syntax = "proto3"; package; message OutputBucket { bytes bucket = 1; // bucket info } message UpstSvc { message ManyRequest { OutputBucket bkt = 1; bytes key = 2; bytes val = 3; } message ManyResponse { // number of rows inserted or updated fixed64 upserted = 1; } } service UpsertService { rpc Many(stream UpstSvc.ManyRequest) returns (UpstSvc.ManyResponse); } message SelSvc { message AllRequest { // A bucket info; e.g, a table, a subset of a table OutputBucket bkt = 1; } message AllResponse { // The key found in a "bucket". bytes key = 1; // Optional info which can be used for verification(e.g, checksum) bytes check = 2; } } // Gets bucket/key/optional info which can be used for verification service SelectService { // Gets "all" key/optional info pairs from a "bucket". rpc All(SelSvc.AllRequest) returns (stream SelSvc.AllResponse); }