#!/usr/bin/python3 -i # # Copyright 2013-2024 The Khronos Group Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """Types and classes for manipulating an API registry.""" import copy import re import sys import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree from collections import defaultdict, deque, namedtuple from generator import GeneratorOptions, OutputGenerator, noneStr, write from apiconventions import APIConventions def apiNameMatch(str, supported): """Return whether a required api name matches a pattern specified for an XML 'api' attribute or 'supported' attribute. - str - API name such as 'vulkan' or 'openxr'. May be None, in which case it never matches (this should not happen). - supported - comma-separated list of XML API names. May be None, in which case str always matches (this is the usual case).""" if str is not None: return supported is None or str in supported.split(',') # Fallthrough case - either str is None or the test failed return False def matchAPIProfile(api, profile, elem): """Return whether an API and profile being generated matches an element's profile - api - string naming the API to match - profile - string naming the profile to match - elem - Element which (may) have 'api' and 'profile' attributes to match to. If a tag is not present in the Element, the corresponding API or profile always matches. Otherwise, the tag must exactly match the API or profile. Thus, if 'profile' = core: - `` with no attribute will match - `` will match - `` will not match Possible match conditions: ``` Requested Element Profile Profile --------- -------- None None Always matches 'string' None Always matches None 'string' Does not match. Cannot generate multiple APIs or profiles, so if an API/profile constraint is present, it must be asked for explicitly. 'string' 'string' Strings must match ``` ** In the future, we will allow regexes for the attributes, not just strings, so that `api="^(gl|gles2)"` will match. Even this is not really quite enough, we might prefer something like `"gl(core)|gles1(common-lite)"`.""" # Match 'api', if present elem_api = elem.get('api') if elem_api: if api is None: raise UserWarning("No API requested, but 'api' attribute is present with value '" + elem_api + "'") elif api != elem_api: # Requested API does not match attribute return False elem_profile = elem.get('profile') if elem_profile: if profile is None: raise UserWarning("No profile requested, but 'profile' attribute is present with value '" + elem_profile + "'") elif profile != elem_profile: # Requested profile does not match attribute return False return True def mergeAPIs(tree, fromApiNames, toApiName): """Merge multiple APIs using the precedence order specified in apiNames. Also deletes elements. tree - Element at the root of the hierarchy to merge. apiNames - list of strings of API names.""" stack = deque() stack.append(tree) while len(stack) > 0: parent = stack.pop() for child in parent.findall('*'): if child.tag == 'remove': # Remove elements parent.remove(child) else: stack.append(child) supportedList = child.get('supported') if supportedList: supportedList = supportedList.split(',') for apiName in [toApiName] + fromApiNames: if apiName in supportedList: child.set('supported', toApiName) if child.get('api'): definitionName = None definitionVariants = [] # Keep only one definition with the same name if there are multiple definitions if child.tag in ['type']: if child.get('name') is not None: definitionName = child.get('name') definitionVariants = parent.findall(f"{child.tag}[@name='{definitionName}']") else: definitionName = child.find('name').text definitionVariants = parent.findall(f"{child.tag}/name[.='{definitionName}']/..") elif child.tag in ['member', 'param']: definitionName = child.find('name').text definitionVariants = parent.findall(f"{child.tag}/name[.='{definitionName}']/..") elif child.tag in ['enum', 'feature']: definitionName = child.get('name') definitionVariants = parent.findall(f"{child.tag}[@name='{definitionName}']") elif child.tag in ['require']: definitionName = child.get('feature') definitionVariants = parent.findall(f"{child.tag}[@feature='{definitionName}']") elif child.tag in ['command']: definitionName = child.find('proto/name').text definitionVariants = parent.findall(f"{child.tag}/proto/name[.