use std::io; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::time::Duration; use destream::en; use rand::Rng; use safecast::as_type; use tokio::fs; use tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt; use freqfs::*; enum File { Bin(Vec), Text(String), } impl<'en> en::ToStream<'en> for File { fn to_stream>(&'en self, encoder: E) -> Result { match self { Self::Bin(bytes) => bytes.to_stream(encoder), Self::Text(string) => string.to_stream(encoder), } } } as_type!(File, Bin, Vec); as_type!(File, Text, String); async fn setup_tmp_dir() -> Result { let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); loop { let rand: u32 = rng.gen(); let path = PathBuf::from(format!("/tmp/test_freqfs_{}", rand)); if !path.exists() { fs::create_dir(&path).await?; let mut file_path = path.clone(); file_path.push("hello.txt"); let mut file = fs::File::create(file_path).await?; file.write_all(b"\"Hello, world!\"").await?; let mut subdir = path.clone(); subdir.push("subdir"); fs::create_dir(&subdir).await?; break Ok(path); } } } async fn run_example(cache: DirLock) -> Result<(), io::Error> { let mut root = cache.write().await; assert_eq!(root.len(), 2); assert!(root.get("hello").is_none()); { let text_file = root.get_file("hello.txt").expect("text file"); { // to load a file into memory, acquire a lock on its contents let mut contents: FileWriteGuard = text_file.write().await?; assert_eq!(&*contents, "Hello, world!"); // then they can be mutated purely in-memory *contents = "नमस्ते दुनिया!".to_string(); } { let contents: FileReadGuard =; assert_eq!(&*contents, "नमस्ते दुनिया!"); } // trigger an explicit sync of the new contents, without removing them from memory // this will update the cache with the new file size text_file.sync().await?; } { let mut sub_dir = root.get_dir("subdir").expect("subdirectory").write().await; // create a new directory // this is a synchronous operation since it happens in-memory only let sub_sub_dir = sub_dir.create_dir("sub-subdir".to_string())?; let mut sub_sub_dir = sub_sub_dir.write().await; // create a new file "vector.bin" // this is a synchronous operation since it happens in-memory only let binary_file = sub_sub_dir.create_file("vector.bin".to_string(), (0..25).collect::>(), 25)?; // then lock it so its data won't be evicted let binary_file: FileReadGuard> =; // now the cache is full, so the contents of "hello.txt" will be automatically sync'd // and removed from main memory tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(15)).await; // dropping "vector.bin" will allow its contents to be removed from the in-memory cache std::mem::drop(binary_file); // then loading "hello.txt" again will fill the cache let text_file = root.get_file("hello.txt").expect("text file"); let contents: FileReadGuard =; assert_eq!(&*contents, "नमस्ते दुनिया!"); // so the contents of "vector.bin" will be automatically sync'd and removed from main memory tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(5)).await; } // now it's safe to delete the entries whose locks have been dropped // deleting is a synchronous operation operation since it happens in-memory only assert!(root.delete("hello.txt").await); assert!(root.get("hello.txt").is_none()); assert!(root.delete("subdir").await); assert!(root.get("subdir").is_none()); // but we can explicitly sync to delete the file on the filesystem std::mem::drop(root); // make sure to drop the write lock first cache.sync().await?; // note that the delete happened even though `sub_dir` is still locked // so any writes to a file in `sub_dir` will re-create `sub_dir` Ok(()) } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), io::Error> { let path = setup_tmp_dir().await?; // initialize the cache let cache = Cache::new(40, None); // load the directory and file paths into memory (not file contents, yet) let root = cache.load(path.clone())?; // all I/O under the cache directory at `path` MUST now go through the cache methods // otherwise concurrent filesystem access may cause errors run_example(root).await?; let mut txt_file_path = path.clone(); txt_file_path.push("hello.txt"); assert!(!txt_file_path.exists()); let mut sub_dir_path = path.clone(); sub_dir_path.push("subdir"); assert!(!sub_dir_path.exists()); assert!(!path.exists()); Ok(()) }