A -4.657 24.646 -55.236 0.11 20.46 N ATOM 1035 N BARG H 77A -4.641 24.646 -55.195 0.82 22.07 N | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 and the corresponding lines from PDBx/mmCIF v5 (as served by the PDB in 2018): .. code-block:: none ATOM 1032 O OE2 . GLU B 2 72 ? -9.804 19.834 -55.805 1.00 25.54 ? 77 GLU H OE2 1 ATOM 1033 N N A ARG B 2 73 A -4.657 24.646 -55.236 0.11 20.46 ? 77 ARG H N 1 ATOM 1034 N N B ARG B 2 73 A -4.641 24.646 -55.195 0.82 22.07 ? 77 ARG H N 1 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1 2 14 x 4 x x x x 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 7 5 6 3 x | | | | | label_comp_id Cartn_x | | | B_iso_or_equiv | auth_atom_id | id | | label_alt_id| pdbx_PDB_ins_code | occupancy | | | auth_asym_id group_PDB | label_atom_id label_seq_id | Cartn_z | | auth_comp_id type_symbol | label_entity_id Cartn_y | auth_seq_id pdbx_PDB_model_num label_asym_id pdbx_formal_charge ``x`` marks columns not present in the PDB file. The numbers in column 2 differ because in the PDB file the TER record (that marks the end of a polymer) is also assigned a number. ``auth_seq_id`` used to be the full author's sequence ID, but currently in the wwPDB entries it is only the sequence number; the insertion code is stored in a separate column (``pdbx_PDB_ins_code``). Confusingly, ``pdbx_PDB_ins_code`` is placed next to ``label_seq_id`` not ``auth_seq_id`` (``label_seq_id`` is always a positive number and has nothing to do with the insertion code). As mentioned above, the mmCIF format has two sets of names/numbers: *label* and *auth* (for "author"). Both atom names (``label_atom_id`` and ``auth_atom_id``) are normally the same. Both residue names (``label_comp_id`` and ``auth_comp_id``) are also normally the same. So Gemmi reads and stores only one name: *auth* if it is present, otherwise *label*. On the other hand, chain names (``asym_id``) and sequence numbers often differ and in the user interface it is better to use the author-defined names, for consistency with the PDB format and with the literature. .. _subchain: While this is not guaranteed by the specification, in all PDB entries each ``auth_asym_id`` "chain" is split into one or more ``label_asym_id`` "chains"; let us call them *subchains*. The polymer (residues before the TER record in the PDB format) goes into one subchain; all the other (non-polymer) residues are put into single-residue subchains; except the waters, which are all put into one subchain. Currently, wwPDB treats non-linear polymers (such as sugars) as non-polymers. .. note:: Having two sets of identifiers in parallel is not a good idea. Making them look the same so they can be confused is a bad design. Additionally, the label_* identifiers are not unique: waters have null ``label_seq_id`` and therefore all waters in one chain have the same identifier. If a water atom is referenced in another table (_struct_conn or _struct_site_gen) the label_* identifier is ambiguous, so it is necessary to use the auth_* identifier anyway. This all is quite confusing and lacks a proper documentation. So once again, now in a color-coded version: .. raw:: html
 ATOM   1032 O OE2 . GLU B 2  72  ? -9.804  19.834  -55.805 1.00 25.54 ? 77   GLU H OE2 1
 ATOM   1033 N N   A ARG B 2  73  A -4.657  24.646  -55.236 0.11 20.46 ? 77   ARG H N   1
 ATOM   1034 N N   B ARG B 2  73  A -4.641  24.646  -55.195 0.82 22.07 ? 77   ARG H N   1
and a couple lines from another file (6any): .. raw:: html
 ATOM   1    N N   . PHE A 1 1   ? 21.855 30.874 0.439  1.00 29.16 ? 17  PHE A N   1 
 ATOM   2    C CA  . PHE A 1 1   ? 20.634 31.728 0.668  1.00 26.60 ? 17  PHE A CA  1

 ATOM   1630 C CD2 . LEU A 1 206 ? 23.900 18.559 1.006  1.00 16.97 ? 222 LEU A CD2 1 
 HETATM 1631 C C1  . NAG B 2 .   ? 5.126  22.623 37.322 1.00 30.00 ? 301 NAG A C1  1 
 HETATM 1632 C C2  . NAG B 2 .   ? 5.434  21.608 38.417 1.00 30.00 ? 301 NAG A C2  1

 HETATM 1709 O O   . HOH I 6 .   ? -4.171 14.902 2.395  1.00 33.96 ? 401 HOH A O   1 
 HETATM 1710 O O   . HOH I 6 .   ? 9.162  43.925 8.545  1.00 21.30 ? 402 HOH A O   1
.. role:: orange_fg .. role:: blue_bg Each atom site has three independent identifiers: 1. The number in bold is a short and simple one (it does not need to be a number according to the mmCIF spec). 2. The hierarchical identifier from the PDB format (:blue_bg:`blue` background) is what people usually use. Unfortunately, the arbitrary ordering of columns makes it harder to interpret. 3. The new mmCIF identifier (:orange_fg:`orange`) is confusingly similar to 2, but it cannot uniquely identify water atoms, so it cannot be used in every context. How other tables in the mmCIF file refer to atom sites? Some use both 2 and 3 (e.g. _struct_conn), some use only 2 (e.g. _struct_site), and _atom_site_anisotrop uses all 1, 2 and 3. Reading ------- As a reminder, you may use the functions common for all file formats (such as ``read_structure_gz()``) to read a structure. But you may also use two functions that give you more control. These functions correspond to two stages of reading mmCIF files in Gemmi: file → ``cif::Document`` → ``Structure``. **C++** :: #include // file -> cif::Document #include // uncompressing on the fly #include // cif::Document -> Structure namespace cif = gemmi::cif; cif::Document doc = cif::read(gemmi::MaybeGzipped(mmcif_file)); gemmi::Structure structure = gemmi::make_structure(doc); ``cif::Document`` can be additionally used to access meta-data, such as the details of the experiment or software used for data processing. The examples are provided in the :ref:`CIF parser ` section. **Python** .. doctest:: :hide: >>> mmcif_path = '../tests/5i55.cif' .. doctest:: >>> cif_block = gemmi.cif.read(mmcif_path)[0] >>> structure = gemmi.make_structure_from_block(cif_block) ``cif_block`` can be additionally used to access meta-data. Writing ------- Writing is also in two stages: first a ``cif::Document`` is created and then it is written to disk. **C++** :: #include // cif::Document -> file // In exactly one compilation unit define this before including one of // mtz.hpp, to_mmcif.hpp, to_pdb.hpp. #define GEMMI_WRITE_IMPLEMENTATION #include // Structure -> cif::Document std::ofstream os("new.cif"); gemmi::write_cif_to_file(os, gemmi::make_mmcif_document(structure)); **Python** .. doctest:: >>> structure.make_mmcif_document().write_file('new.cif') ---- We also have function ``make_mmcif_headers()`` that writes everything except the list of atoms (categories ``_atom_site`` and ``_atom_site_anisotrop``). More fine-grained control of the output is possible with the function ``update_mmcif_block()``. It takes as parameters: Block and specification what