='{definitionName}']/../..") if definitionName: bestMatchApi = None requires = None for apiName in [toApiName] + fromApiNames: for variant in definitionVariants: # Keep any requires attributes from the target API if variant.get('requires') and variant.get('api') == apiName: requires = variant.get('requires') # Find the best matching definition if apiName in variant.get('api').split(',') and bestMatchApi is None: bestMatchApi = variant.get('api') if bestMatchApi: for variant in definitionVariants: if variant.get('api') != bestMatchApi: # Only keep best matching definition parent.remove(variant) else: # Add requires attribute from the target API if it is not overridden if requires is not None and variant.get('requires') is None: variant.set('requires', requires) variant.set('api', toApiName) def stripNonmatchingAPIs(tree, apiName, actuallyDelete = True): """Remove tree Elements with 'api' attributes matching apiName. tree - Element at the root of the hierarchy to strip. Only its children can actually be removed, not the tree itself. apiName - string which much match a command-separated component of the 'api' attribute. actuallyDelete - only delete matching elements if True.""" stack = deque() stack.append(tree) while len(stack) > 0: parent = stack.pop() for child in parent.findall('*'): api = child.get('api') if apiNameMatch(apiName, api): # Add child to the queue stack.append(child) elif not apiNameMatch(apiName, api): # Child does not match requested api. Remove it. if actuallyDelete: parent.remove(child) class BaseInfo: """Base class for information about a registry feature (type/group/enum/command/API/extension). Represents the state of a registry feature, used during API generation. """ def __init__(self, elem): self.required = False """should this feature be defined during header generation (has it been removed by a profile or version)?""" self.declared = False "has this feature been defined already?" self.elem = elem "etree Element for this feature" def resetState(self): """Reset required/declared to initial values. Used prior to generating a new API interface.""" self.required = False self.declared = False def compareKeys(self, info, key, required = False): """Return True if self.elem and info.elem have the same attribute value for key. If 'required' is not True, also returns True if neither element has an attribute value for key.""" if required and key not in self.elem.keys(): return False return self.elem.get(key) == info.elem.get(key) def compareElem(self, info, infoName): """Return True if self.elem and info.elem have the same definition. info - the other object infoName - 'type' / 'group' / 'enum' / 'command' / 'feature' / 'extension'""" if infoName == 'enum': if self.compareKeys(info, 'extends'): # Either both extend the same type, or no type if (self.compareKeys(info, 'value', required = True) or self.compareKeys(info, 'bitpos', required = True)): # If both specify the same value or bit position, # they are equal return True elif (self.compareKeys(info, 'extnumber') and self.compareKeys(info, 'offset') and self.compareKeys(info, 'dir')): # If both specify the same relative offset, they are equal return True elif (self.compareKeys(info, 'alias')): # If both are aliases of the same value return True else: return False else: # The same enum cannot extend two different types return False else: # Non-s should never be redefined return False class TypeInfo(BaseInfo): """Registry information about a type. No additional state beyond BaseInfo is required.""" def __init__(self, elem): BaseInfo.__init__(self, elem) self.additionalValidity = [] self.removedValidity = [] def getMembers(self): """Get a collection of all member elements for this type, if any.""" return self.elem.findall('member') def resetState(self): BaseInfo.resetState(self) self.additionalValidity = [] self.removedValidity = [] class GroupInfo(BaseInfo): """Registry information about a group of related enums in an block, generally corresponding to a C "enum" type.""" def __init__(self, elem): BaseInfo.__init__(self, elem) class EnumInfo(BaseInfo): """Registry information about an enum""" def __init__(self, elem): BaseInfo.