# misc examples for testing the parser data_Strings _noq str _singleq 'str' _doubleq "str" _in_next_line # comment str _with_hash s#t#r# _semicolonq ;str ; _na . _who_knows ? data_numbers _int 5 _real 3.14 _neg -3.14 _pos +3.140 _negz -003.1 _posz +03.140 _sci 2.1e12 _dotfirst .75 _dotfirstsci .7e+3 _dotlast 85. _dote 3.e08 _with_su 123.456(12) _not_valid_numb 1-0 # these are valid CIF numbers, but probably were meant as strings _zeros 00000000000 _zdote 03.E-08 data_loops loop_ _x _y _z 1 0 1 4.1 3.2 2.0 loop_ _single_tag tomato ;carrot ; "ginger" data_frames save_fr _a 1 loop_ _b 2 3 4 _c ;five ; save_ save_anoTHer _A 1 _x 2 save_ _and item # this string is from PDB 5Q1H and contains non-ascii character 0xa0 (nbsp) _exptl_crystal_grow.pdbx_details '0.1 M BIS-TRISĀ 5.5 pH 5.5, 25%PEG3350' # from a bug report: _cell_special_details ; ;