groups (categories) are to be updated (added or replaced) in this block. In this example we output only cell parameters and atoms: .. doctest:: >>> groups = gemmi.MmcifOutputGroups(False) # False -> start with all groups disabled >>> groups.cell = True >>> groups.atoms = True >>> doc = gemmi.cif.Document() >>> block = doc.add_new_block('new') >>> structure.update_mmcif_block(block, groups) >>> doc.write_file('new2.cif') All group names (about 30) are listed in ``gemmi/to_mmcif.hpp``. mmJSON format ============= The mmJSON_ format is a JSON representation of the mmCIF data. This format can be easily parsed with any JSON parser (Gemmi uses `sajson `_). It is a good alternative to PDBML -- easier to parse and smaller. .. _mmJSON: https://pdbj.org/help/mmjson?lang=en Files in this format are available from PDBj using REST API: .. code-block:: none curl -o 5MOO.json.gz 'https://pdbj.org/rest/downloadPDBfile?id=5MOO&format=mmjson-all' as well as `ftp/rsync`__. __ mmJSON_ Gemmi reads mmJSON files into ``cif::Document``, as it does with mmCIF files. Reading ------- **C++** :: #include // JSON -> cif::Document #include // cif::Document -> Structure #include // to uncompress on the fly namespace cif = gemmi::cif; cif::Document doc = cif::read_mmjson_file(path); // or, to handle gzipped files: cif::Document doc = cif::read_mmjson(gemmi::MaybeGzipped(path)); // and then: gemmi::Structure structure = gemmi::make_structure(doc); **Python** .. doctest:: :hide: >>> mmjson_path = '../tests/1pfe.json' .. doctest:: >>> # just use interface common for all file formats >>> structure = gemmi.read_structure(mmjson_path) >>> >>> # but you can do it in two steps if you wish >>> cif_block = gemmi.cif.read_mmjson(mmjson_path)[0] >>> structure = gemmi.make_structure_from_block(cif_block) Writing ------- **C++** :: #include // for write_mmjson_to_stream // cif::Document doc = gemmi::make_mmcif_document(structure); gemmi::write_mmjson_to_stream(ostream, doc); **Python** .. doctest:: >>> # Structure -> cif.Document -> mmJSON >>> json_str = structure.make_mmcif_document().as_json(mmjson=True) .. _mcra: Hierarchy ========= The most useful representation for working with macromolecular models is a hierarchy of objects. To a first approximation all macromolecular libraries present the same hierarchy: model - chain - residue - atom. Naming ------ While *chain* and *residue* are not good names when referring to ligands and waters, we use this nomenclature as it is the most popular one. Some libraries (clipper) call it polymer - monomer - atom. PDBx/mmCIF uses more general (but not so obvious) terms: *entity* and *struct_asym* (structural component in asymetric unit) instead of chain, and *chem_comp* (chemical component) for residue/monomer. .. _altconf: Alternative conformations ------------------------- Apart from the naming, the biggest difference between libraries is how the disorder is presented. The main options are: * group together atoms from the same conformer * group together alternative locations of the same atom (cctbx.iotbx has residue-groups and atom-groups) * leave it to the user (e.g. mmdb and clipper). Handling alternative conformations adds significant complexity. `Reportedly `_, "about 90% of the development time invested into iotbx.pdb was in some form related to alternative conformations". Gemmi exposes the *altloc* field to the user (like mmdb). On top of it it offers utilities that make working with conformers easier: - functions that ignore all but the main conformation (inspired by BioPython), - and lightweight proxy objects ResidueGroup and AtomGroup that group alternative conformers (inspired by iotbx). Discontinuous chains -------------------- The usual order of atoms in a file is * either by chain (A-polymer, A-ligands, A-waters, B-polymer, B-ligands, B-waters) * or by chain parts (A-polymer, B-polymer, A-ligands, B-ligands, A-waters, B-waters). In the latter case (example: 100D), chain parts with the same name are either merged automatically (MMDB, BioPython) or left as separate chains (iotbx). In gemmi we support both ways. Since merging is easier than splitting, the chains are first read separately and after reading the file the user can call ``Structure::merge_chain_parts()``. In the Python interface merging is also controlled by second argument to the ``gemmi.read_structure()`` function: .. code-block:: python read_structure(path: str, merge_chain_parts: bool = True) -> gemmi.Structure .. _met_mse_example: Example ------- Next sections document each level of the hierarchy. But first a simple example. The code below iterates over all the hierarchy levels and mutates methionine residues (MET) to selenomethionine (MSE). **C++** .. literalinclude:: code/mutate.cpp **Python** .. testcode:: import gemmi def met_to_mse(st: gemmi.Structure) -> None: for model in st: for chain in model: for residue in chain: if residue.name == 'MET': residue.name = 'MSE' for atom in residue: if atom.name == 'SD': atom.name = 'SE' atom.element = gemmi.Element('Se') .. doctest:: :hide: >>> st = gemmi.read_structure('../tests/1orc.pdb') >>> st[0].sole_residue('A', gemmi.SeqId('12')) >>> met_to_mse(st) >>> st[0].sole_residue('A', gemmi.SeqId('12')) >>> _.sole_atom('SE').element Structure ========= The object of type Structure that we get from reading a PDB or mmCIF file contains one or more models. This is the top level in the hierarchy: structure - model - chain - residue - atom. Apart from storing models (usually just a single model) the ``Structure`` has the following properties: * ``name`` (string) -- usually the file basename or PDB code, * ``cell`` -- :ref:`unit cell `, * ``spacegroup_hm`` (string) -- full space group name in Hermann–Mauguin notation (usually taken from the coordinate file), * ``ncs`` (C++ type: ``vector``) -- list of NCS operations, usually taken from the MTRIX record or from the _struct_ncs_oper category, * ``resolution`` (C++ type: ``double``) -- resolution value from REMARK 2 or 3, * ``entities`` (C++ type: ``vector``) -- additional information about :ref:`subchains `, such as entity type and polymer's sequence, * ``connections`` (C++ type: ``vector``) -- list of connections corresponding to the _struct_conn category in mmCIF, or to the pdb records LINK and SSBOND, * ``assemblies`` (C++ type: ``vector``) -- list of biological assemblies defined in the REMARK 350 in pdb, or in corresponding mmCIF categories (_pdbx_struct_assembly, _pdbx_struct_assembly_gen, _pdbx_struct_assembly_prop and _pdbx_struct_oper_list) * ``info`` (C++ type: ``map``) -- minimal metadata with keys being mmcif tags (_entry.id, _exptl.method, ...), * ``raw_remarks`` (C++ type: ``vector``) -- REMARK