__init__(self, elem) self.type = elem.get('type') """numeric type of the value of the tag ( '' for GLint, 'u' for GLuint, 'ull' for GLuint64 )""" if self.type is None: self.type = '' class CmdInfo(BaseInfo): """Registry information about a command""" def __init__(self, elem): BaseInfo.__init__(self, elem) self.additionalValidity = [] self.removedValidity = [] def getParams(self): """Get a collection of all param elements for this command, if any.""" return self.elem.findall('param') def resetState(self): BaseInfo.resetState(self) self.additionalValidity = [] self.removedValidity = [] class FeatureInfo(BaseInfo): """Registry information about an API or .""" def __init__(self, elem): BaseInfo.__init__(self, elem) self.name = elem.get('name') "feature name string (e.g. 'VK_KHR_surface')" self.emit = False "has this feature been defined already?" self.sortorder = int(elem.get('sortorder', 0)) """explicit numeric sort key within feature and extension groups. Defaults to 0.""" # Determine element category (vendor). Only works # for elements. if elem.tag == 'feature': # Element category (vendor) is meaningless for self.category = 'VERSION' """category, e.g. VERSION or khr/vendor tag""" self.version = elem.get('name') """feature name string""" self.versionNumber = elem.get('number') """versionNumber - API version number, taken from the 'number' attribute of . Extensions do not have API version numbers and are assigned number 0.""" self.number = 0 self.supported = None else: # Extract vendor portion of __ self.category = self.name.split('_', 2)[1] self.version = "0" self.versionNumber = "0" self.number = int(elem.get('number','0')) """extension number, used for ordering and for assigning enumerant offsets. features do not have extension numbers and are assigned number 0, as are extensions without numbers, so sorting works.""" self.supported = elem.get('supported', 'disabled') class SpirvInfo(BaseInfo): """Registry information about an API or .""" def __init__(self, elem): BaseInfo.__init__(self, elem) class FormatInfo(BaseInfo): """Registry information about an API .""" def __init__(self, elem, condition): BaseInfo.__init__(self, elem) # Need to save the condition here when it is known self.condition = condition class SyncStageInfo(BaseInfo): """Registry information about .""" def __init__(self, elem, condition): BaseInfo.__init__(self, elem) # Need to save the condition here when it is known self.condition = condition class SyncAccessInfo(BaseInfo): """Registry information about .""" def __init__(self, elem, condition): BaseInfo.__init__(self, elem) # Need to save the condition here when it is known self.condition = condition class SyncPipelineInfo(BaseInfo): """Registry information about .""" def __init__(self, elem): BaseInfo.__init__(self, elem) class Registry: """Object representing an API registry, loaded from an XML file.""" def __init__(self, gen=None, genOpts=None): if gen is None: # If not specified, give a default object so messaging will work self.gen = OutputGenerator() else: self.gen = gen "Output generator used to write headers / messages" if genOpts is None: # If no generator is provided, we may still need the XML API name # (for example, in genRef.py). self.genOpts = GeneratorOptions(apiname = APIConventions().xml_api_name) else: self.genOpts = genOpts "Options controlling features to write and how to format them" self.gen.registry = self self.gen.genOpts = self.genOpts self.gen.genOpts.registry = self self.tree = None "ElementTree containing the root ``" self.typedict = {} "dictionary of TypeInfo objects keyed by type name" self.groupdict = {} "dictionary of GroupInfo objects keyed by group name" self.enumdict = {} "dictionary of EnumInfo objects keyed by enum name" self.cmddict = {} "dictionary of CmdInfo objects keyed by command name" self.apidict = {} "dictionary of FeatureInfo objects for `` elements keyed by API name" self.extensions = [] "list of `` Elements" self.extdict = {} "dictionary of FeatureInfo objects for `` elements keyed by extension name" self.spirvextdict = {} "dictionary of FeatureInfo objects for `` elements keyed by spirv extension name" self.spirvcapdict = {} "dictionary of FeatureInfo objects for `` elements keyed by spirv capability name" self.formatsdict = {} "dictionary of FeatureInfo objects for `` elements keyed by VkFormat name" self.syncstagedict = {} "dictionary of Sync*Info objects for `` elements keyed by VkPipelineStageFlagBits2 name" self.syncaccessdict = {} "dictionary of Sync*Info objects for `` elements keyed by VkAccessFlagBits2 name" self.syncpipelinedict = {} "dictionary of Sync*Info objects for `` elements keyed by pipeline type name" self.emitFeatures = False """True to actually emit features for a version / extension, or False to just treat them as emitted""" self.breakPat = None "regexp pattern to break on when generating names" # self.breakPat = re.compile('VkFenceImportFlagBits.*') self.requiredextensions = [] # Hack - can remove it after validity generator goes away # ** Global types for automatic source generation ** # Length Member data self.commandextensiontuple = namedtuple('commandextensiontuple', ['command', # The name of the command being modified 'value', # The value to append to the command 'extension']) # The name of the extension that added it self.validextensionstructs = defaultdict(list) self.commandextensionsuccesses = [] self.commandextensionerrors = [] self.filename = None def loadElementTree(self, tree): """Load ElementTree into a Registry object and parse it.""" self.tree = tree self.parseTree() def loadFile(self, file): """Load an API registry XML file into a Registry object and parse it""" self.filename = file self.tree = etree.parse(file) self.parseTree() def setGenerator(self, gen): """Specify output generator object. `None` restores the default generator.""" self.gen = gen self.gen.setRegistry(self) def addElementInfo(self, elem, info, infoName, dictionary): """Add information about an element to the corresponding dictionary. Intended for internal use only. - elem - ``/``/``/``/``/``/``/``/``/``/``/`` Element - info - corresponding {Type|Group|Enum|Cmd|Feature|Spirv|Format|SyncStage|SyncAccess|SyncPipeline}Info object - infoName - 'type' / 'group' / 'enum' / 'command' / 'feature' / 'extension' / 'spirvextension' / 'spirvcapability' / 'format' / 'syncstage' / 'syncaccess' / 'syncpipeline' - dictionary - self.{type|group|enum|cmd|api|ext|format|spirvext|spirvcap|sync}dict The dictionary key is the element 'name' attribute.""" # self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Adding ElementInfo.required =', # info.required, 'name =', elem.get('name')) key = elem.get('name') if key in dictionary: if not dictionary[key].compareElem(info, infoName): self.gen.logMsg('warn', 'Attempt to redefine', key, '(this should not happen)') else: dictionary[key] = info def lookupElementInfo(self, fname, dictionary): """Find a {Type|Enum|Cmd}Info object by name. Intended for internal use only. If an object qualified by API name exists, use that. - fname - name of type / enum / command - dictionary - self.{type|enum|cmd}dict""" key = (fname, self.genOpts.apiname) if key in dictionary: # self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Found API-specific element for feature', fname) return dictionary[key] if fname in dictionary: # self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Found generic element for feature', fname) return dictionary[fname] return None def breakOnName(self, regexp): """Specify a feature name regexp to break on when generating features.""" self.breakPat = re.compile(regexp) def parseTree(self): """Parse the registry Element, once created""" # This must be the Element for the root if self.tree is None: raise RuntimeError("Tree not initialized!") self.reg = self.tree.getroot() # Preprocess the tree in one of the following ways: # - either merge a set of APIs to another API based on their 'api' attributes # - or remove all elements with non-matching 'api' attributes # The preprocessing happens through a breath-first tree traversal. # This is a blunt hammer, but eliminates the need to track and test # the apis deeper in processing to select the correct elements and # avoid duplicates. # Schema validation should prevent duplicate elements with # overlapping api attributes, or where one element has an api # attribute and the other does not. if self.genOpts.mergeApiNames: mergeAPIs(self.reg, self.genOpts.mergeApiNames.split(','), self.genOpts.apiname) else: