# `fslock-guard` — A guard object to ensure we have an exclusive lock to a file This crate is a thin wrapper around [`fslock`], which uses [`flock`(2)] or [`LockFileEx`] to acquire an advisory lock on the filesystem. We add two features that `fslock` does not (currently) have: - We have a [`LockFileGuard`] type, which can be used to ensure that a lock is actually held until the guard is dropped. - We perform a post-lock check to make sure that our lockfile has not been removed and re-created on disk by someone else. This check makes it safe to remove lockfiles. [`fslock`]: https://docs.rs/fslock/latest/fslock/index.html [`flock`(2)]: https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/flock.2.html [`LockFileEx`]: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/fileapi/nf-fileapi-lockfileex