records from a PDB file, empty if the input file has different format. In Python, the ``info`` member variable is a dictionary-like object: .. doctest:: >>> for key, value in st.info.items(): print(key, value) _cell.Z_PDB 4 _entry.id 1ORC _exptl.method X-RAY DIFFRACTION _pdbx_database_status.recvd_initial_deposition_date 1995-10-30 _struct.title CRO REPRESSOR INSERTION MUTANT K56-[DGEVK] _struct_keywords.pdbx_keywords GENE REGULATING PROTEIN _struct_keywords.text GENE REGULATING PROTEIN Gemmi parses many more records from the PDB format, including REMARK 3 and 200/230. This information is stored in the ``Metadata`` structure defined in ``gemmi/metadata.hpp``. Currently, it's not exposed to Python. ``Structure`` has also a number of methods. To access or delete a model with known name use:: Model* Structure::find_model(const std::string& model_name) void Structure::remove_model(const std::string& model_name) In Python these functions are wrapped as ``__getitem__`` and ``__delitem__``: .. doctest:: >>> structure[0] # by 0-based index >>> structure['1'] # by name, which is usually a 1-based index as string >>> del structure[1:] # delete all models but the first one >>> del structure['1'] # delete model "1" (normally, the first one) To add a model to the structure, in C++ use directly methods of:: std::vector Structure::models and in Python use: .. code-block:: python Structure.add_model(model, pos=-1) for example, .. testcode:: structure.add_model(gemmi.Model('7')) # add a new model structure.add_model(structure[0]) # add a copy of model #0 .. warning:: Adding and removing models may invalidate references to other models from the same Structure. This is expected when working with a C++ vector, but when using Gemmi from Python it is a flaw. More precisely: * ``add_model`` may cause memory re-allocation invalidating references to all other models, * ``remove_model`` and ``__delitem__`` invalidate references only to models that are after the removed one. This means that you need to update a reference before using it: .. code-block:: python model_reference = st[0] st.add_model(...) # model_reference gets invalidated model_reference = st[0] # model_reference is valid again The same rules apply to functions that add and remove chains, residues and atoms (``add_chain``, ``add_residue``, ``add_atom``, ``__delitem__``). After adding or removing models you may call: .. doctest:: >>> structure.renumber_models() which will set model *names* to sequential numbers (next section explains why models have names). The space group string is stored as ``spacegroup_hm``. To get a matching entry in the table of space groups use ``find_spacegroup()`` (which uses angles to distinguish hexagonal and rhombohedral settings for names such as "R 3"): .. doctest:: >>> structure.find_spacegroup() Entity ------ *Entity* is a new concept introduced in the mmCIF format. If the structure is read from a PDB file, we can assign entities by calling method ``setup_entities``. This method uses a simple heuristic to group residues into :ref:`subchains ` which are mapped to entities (this is primarily about finding where the polymer ends; works best if the TER record is used). All polymers with identical sequence in the SEQRES record are mapped to the same entity. Calling ``setup_entities`` is useful when converting from PDB to mmCIF (but to just convert files use :ref:`gemmi-convert `): .. doctest:: >>> st = gemmi.read_structure('../tests/1orc.pdb') >>> st.setup_entities() >>> st.assign_label_seq_id() >>> st.make_mmcif_document().write_file('out.cif') The ``assign_label_seq_id()`` function above :ref:`aligns ` sequence from the model to the full sequence (SEQRES) and sets ``Residue.label_seq`` (which corresponds to _atom_site.label_seq_id) accordingly. It doesn't do anything if ``label_seq`` is already set or if the full sequence is not known. The Entity object may change in the future. Here we only show its properties in an example: .. doctest:: >>> for entity in st.entities: print(entity) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS >>> ent = st.entities[0] >>> ent.name 'A' >>> ent.subchains ['Apoly'] >>> ent.entity_type >>> ent.polymer_type >>> ent.full_sequence[:5] ['MET', 'GLU', 'GLN', 'ARG', 'ILE'] The last property is sequence from the PDB SEQRES record (or mmCIF equivalent). More details in the :ref:`section about sequence `. Connection ---------- The list of connections contains bonds explicitely annotated in the file: .. doctest:: >>> st = gemmi.read_structure('../tests/4oz7.pdb') >>> st.connections[0] >>> st.connections[2] >>> st.connections[-1] You can find connection between two atoms, or check if it exists, by specifying two :ref:`atom addresses `: .. doctest:: >>> addr1 = gemmi.AtomAddress(chain='B', seqid=gemmi.SeqId('4'), resname='CYS', atom='SG') >>> addr2 = gemmi.AtomAddress('B', gemmi.SeqId('10'), 'CYS', atom='SG') >>> st.find_connection(addr1, addr2) Each connection stores: * type -- corresponding to _struct_conn.type in the mmCIF format; one of enumeration values: Covale, Disulf, Hydrog, MetalC, None; when reading PDB format the SSBOND record corresponds to Disulf, LINK records -- to Covale or MetalC, .. doctest:: >>> st.connections[0].type * name -- a unique name corresponding to _struct_conn.id in the mmCIF format; it is auto-generated the connections are read from the PDB format, .. doctest:: >>> st.connections[0].name 'disulf1' * optionally, ID of the link used to restrain this bond during refinement (_chem_link.id from the CCP4 monomer library), written as _struct_conn.ccp4_link_id in mmCIF, .. doctest:: >>> st.connections[0].link_id # no link ID -> empty string '' * addresses of two atoms (``partner1`` and ``partner2``), .. doctest:: >>> st.connections[2].partner2 * a flag that for connections between different symmetry images, .. doctest:: >>> st.connections[2].asu >>> st.connections[-1].asu * and a distance read from the file. .. doctest:: >>> st.connections[-1].reported_distance 2.22 When the connection is written to a file, the symmetry image and the distance are recalculated like this: .. doctest:: >>> con = st.connections[-1] >>> pos1 = st[0].find_cra(con.partner1).atom.pos >>> pos2 = st[0].find_cra(con.partner2).atom.pos >>> st.cell.find_nearest_image(pos1, pos2, con.asu) >>> _.dist() 2.22115330402924 The vast majority of connections is intramolecular, so usually you get: .. testcode:: :hide: con = st.connections[0] pos1 = st[0].find_cra(con.partner1).atom.pos pos2 = st[0].find_cra(con.partner2).atom.pos .. doctest:: >>> st.cell.find_nearest_image(pos1, pos2, con.asu) The section about :ref:`AtomAddress ` has an example that shows how to