stripNonmatchingAPIs(self.reg, self.genOpts.apiname, actuallyDelete = True) # Create dictionary of registry types from toplevel tags # and add 'name' attribute to each tag (where missing) # based on its element. # # There is usually one block; more are OK # Required attributes: 'name' or nested tag contents self.typedict = {} for type_elem in self.reg.findall('types/type'): # If the does not already have a 'name' attribute, set # it from contents of its tag. if type_elem.get('name') is None: name_elem = type_elem.find('name') if name_elem is None or not name_elem.text: raise RuntimeError("Type without a name!") type_elem.set('name', name_elem.text) self.addElementInfo(type_elem, TypeInfo(type_elem), 'type', self.typedict) # Create dictionary of registry enum groups from tags. # # Required attributes: 'name'. If no name is given, one is # generated, but that group cannot be identified and turned into an # enum type definition - it is just a container for tags. self.groupdict = {} for group in self.reg.findall('enums'): self.addElementInfo(group, GroupInfo(group), 'group', self.groupdict) # Create dictionary of registry enums from tags # # tags usually define different namespaces for the values # defined in those tags, but the actual names all share the # same dictionary. # Required attributes: 'name', 'value' # For containing which have type="enum" or type="bitmask", # tag all contained s are required. This is a stopgap until # a better scheme for tagging core and extension enums is created. self.enumdict = {} for enums in self.reg.findall('enums'): required = (enums.get('type') is not None) for enum in enums.findall('enum'): enumInfo = EnumInfo(enum) enumInfo.required = required self.addElementInfo(enum, enumInfo, 'enum', self.enumdict) # Create dictionary of registry commands from tags # and add 'name' attribute to each tag (where missing) # based on its element. # # There is usually only one block; more are OK. # Required attributes: 'name' or tag contents self.cmddict = {} # List of commands which alias others. Contains # [ aliasName, element ] # for each alias cmdAlias = [] for cmd in self.reg.findall('commands/command'): # If the does not already have a 'name' attribute, set # it from contents of its tag. name = cmd.get('name') if name is None: name_elem = cmd.find('proto/name') if name_elem is None or not name_elem.text: raise RuntimeError("Command without a name!") name = cmd.set('name', name_elem.text) ci = CmdInfo(cmd) self.addElementInfo(cmd, ci, 'command', self.cmddict) alias = cmd.get('alias') if alias: cmdAlias.append([name, alias, cmd]) # Now loop over aliases, injecting a copy of the aliased command's # Element with the aliased prototype name replaced with the command # name - if it exists. for (name, alias, cmd) in cmdAlias: if alias in self.cmddict: aliasInfo = self.cmddict[alias] cmdElem = copy.deepcopy(aliasInfo.elem) cmdElem.find('proto/name').text = name cmdElem.set('name', name) cmdElem.set('alias', alias) ci = CmdInfo(cmdElem) # Replace the dictionary entry for the CmdInfo element self.cmddict[name] = ci # @ newString = etree.tostring(base, encoding="unicode").replace(aliasValue, aliasName) # @elem.append(etree.fromstring(replacement)) else: self.gen.logMsg('warn', 'No matching found for command', cmd.get('name'), 'alias', alias) # Create dictionaries of API and extension interfaces # from toplevel and tags. self.apidict = {} format_condition = dict() for feature in self.reg.findall('feature'): featureInfo = FeatureInfo(feature) self.addElementInfo(feature, featureInfo, 'feature', self.apidict) # Add additional enums defined only in tags # to the corresponding enumerated type. # When seen here, the element, processed to contain the # numeric enum value, is added to the corresponding # element, as well as adding to the enum dictionary. It is no # longer removed from the element it is introduced in. # Instead, generateRequiredInterface ignores elements # that extend enumerated types. # # For tags which are actually just constants, if there is # no 'extends' tag but there is a 'value' or 'bitpos' tag, just # add an EnumInfo record to the dictionary. That works because # output generation of constants is purely dependency-based, and # does not need