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Ed25519 Threshold Signature Database
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## Introduction **FROSTore is a tool to prevent your Private Key from being compromised and used to sign data without your permission.** FROSTore allows you to use Ed25519 threshold signatures to bring distributed trust to your application. Keys generated by FROSTore are never combined into a single key, and are never stored on any single device. This means that even if a device is compromised, your private key is still safe. ## Features - [x] Create, store, and manage threshold signatures - [x] Sign data with threshold signatures - [x] Distributed Key Generation (DKG) - [x] Customizable Minimum and Maximum thresholds ## Example A basic example of how to use FROSTore to generate a keypair (using DKG) and sign some data. ```rust use frostore::*; static TOTAL_PEERS: u16 = 3; static MIN_THRESHOLD: u16 = 2; static BOOT_NODES: [&str; 3] = [ "/ip4/", "/ip4/", "/ip4/", ]; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { // Create the network client let mut swarm = Swarm::builder().build_and_exec()?; // Add the boot nodes to the client for boot_node in BOOT_NODES.iter() { let multiaddr: Multiaddr = boot_node.parse()?; eprintln!("Adding peer: {:?}", multiaddr); swarm.add_peer(multiaddr)?.await?; } eprintln!("Finished adding peers"); // Generate a new keypair on the network let pubkey = swarm.generate(MIN_THRESHOLD, TOTAL_PEERS)?.1.await?; println!("Generated pubkey: {:?}", pubkey); // Sign some data let data = b"Hello, World!".to_vec(); eprintln!("Signing data: {:?}", data); let signature = swarm.sign(pubkey, data.clone())?.1.await?; println!("Signature: {:?}", signature); // Verify the signature let valid = pubkey.verify(&data, &signature).is_ok(); println!("Signature Valid: {}", valid); assert!(valid); Ok(()) } ``` We have provided a few more examples to help you get started. You can find them in the [`/examples/`](examples) directory. For more information on how to use FROSTore, please check our [docs](https://docs.rs/frostore). ## Research FROSTore is primarily based on the following research papers: - [Two-Round Threshold Schnorr Signatures with FROST](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-irtf-cfrg-frost/) - [FROST: Flexible Round-Optimized Schnorr Threshold Signatures](https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/852.pdf)