create a new connection. Assembly -------- Biological assemblies are nicely `introduced in PDB-101 `_. Description of a biological assembly read from a coordinate file is represented in Gemmi by the Assembly class. It contains a recipe how to construct the assembly from a model. In the PDB format, REMARK 350 says what operations should be applied to what chains. Similarly in the PDBx/mmCIF format, but :ref:`subchains ` are used instead of chains. Class Assembly has a list of generators and couple of properties: .. doctest:: >>> for assembly in st.assemblies: ... print(assembly.name, assembly.oligomeric_details, len(assembly.generators)) 1 MONOMERIC 1 2 MONOMERIC 1 Each generator has a list of chain names and a list of subchain names (only one of them is normally used), and a list of operators: .. doctest:: >>> gen = st.assemblies[0].generators[0] >>> gen.chains ['A'] >>> gen.subchains [] >>> len(gen.operators) 1 Each Operator has a :ref:`Transform `, and optionally also a name and type: .. doctest:: >>> oper = gen.operators[0] >>> oper.name '1' >>> oper.type '' >>> oper.transform # doctest: +ELLIPSIS >>> _.mat, _.vec (, ) This is how the assembly is stored in the PDBx/mmCIF file. Storing it differently in Gemmi would complicate reading and writing files. ---- To actually construct the assembly as a new Model use ``make_assembly()``. As always, naming things is hard. Biological unit may contain a number of copies of one chain. Each copy needs to be named. Gemmi provides three options: .. _how_to_name_copied_chain: - HowToNameCopiedChain.Dup (in C++: HowToNameCopiedChain::Dup) -- simply leaves the original chain name in all copies, - HowToNameCopiedChain.AddNumber -- copies of chain A are named A1, A2, ..., copies of chain B -- B1, B2, ..., etc, - HowToNameCopiedChain.Short -- unique one-character chain names are used until exhausted (after 26*2+10=62 chains), then two-character names are used. This option is appropriate when the output is to be stored in the PDB format. Function ``make_assembly`` takes Assembly, Model and one of the naming options above, and returns a new Model that represents the assembly. .. doctest:: >>> gemmi.make_assembly(st.assemblies[0], st[0], gemmi.HowToNameCopiedChain.AddNumber) >>> list(_) [] >>> gemmi.make_assembly(st.assemblies[1], st[0], gemmi.HowToNameCopiedChain.AddNumber) >>> list(_) [] In C++ ``make_assembly()`` is defined in ````. See also the ``--assembly`` option in command-line program :ref:`gemmi-convert `. Common operations ----------------- In Python, ``Structure`` has also methods for more specialized, but often needed operations: .. doctest:: >>> st.remove_alternative_conformations() >>> st.remove_hydrogens() >>> st.remove_waters() >>> st.remove_ligands_and_waters() >>> st.remove_empty_chains() In C++ the functions above are provided in ``gemmi/polyheur.hpp``. They are implemented as templated free functions that can be applied not only to ``Structure``, but also to ``Model`` and ``Chain``. ---- When the file has NCS operarations that are not "given", you can add NCS copies with: .. doctest:: >>> st.expand_ncs(gemmi.HowToNameCopiedChain.Short) The meaning of the argument is the same as in ``make_assembly()`` above. ---- Occasionally, you may come across an mmCIF file with chain names longer than necessary. To store such structure in a PDB format you need to shorten the chain names first: .. doctest:: >>> st.shorten_chain_names() In C++ this functions is in ``gemmi/assembly.hpp``. ---- In Python, ``Structure`` has also methods to calculate the :ref:`bounding box ` for the models, in either Cartesian or fractional coordinates. Symmetry mates are not taken into account here. .. doctest:: >>> box = st.calculate_box() >>> box.minimum >>> box.maximum >>> fbox = st.calculate_fractional_box() >>> fbox.get_size() >>> st.calculate_fractional_box(margin=5).get_size() In C++ these are stand-alone functions in ``gemmi/calculate.hpp``. .. _sequence: Sequence ======== In the previous section we introduced sequence with the following example: .. doctest:: >>> ent.full_sequence[:5] ['MET', 'GLU', 'GLN', 'ARG', 'ILE'] ``Entity.full_sequence`` is a list (in C++: ``std::vector``) of residue names. It stores sequence from the SEQRES record (pdb) or from the _entity_poly_seq category (mmCIF). The latter can contain microheterogeneity (point mutation). In such case, the residue names at the same point in sequence are separated by commas: .. doctest:: >>> st = gemmi.read_structure('../tests/1pfe.cif.gz') >>> seq = st.get_entity('2').full_sequence >>> seq ['DSN', 'ALA', 'N2C,NCY', 'MVA', 'DSN', 'ALA', 'NCY,N2C', 'MVA'] >>> # ^^^^^^^ microheterogeneity ^^^^^^^ To ignore point mutations we can use a helper function ``Entity::first_mon``: .. doctest:: >>> [gemmi.Entity.first_mon(item) for item in seq] ['DSN', 'ALA', 'N2C', 'MVA', 'DSN', 'ALA', 'NCY', 'MVA'] An example in the section about Chain shows how to :ref:`extract corresponding sequence from the model `. In general, the sequence in SEQRES and the sequence in model differ, but in this file they are the same. To get a sequence as one-letter codes you can use the :ref:`built-in table ` of popular residues: .. doctest:: >>> [gemmi.find_tabulated_residue(resname).one_letter_code for resname in _] ['s', 'A', ' ', 'v', 's', 'A', ' ', 'v'] ``one_letter_code`` is lowercase for non-standard residues where it denotes the parent component. If the code is blank, either the parent component is not known, or the component is not tabulated in Gemmi (i.e. it's not in the top 300+ most popular components in the PDB). To get a FASTA-like string, you could continue the previous line with: .. doctest:: >>> ''.join((code if code.isupper() else 'X') for code in _) 'XAXXXAXX' or use: .. doctest:: >>> gemmi.one_letter_code(seq) 'XAXXXAXX' To go in the opposite direction, use: .. doctest:: >>> [gemmi.expand_protein_one_letter(letter) for letter in _] ['UNK', 'ALA', 'UNK', 'UNK', 'UNK', 'ALA', 'UNK', 'UNK'] or .. doctest:: >>> gemmi.expand_protein_one_letter_string('XAXXXAXX') ['UNK', 'ALA', 'UNK', 'UNK', 'UNK', 'ALA', 'UNK', 'UNK'] Molecular weight ---------------- Gemmi provides a simple function to calculate molecular weight from the sequence. It uses the same built-in table of popular residues. Since in this example we have two rare components that are not tabulated, we must specify the avarage weight of unknown residue: .. doctest:: >>> gemmi.calculate_sequence_weight(seq, unknown=130.0) 784.6114543066407 In such case the result is not accurate, but this is not a typical case. Now we will take a PDB file with standard residues and calculate the Matthews coefficient: .. doctest:: >>> st = gemmi.read_structure('../tests/5cvz_final.pdb') >>> list(st[0]) [] >>> # we have just a single chain, which makes this example simpler >>> chain = st[0]['A'] >>> chain.get_polymer() >>> # Not good. The chain parts where not assigned automatically, >>> # because of the missing TER record in this file. We need to call: >>> st.setup_entities() # it should sort out chain parts >>> chain.get_polymer() >>> st.get_entity_of(_) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS >>> weight = gemmi.calculate_sequence_weight(_.full_sequence) >>> # Now we can calculate Matthews coefficient >>> st.cell.volume_per_image() / weight 3.1983428753317016 We could continue and calculate the solvent content, assuming the protein density of 1.35 g/cm\ :sup:`3` (the other constants below are the Avogadro number and Å\ :sup:`3`/cm\ :sup:`3` = 10\ :sup:`-24`): .. doctest:: >>> protein_fraction = 1. / (6.02214e23 * 1e-24 * 1.35 * _) >>> print('Solvent content: {:.1f}%'.format(100 * (1 - protein_fraction))) Solvent content: 61.5% Gemmi also includes a program that calculates the solvent content: :ref:`gemmi-contents `. .. _sequence-alignment: Sequence alignment ------------------ Gemmi includes a sequence alignment algorithm based on the simplest function (ksw_gg) from the `ksw2 project `_ of `Heng Li `_. It is a pairwise, global alignment with substitution matrix (or just match/mismatch values) and affine gap penalty. Additionally, in Gemmi the gap openings at selected positions can be made free. Let say that we want to align residues in the model to the full sequence. Sometimes, the alignment is ambiguous. If we'd align texts ABBC and ABC, both A-BC and AB-C would have the same score. In a 3D structure, the position of gap can be informed by inter-atomic distances. This information is used automatically in the ``align_sequence_to_polymer`` function. Gap positions, determined by a simple heuristic, are passed to the alignment algorithm as places where the gap opening penalty is not to be imposed. .. doctest:: >>> st = gemmi.read_pdb('../tests/pdb1gdr.ent', max_line_length=72) >>> result = gemmi.align_sequence_to_polymer(st.entities[0].full_sequence, ... st[0][0].get_polymer(), ... gemmi.PolymerType.PeptideL) The arguments of this functions are: sequence (a list of residue names), :ref:`ResidueSpan ` (a span of residues in a chain), and the type of chain, which is used to infer gaps. (The type can be taken from Entity.polymer_type, but in this example we wanted to keep things simple). The result provides statistics and methods of summarizing the alignment: .. doctest:: >>> result #doctest: +ELLIPSIS >>> # score calculated according AlignmentScoring explained below >>> result.score 69 >>> # number of matching (identical) residues >>> result.match_count 105 >>> # identity = match count / length of the shorter sequence >>> result.calculate_identity() 100.0 >>> # identity wrt. the 1st sequence ( = match count / 1st sequence length) >>> result.calculate_identity(1) 75.0 >>> # identity wrt. the 2nd sequence >>> result.calculate_identity(2) 100.0 >>> # CIGAR = Concise Idiosyncratic Gapped Alignment Report >>> result.cigar_str() '11M3I23M7I71M25I' To print out the alignment, we can combine function ``add_gaps`` and property ``match_string``: .. doctest:: >>> result.add_gaps(gemmi.one_letter_code(st.entities[0].full_sequence), 1)[:70] 'MRLFGYARVSTSQQSLDIQVRALKDAGVKANRIFTDKASGSSSDRKGLDLLRMKVEEGDVILVKKLDRLG' >>> result.match_string[:70] '||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||' >>> result.add_gaps(gemmi.one_letter_code(st[0][0].get_polymer()), 2)[:70] 'MRLFGYARVST---SLDIQVRALKDAGVKANRIFTDK-------RKGLDLLRMKVEEGDVILVKKLDRLG' or we can use function ``AlignmentResult.formatted()``. We also have a function that aligns two sequences. We can exercise it by comparing two strings: .. doctest:: >>> result = gemmi.align_string_sequences(list('kitten'), list('sitting'), []) The third argument above is a list of free gap openings. Now we can visualize the match: .. doctest:: >>> print(result.formatted('kitten', 'sitting'), end='') # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE kitten- .|||.| sitting >>> result.score 0 The alignment and the score is calculate according to AlignmentScoring, which can be passed as the last argument to both ``align_string_sequences`` and ``align_sequence_to_polymer`` functions. The default scoring is +1 for match, -1 for mismatch, -1 for gap opening, and -1 for each residue in the gap. If we would like to calculate the `Levenshtein distance `_, we would use the following scoring: .. doctest:: >>> scoring = gemmi.AlignmentScoring() >>> scoring.match = 0 >>> scoring.mismatch = -1 >>> scoring.gapo = 0 >>> scoring.gape = -1 >>> gemmi.align_string_sequences(list('kitten'), list('sitting'), [], scoring) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS >>> _.score -3 So the distance is 3, as expected. In addition to the scoring parameters above, we can define a substitution matrix. Gemmi includes ready-to-use BLOSUM62 matrix with the gap cost 10/1, like in `BLAST `_. .. doctest:: >>> blosum62 = gemmi.prepare_blosum62_scoring() >>> blosum62.gapo, blosum62.gape (-10, -1) Now we can test it on one of examples from the `BioPython tutorial `_. First, we try global alignment: .. doctest:: >>> result = gemmi.align_string_sequences( ... gemmi.expand_protein_one_letter_string('LSPADKTNVKAA'), ... gemmi.expand_protein_one_letter_string('PEEKSAV'), ... [], blosum62) >>> print(result.formatted('LSPADKTNVKAA', 'PEEKSAV'), end='') LSPADKTNVKAA |..|. |. --PEEKS---AV >>> result.score -7 We have only global aligment available, but we can use free-gaps to approximate a semi-global alignment (infix method) where gaps at the start and at the end of the second sequence are not penalized. Approximate -- because only gap openings are not penalized, residues in the gap still decrease the score: .. doctest:: >>> result = gemmi.align_string_sequences( ... gemmi.expand_protein_one_letter_string('LSPADKTNVKAA'), ... gemmi.expand_protein_one_letter_string('PEEKSAV'), ... # free gaps at 0 (start) and 7 (end): 01234567 ... [i in (0, 7) for i in range(8)], ... blosum62) >>> print(result.formatted('LSPADKTNVKAA', 'PEEKSAV'), end='') #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE LSPADKTNVKAA |..|..