# Friday-builder The idea of this program is a rather simplified console analog of jenkins for running various jobs with configuration in yml. Each job can be run on a schedule, have several steps with commands, the results of execution are recorded in the work log, and artifacts can be collected in the same directory as log. ## Get started Install with: - CARGO: `cargo install --git https://github.com/alhazred/friday-builder.git` ### Configuration The main friday config file is `.config/config.yml`. You can define `homedir`, as place for the job logs and artifacts, and the common friday log file name. Jobs configs are located in the `.config/jobs/` directory (see `sample.yml`). Each job should have own config file. It's possible to use multiple steps for one job. Schedule time uses GMT time, you can get your machine GMT time using `date -u` command. ### How to compile Use the `Cargo` tool to get dependencies automatically downloaded. Steps: ``` cargo build --release ``` Then take a look at the `target/release` folder.