"from" Ethical License Preamble This software is provided to promote innovation, education, and positive contributions to society. To ensure its responsible use, the following terms and conditions apply. By using, modifying, or distributing this software, you agree to comply with these terms. 1. Grant of License Subject to the conditions outlined in this license, the licensor grants you a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license to: (a) Use, copy, and distribute the software for personal, educational, or commercial purposes. (b) Modify the software and create derivative works, provided all terms and restrictions in this license are upheld. (c) Distribute derivative works under the same license, ensuring all terms and conditions are preserved. 2. Prohibited Uses The software, including derivative works, may not be used for: (a) Unethical Activities: Activities that violate commonly accepted ethical standards, such as: ● Harming individuals, communities, or the environment. ● Promoting misinformation or hate speech. (b) Human Rights Violations: Any activity that violates internationally recognized human rights, including but not limited to: ● Unlawful surveillance or data collection infringing on privacy rights. ● Enabling systems that discriminate or oppress individuals or groups. (c) Military Applications: The development, production, or control of weapons or military systems, including autonomous weapons or systems designed for warfare. (d) Pornographic Material: The creation, distribution, or facilitation of pornographic material or related industries. (e) Illegal Activities: Any activity that violates applicable laws or regulations in the jurisdiction where the software is used. 3. Modifications and Derivative Works Any modifications or derivative works based on the software must retain this license and all its terms, ensuring the restrictions in Section 2 are preserved. Derivative works must include a prominent notice stating: "This work is derived from "from", originally licensed under the "from" Ethical License." 4. Termination This license will terminate automatically and immediately if: (a) The software or any derivative work is used in a manner prohibited by Section 2. (b) Any required notices, attributions, or license terms are removed or altered. Upon termination, the user must cease all use, distribution, and modification of the software. 5. Disclaimer of Warranty This software is provided "as is," without any warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. The licensor is not liable for any damages arising from the use of the software. 6. Governing Law This license shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Germany. Any disputes arising under or in connection with this license shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Berlin, Germany. 7. Enforcement The licensor reserves the right to pursue legal action against any violations of this license in accordance with German law. Enforcement will be subject to applicable international legal principles where necessary. 8. Attribution All copies or substantial portions of the software, including derivative works, must include: (a) A copy of this license. (b) Attribution to the original author. 9. Definitions ● Software: The original work and any accompanying files, documentation, or assets. ● Derivative Works: Any modifications, extensions, or new works based on the software, in whole or in part. ● Unethical Activities: Activities that violate ethical norms or principles as generally accepted by the international community.