| --PEEKSAV--- >>> result.score 11 The real infix method (or local alignment) would yield the score 16 (11+5), because we have 5 missing residues at the ends. See also the :ref:`gemmi-align ` program. Model ===== Model contains chains (class ``Chain``) that can be accessed by index or by name:: // to access or delete a chain by index use directly the chains vector: std::vector Model::chains // to access or delete a chain by name use functions: Chain* Model::find_chain(const std::string& chain_name) void Model::remove_chain(const std::string& chain_name) .. doctest:: >>> model = gemmi.read_structure('../tests/1orc.pdb')[0] >>> model >>> model[0] >>> model['A'] >>> del model['A'] # deletes chain A As it was shown in the :ref:`MET to MSE example `, you can iterate over chains in the model. You can also use function ``all()`` to iterate over all atoms in the model, getting objects of the :ref:`CRA ` class which holds three pointers -- chain, residue and atom. The function mutating MET to MSE could be alternatively implemented as: .. testcode:: def met_to_mse2(st: gemmi.Structure) -> None: for model in st: for cra in model.all(): if cra.residue.name == 'MET' and cra.atom.name == 'SD': cra.residue.name = 'MSE' cra.atom.name = 'SE' cra.atom.element = gemmi.Element('Se') .. doctest:: :hide: >>> st = gemmi.read_structure('../tests/1orc.pdb') >>> st[0].sole_residue('A', gemmi.SeqId('12')) >>> met_to_mse2(st) >>> st[0].sole_residue('A', gemmi.SeqId('12')) >>> _.sole_atom('SE').element To add a chain to the model, in C++ use directly methods of ``Model::chains`` and in Python use: .. code-block:: python Model.add_chain(chain, pos=-1, unique_name=False) for example, .. testcode:: model.add_chain(gemmi.Chain('E')) # add a new (empty) chain model.add_chain(model[0]) # add a copy of chain #0 model.add_chain(model[0], unique_name=True) In the example with ``unique_name=True``, if the model already has a chain with the same name, the added chain is assigned a new name (see :ref:`HowToNameCopiedChain.Short `). Each ``Model`` in a Structure must have a unique name (``string name``). Normally, models are numbered and the name is a number. But according to the mmCIF spec the name does not need to be a number, so just in case we store it as a string. .. doctest:: >>> model.name '1' ---- As was discussed before, the PDBx/mmCIF format has also a set of parallel identifiers. In particular, it has ``label_asym_id`` in parallel to ``auth_asym_id``. In Gemmi the residues with the same ``label_asym_id`` are called :ref:`subchain `. Subchain is represented by class ``ResidueSpan``. If you want to access a subchain with the specified ``label_asym_id``, use:: Model::get_subchain(const std::string& sub_name) -> ResidueSpan .. doctest:: >>> model = gemmi.read_structure('../tests/1pfe.cif.gz')[0] >>> model.get_subchain('A') To get the list of all subchains in the model, use:: Model::subchains() -> std::vector .. doctest:: >>> [subchain.subchain_id() for subchain in model.subchains()] ['A', 'C', 'F', 'B', 'D', 'E', 'G'] The subchains got re-ordered when the chain parts were merged. Alternatively, we could do: .. doctest:: >>> model = gemmi.read_structure('../tests/1pfe.cif.gz', merge_chain_parts=False)[0] >>> [subchain.subchain_id() for subchain in model.subchains()] ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G'] The ``ResidueSpan`` is described in the next section. .. TODO: find_residue_group, sole_residue, get_all_residue_names ---- In Python, ``Model`` has also methods for often needed calculations: .. doctest:: >>> model.count_atom_sites() 342 >>> model.count_occupancies() 302.9999997317791 >>> model.calculate_mass() 4395.826034891504 >>> model.calculate_center_of_mass() In C++, the same functionality is provided by templated functions from ``gemmi/calculate.hpp``. These functions (in C++) can be applied not only to ``Model``, but also to ``Structure``, ``Chain`` and ``Residue``. Chain ===== Chain corresponds to the chain in the PDB format and to ``_atom_site.auth_asym_id`` in the mmCIF format. It has a name and a list of residues (class ``Residue``). To get the name or access a residue by index, in C++ you may access these properties directly:: std::string name; std::vector residues; In Python, we also have the ``name`` property: .. doctest:: >>> model = gemmi.read_structure('../tests/1pfe.cif.gz')[0] >>> chain_a = model['A'] >>> chain_a.name 'A' but the residues are accessed by iterating or indexing directly the chain object: .. doctest:: >>> chain_a[0] # first residue >>> chain_a[-1] # last residue >>> len(chain_a) 79 >>> sum(res.is_water() for res in chain_a) 70 To add a residue to the chain, in C++ use directly methods of ``Chain::residues`` and in Python use: .. code-block:: python Chain.add_residue(residue, pos=-1) for example, .. doctest:: >>> # add a copy of the first residue at the end >>> chain_a.add_residue(chain_a[0]) >>> # and then delete it >>> del chain_a[-1] In the literature, residues are referred to by sequence ID (number and, optionally, insertion code) and residue name. To get residues with with the specified sequence ID use indexing with a string as an argument: .. doctest:: >>> chain_a['1'] The returned object is a ResidueGroup with a single residue, unless we have a point mutation. The ResidueGroup is documented later on. For now let's only show how to extract the residue we want: .. doctest:: >>> chain_a['1']['DG'] # gets residue DG >>> chain_a['1'][0] # gets first residue in the group ---- Often, we need to refer to a part of the chain. A span of consecutive residues can be represented by ``ResidueSpan``. For example, if we want to process separately the polymer, ligand and water parts of the chain, we can use the following functions that return ``ResidueSpan``:: ResidueSpan Chain::get_polymer() ResidueSpan Chain::get_ligands() ResidueSpan Chain::get_waters() .. doctest:: >>> chain_a.get_polymer() >>> chain_a.get_ligands() >>> chain_a.get_waters() .. note:: This is possible because, conventionally, polymer is at the beginning of the chain, waters are at the end, and ligands are in the middle. It won't work if for some reasons the residues of different categories are intermixed. We also have a function that returns the whole chain as a residue span:: ResidueSpan Chain::whole() .. doctest:: >>> chain_a.whole() ``Chain`` has also functions ``get_subchain()`` and ``subchains()`` that do the same as the functions of ``Model`` with the same names: .. doctest:: >>> [subchain.subchain_id() for subchain in model['A'].subchains()] ['A', 'C', 'F'] >>> [subchain.subchain_id() for subchain in model['B'].subchains()] ['B', 'D', 'E', 'G'] ---- Now let us consider microheterogeneities (point mutations). They are less frequent than alternative conformations of atoms in a residue, but we still need to handle them. So we have two approaches, as mentioned before in the section about :ref:`alternative conformations `. For quick and approximate analysis of the structure, one may get by with ignoring all but the first (main) conformer. Both ``Chain`` and ``ResidueSpan`` have function ``first_conformer()`` which returns iterator over residues of the main conformer. .. _polymer_b_sequence: .. doctest:: >>> polymer_b = model['B'].get_polymer() >>> # iteration goes through all residues and atom sites >>> [res.name for res in polymer_b] ['DSN', 'ALA', 'N2C', 'NCY', 'MVA', 'DSN', 'ALA', 'NCY', 'N2C', 'MVA'] >>> # The two pairs N2C/NCY above are alternative conformations. >>> # Sometimes we want to ignore alternative conformations: >>> [res.name for res in polymer_b.first_conformer()] ['DSN', 'ALA', 'N2C', 'MVA', 'DSN', 'ALA', 'NCY', 'MVA'] A more complex approach is to group together the alternatives. Such a group is represented by ``ResidueGroup``, which is derived from ``ResidueSpan``. .. doctest:: >>> for group in polymer_b.residue_groups(): ... print(','.join(residue.name for residue in group), end=' ') # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE DSN ALA N2C,NCY MVA DSN ALA NCY,N2C MVA ---- In Python, Chain has a few specialized, but commonly used functions. Three that are present also in the Model class: .. doctest:: >>> chain_a.count_atom_sites() 242 >>> chain_a.count_occupancies() 216.9999997317791 >>> chain_a.calculate_mass() 3211.093834891507 and a function that changes a polypeptide chain into polyalanine: .. doctest:: >>> chain_a.trim_to_alanine() In C++ ``trim_to_alanine()`` is defined in ``gemmi/polyheur.hpp``. .. _residuespan: ResidueSpan, ResidueGroup ========================= ResidueSpan is a lightweight objects that refers to a contiguous sequence of residues in a chain. It does not hold a copy - it is only a view of a span of residues in Chain. ResidueGroup is a ResidueSpan for residues with the same sequence ID (microheterogeneities). Both allow addressing residue by (0-based) index: .. doctest:: >>> # in the following examples we use polymer_b from the previous section >>> polymer_b >>> polymer_b[1] # gets residue by index You can iterate over residues, although for ResidueSpan it may be better to iterate only over one conformer: .. doctest:: >>> # iterating over all residues >>> for res in polymer_b: print(res.name, end=' ') #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE DSN ALA N2C NCY MVA DSN ALA NCY N2C MVA >>> # iterating over primary (first) conformer >>> for res in polymer_b.first_conformer(): print(res.name, end=' ') #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE DSN ALA N2C MVA DSN ALA NCY MVA Related to this, the length can be calculating in two ways: .. doctest:: >>> len(polymer_b) # number of residues 10 >>> polymer_b.length() # length of the chain (which has 2 point mutations) 8 The functions for adding and removing residues are the same as in Chain: .. doctest:: >>> # add a new (empty) residue at the beginning >>> polymer_b.add_residue(gemmi.Residue(), 0) >>> # and delete it >>> del polymer_b[0] If ResidueSpan represents a subchain we can get its ID (``label_asym_id``): .. doctest:: >>> polymer_b.subchain_id() 'B' If it's a polymer, we can ask for polymer type and sequence: .. doctest:: >>> polymer_b.check_polymer_type() >>> polymer_b.make_one_letter_sequence() 'sAXvsAXv' In C++ these two functions are available in ``gemmi/polyheur.hpp``. The latter function uses a simple heuristic to check for gaps and the result includes a single dash (``-``) in places where the distance between residues suggests a gap. In addition to the numeric indexing, ``ResidueSpan.__getitem__`` (like ``Chain.__getitem__``) can take sequence ID as a string, returning ResidueGroup. In ResidueGroup we can uniquely address a residue by name, therefore ``ResidueGroup.__getitem__`` (and ``__delitem__``) takes residue name. .. doctest:: >>> polymer_b['2'] # ResidueSpan[sequence ID] -> ResidueGroup >>> _['ALA'] # ResidueGroup[residue name] -> Residue Residue ======= Residue contains atoms (class ``Atom``). From C++ you may access directly the list of atoms:: std::vector Residue::atoms Or you may use helper functions that take: atom name, alternative location (``'*'`` = take the first matching atom regardless of altloc, ``'\0'`` = no altloc) and, optionally, also the expected element if you want to verify it:: Atom* Residue::find_atom(const std::string& atom_name, char altloc, El el=El::X) std::vector::iterator Residue::find_atom_iter(const std::string& atom_name, char altloc, El el=El::X) If atom is not found, the first function return ``nullptr``, the second one throws exception. To get all atoms with given name as ``AtomGroup`` (most often it will be just a single atom) use ``Residue::get(const std::string& name)``. In Python it is similar (but ``__getitem__`` is used instead of ``get()``): .. doctest:: >>> residue = polymer_b['2']['ALA'] >>> residue >>> residue[0] >>> residue[-1] >>> residue.find_atom('CA', '*') >>> residue['CA'] >>> # Residue also has ``__contains__`` and ``__iter__`` >>> 'CB' in residue True >>> ' '.join(a.name for a in residue) 'N CA C O CB' Atoms can be added, modified and removed: .. doctest:: >>> new_atom = gemmi.Atom() >>> new_atom.name = 'HA' >>> residue.add_atom(new_atom, 2) # added at (0-based) position 2 >>> del residue[2] Residue contains also a number of properties: * ``name`` -- residue name, such as ALA, * ``seqid`` -- sequence ID, class SeqId with two properties: * ``num`` -- sequence number, * ``icode`` -- insertion code (a single character, ``' '`` = none), * ``segment`` -- segment from the PDB format v2, * ``subchain`` -- label_asym_id from mmCIF file, or ID generated by ``Structure.assign_subchains()``, * ``label_seq`` -- numeric value from the label_seq_id field. * ``entity_type`` -- one of EntityType.Unknown, Polymer, NonPolymer, Water, * ``het_flag`` -- a single character based on the PDB record or on the _atom_site.group_PDB field: ``A``\ =ATOM, ``H``\ =HETATM, ``\0``\ =unspecified, .. doctest:: >>> residue.seqid.num, residue.seqid.icode (2, ' ') >>> residue.subchain 'B' >>> residue.label_seq 2 >>> residue.entity_type >>> residue.het_flag 'A' To check if a residue is water (normal or heavy) you may use a helper function: .. doctest:: >>> residue.is_water() False Classes Chain and ResidueSpan have function ``first_conformer()`` for iterating over residues of one conformer. Similarly, ``Residue::first_conformer()`` iterates over atoms of a single conformer: .. doctest:: >>> residue = chain_a[0] >>> for atom in residue: print(atom.name, end=' ') #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE O5' C5' C4' C4' O4' C3' C3' O3' O3' C2' C2' C1' N9 C8 N7 C5 C6 O6 N1 C2 N2 N3 C4 >>> for atom in residue.first_conformer(): print(atom.name, end=' ') #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE O5' C5' C4' O4' C3' O3' C2' C1' N9 C8 N7 C5 C6 O6 N1 C2 N2 N3 C4 AtomGroup ========= AtomGroup represents alternative locations of the same atom. It is implemented as a lightweight object that points to a consecutive atoms (atom sites) inside the same Residue. It has minimal functionality: .. doctest:: >>> residue["O5'"] >>> _.name() "O5'" >>> len(residue["O5'"]) 1 >>> residue["O3'"] >>> residue["O3'"][0] # get atom site by index >>> residue["O3'"]['A'] # get atom site by altloc >>> for a in residue["O3'"]: print(a.altloc, end=' ') #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE A B Atom ==== Atom (more accurately: atom site) has the following properties: * ``name`` -- atom name, such as ``CA`` or ``CB``, * ``altloc`` -- alternative location indicator (one character), * ``charge`` -- integer number (partial charges are not supported), * ``element`` -- :ref:`element ` from a periodic table, * ``pos`` -- coordinates in Angstroms (instance of ``Position``), * ``occ`` -- occupancy, * ``b_iso`` -- isotropic temperature factor or, more accurately, atomic displacement parameter (ADP), * ``aniso`` -- anisotropic atomic displacement parameters (U not B). * ``serial`` -- atom serial number (integer). * ``calc_flag`` -- mmCIF _atom_site.calc_flag (used since 2020). * ``flag`` -- custom flag, a single character that can be used for anything by the user. These properties can be read and written from both C++ and Python, as was shown in :ref:`the example ` where sulfur was mutated to selenium. .. doctest:: >>> atom = polymer_b['2']['ALA']['CA'][0] >>> atom.name 'CA' >>> atom.element >>> atom.pos >>> atom.occ 1.0 >>> atom.b_iso 9.4399995803833 >>> atom.charge 0 >>> atom.serial 179 >>> atom.flag '\x00' ``altloc`` is stored as a single character. Majority of atoms has a single conformations and the altloc character set to NUL (``'\0'``). If you want to check if an atom has non-NUL altloc, you may also use method ``has_altloc()``: .. doctest:: >>> atom.altloc '\x00' >>> atom.has_altloc() False ``element`` can be compared (``==``, ``!=``) with other instances of gemmi.Element. For checking if it is a hydrogen we have a dedicated function ``is_hydrogen()`` which returns true for both H and D: .. doctest:: >>> atom.element == gemmi.Element('C') True >>> atom.is_hydrogen() False **B-factors** -- atomic displacement parameters. The PDB format stores isotropic ADP as *B* and anisotropic as *U* (*B* = 8\ *π*\ :sup:`2`\ *U*). So is Gemmi: .. doctest:: >>> atom.b_iso 9.4399995803833 >>> atom.aniso.nonzero() # has non-zero anisotropic ADP True >>> '%g %g %g' % (atom.aniso.u11, atom.aniso.u22, atom.aniso.u33) '0.1386 0.1295 0.0907' >>> '%g %g %g' % (atom.aniso.u12, atom.aniso.u23, atom.aniso.u23) '-0.0026 0.0068 0.0068' >>> U_eq = atom.aniso.trace() / 3 >>> from math import pi >>> '%g ~= %g' % (atom.b_iso, 8 * pi**2 * U_eq) '9.44 ~= 9.44324' Anisotropic models also contain *B*\ :sub:`iso`, which should be a full isotropic B-factor. But, as discussed in the `BDB paper `_, some PDB entries contain "residual" B-factors instead. Moreover, "full isotropic ADP" can mean different things. Usually, *B*\ :sub:`eq` is used (*B*\ :sub:`eq` ~ tr(*U*\ :sub:`ij`)). But because *B*\ :sub:`eq` tends to give values larger than the B-factors that would be obtained in isotropic refinement, `Ethan Merrit proposed `_ a metric named *B*\ :sub:`est`, more similar to the would-be isotropic *B*\ s. Gemmi can calculate both: .. doctest:: >>> atom.b_eq() # B_eq 9.443238117199861 >>> gemmi.calculate_b_est(atom) # B_est 9.15448356208817 .. _atom_address: AtomAddress and CRA =================== Atoms are often referred to by specifying their chain, residue, atom name and, optionally, altloc. In gemmi, a structure to store such a specification is called AtomAddress. For instance, the following line from a PDB file: .. code-block:: none LINK C 22Q A 1 N ALA A 2 1555 1555 1.34 corresponds to Connection that contains two addresses: .. doctest:: >>> st = gemmi.read_structure('../tests/4oz7.pdb') >>> st.connections[2] Let us check the properties of the second address: .. doctest:: >>> addr = _.partner2 >>> addr >>> addr.chain_name 'A' >>> addr.res_id >>> addr.res_id.seqid >>> addr.res_id.name 'ALA' >>> addr.atom_name 'N' >>> addr.altloc '\x00' .. _CRA: A valid AtomAddress points to a chain, residue and atom in a model. Pointers to the Chain, Residue and Atom can be kept together in another small structure, called CRA: .. doctest:: >>> cra = st[0].find_cra(addr) >>> cra >>> cra.chain >>> cra.residue >>> cra.atom Now, as an exercise, we will delete and re-create a disulfide bond: .. doctest:: >>> # remove >>> st.connections.pop(0) >>> # create >>> con = gemmi.Connection() >>> con >>> con.name = 'new_disulf' >>> con.type = gemmi.ConnectionType.Disulf >>> con.asu = gemmi.Asu.Same >>> chain_a = st[0]['A'] >>> res4 = chain_a['4']['CYS'] >>> res10 = chain_a['10']['CYS'] >>> con.partner1 = gemmi.make_address(chain_a, res4, res4.sole_atom('SG')) >>> con.partner2 = gemmi.make_address(chain_a, res10, res10.sole_atom('SG')) >>> st.connections.append(con) >>> st.connections[-1] Examples ======== .. _long_chain: Chain longer than cell ---------------------- Is it possible for a single chain to exceed the size of the unit cell in one of the directions? How much longer can it be than the cell? .. literalinclude:: ../examples/long_geom.py :language: python :lines: 2- When run on the PDB database (on a local copy of either pdb or mmCIF files) this script prints too many lines to show here. .. code-block:: console $ ./examples/long_geom.py $PDB_DIR/structures/divided/pdb/ 105M chain:A deltaY = 1.225 208L chain:A deltaZ = 1.203 11BA chain:A deltaX = 1.227 11BA chain:B deltaX = 1.202 ... 3NWH chain:A deltaX = 3.893 3NWH chain:B deltaX = 3.955 3NWH chain:C deltaX = 4.093 3NWH chain:D deltaX = 3.472 ... 5XG2 chain:A deltaX = 4.267 5XG2 chain:A deltaZ = 1.467 ... As we see, a single chain may be even longer than four unit cells in one of the directions. How such chains look like? For example, here is 3NWH -- a homo-4-mer in P2 (4 x 2 chains per unit cell) -- colored by chain id: .. image:: img/3nwh.png :align: center :scale: 100 :target: https://www.rcsb.org/3d-view/3NWH/ And here is 5XG2 -- a monomer in P21 -- with two copies of the rainbow-colored chain: .. image:: img/5xg2.png :align: center :scale: 100 :target: https://www.rcsb.org/3d-view/5XG2/ CCD subset ---------- Since the whole Chemical Component Dictionary is large we may want to extract a subset of it that covers only residues in given structures. .. literalinclude:: ../examples/sub_ccd.py :language: python :start-at: residue names For complete and ready-to-use script see :file:`examples/sub_ccd.py`.