to iterate through the XML tags. for elem in feature.findall('require'): for enum in elem.findall('enum'): addEnumInfo = False groupName = enum.get('extends') if groupName is not None: # self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Found extension enum', # enum.get('name')) # Add version number attribute to the element enum.set('version', featureInfo.version) # Look up the GroupInfo with matching groupName if groupName in self.groupdict: # self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Matching group', # groupName, 'found, adding element...') gi = self.groupdict[groupName] gi.elem.append(copy.deepcopy(enum)) else: self.gen.logMsg('warn', 'NO matching group', groupName, 'for enum', enum.get('name'), 'found.') if groupName == "VkFormat": format_name = enum.get('name') if enum.get('alias'): format_name = enum.get('alias') format_condition[format_name] = featureInfo.name addEnumInfo = True elif enum.get('value') or enum.get('bitpos') or enum.get('alias'): # self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Adding extension constant "enum"', # enum.get('name')) addEnumInfo = True if addEnumInfo: enumInfo = EnumInfo(enum) self.addElementInfo(enum, enumInfo, 'enum', self.enumdict) sync_pipeline_stage_condition = dict() sync_access_condition = dict() self.extensions = self.reg.findall('extensions/extension') self.extdict = {} for feature in self.extensions: featureInfo = FeatureInfo(feature) self.addElementInfo(feature, featureInfo, 'extension', self.extdict) # Add additional enums defined only in tags # to the corresponding core type. # Algorithm matches that of enums in a "feature" tag as above. # # This code also adds a 'extnumber' attribute containing the # extension number, used for enumerant value calculation. for elem in feature.findall('require'): for enum in elem.findall('enum'): addEnumInfo = False groupName = enum.get('extends') if groupName is not None: # self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Found extension enum', # enum.get('name')) # Add block's extension number attribute to # the element unless specified explicitly, such # as when redefining an enum in another extension. extnumber = enum.get('extnumber') if not extnumber: enum.set('extnumber', str(featureInfo.number)) enum.set('extname', featureInfo.name) enum.set('supported', noneStr(featureInfo.supported)) # Look up the GroupInfo with matching groupName if groupName in self.groupdict: # self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Matching group', # groupName, 'found, adding element...') gi = self.groupdict[groupName] gi.elem.append(copy.deepcopy(enum)) else: self.gen.logMsg('warn', 'NO matching group', groupName, 'for enum', enum.get('name'), 'found.') # This is Vulkan-specific if groupName == "VkFormat": format_name = enum.get('name') if enum.get('alias'): format_name = enum.get('alias') if format_name in format_condition: format_condition[format_name] += "," + featureInfo.name else: format_condition[format_name] = featureInfo.name elif groupName == "VkPipelineStageFlagBits2": stage_flag = enum.get('name') if enum.get('alias'): stage_flag = enum.get('alias') featureName = elem.get('depends') if elem.get('depends') is not None else featureInfo.name if stage_flag in sync_pipeline_stage_condition: sync_pipeline_stage_condition[stage_flag] += "," + featureName else: sync_pipeline_stage_condition[stage_flag] = featureName elif groupName == "VkAccessFlagBits2": access_flag = enum.get('name') if enum.get('alias'): access_flag = enum.get('alias') featureName = elem.get('depends') if elem.get('depends') is not None else featureInfo.name if access_flag in sync_access_condition: sync_access_condition[access_flag] += "," + featureName else: sync_access_condition[access_flag] = featureName addEnumInfo = True elif enum.get('value') or enum.get('bitpos') or enum.get('alias'): # self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Adding extension constant "enum"', # enum.get('name')) addEnumInfo = True if addEnumInfo: enumInfo = EnumInfo(enum) self.addElementInfo(enum, enumInfo, 'enum', self.enumdict) # Parse out all spirv tags in dictionaries # Use addElementInfo to catch duplicates for spirv in self.reg.findall('spirvextensions/spirvextension'): spirvInfo = SpirvInfo(spirv) self.addElementInfo(spirv, spirvInfo, 'spirvextension', self.spirvextdict) for spirv in self.reg.findall('spirvcapabilities/spirvcapability'): spirvInfo = SpirvInfo(spirv) self.addElementInfo(spirv, spirvInfo, 'spirvcapability', self.spirvcapdict) for format in self.reg.findall('formats/format'): condition = None format_name = format.get('name') if format_name in format_condition: condition = format_condition[format_name] formatInfo = FormatInfo(format, condition) self.addElementInfo(format, formatInfo, 'format', self.formatsdict) for stage in self.reg.findall('sync/syncstage'): condition = None stage_flag = stage.get('name') if stage_flag in sync_pipeline_stage_condition: condition = sync_pipeline_stage_condition[stage_flag] syncInfo = SyncStageInfo(stage, condition) self.addElementInfo(stage, syncInfo, 'syncstage', self.syncstagedict) for access in self.reg.findall('sync/syncaccess'): condition = None access_flag = access.get('name') if access_flag in sync_access_condition: condition = sync_access_condition[access_flag] syncInfo = SyncAccessInfo(access, condition) self.addElementInfo(access, syncInfo, 'syncaccess', self.syncaccessdict) for pipeline in self.reg.findall('sync/syncpipeline'): syncInfo = SyncPipelineInfo(pipeline) self.addElementInfo(pipeline, syncInfo, 'syncpipeline', self.syncpipelinedict) def dumpReg(self, maxlen=120, filehandle=sys.stdout): """Dump all the dictionaries constructed from the Registry object. Diagnostic to dump the dictionaries to specified file handle (default stdout). Truncates type / enum / command elements to maxlen characters (default 120)""" write('***************************************', file=filehandle) write(' ** Dumping Registry contents **', file=filehandle) write('***************************************', file=filehandle) write('// Types', file=filehandle) for name in self.typedict: tobj = self.typedict[name] write(' Type', name, '->', etree.tostring(tobj.elem)[0:maxlen], file=filehandle) write('// Groups', file=filehandle) for name in self.groupdict: gobj = self.groupdict[name] write(' Group', name, '->', etree.tostring(gobj.elem)[0:maxlen], file=filehandle) write('// Enums', file=filehandle) for name in self.enumdict: eobj = self.enumdict[name] write(' Enum', name, '->', etree.tostring(eobj.elem)[0:maxlen], file=filehandle) write('// Commands', file=filehandle) for name in self.cmddict: cobj = self.cmddict[name] write(' Command', name, '->', etree.tostring(cobj.elem)[0:maxlen], file=filehandle) write('// APIs', file=filehandle) for key in self.apidict: write(' API Version ', key, '->', etree.tostring(self.apidict[key].elem)[0:maxlen], file=filehandle) write('// Extensions', file=filehandle) for key in self.extdict: write(' Extension', key, '->', etree.tostring(self.extdict[key].elem)[0:maxlen], file=filehandle) write('// SPIR-V', file=filehandle) for key in self.spirvextdict: write(' SPIR-V Extension', key, '->', etree.tostring(self.spirvextdict[key].elem)[0:maxlen], file=filehandle) for key in self.spirvcapdict: write(' SPIR-V Capability', key, '->', etree.tostring(self.spirvcapdict[key].elem)[0:maxlen], file=filehandle) write('// VkFormat', file=filehandle) for key in self.formatsdict: write(' VkFormat', key, '->', etree.tostring(self.formatsdict[key].elem)[0:maxlen], file=filehandle) def markTypeRequired(self, typename, required): """Require (along with its dependencies) or remove (but not its dependencies) a type. - typename - name of type - required - boolean (to tag features as required or not) """ self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'tagging type:', typename, '-> required =', required) # Get TypeInfo object for tag corresponding to typename typeinfo = self.lookupElementInfo(typename, self.typedict) if typeinfo is not None: if required: # Tag type dependencies in 'alias' and 'required' attributes as # required. This does not un-tag dependencies in a # tag. See comments in markRequired() below for the reason. for attrib_name in ['requires', 'alias']: depname = typeinfo.elem.get(attrib_name) if depname: self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Generating dependent type', depname, 'for', attrib_name, 'type', typename) # Do not recurse on self-referential structures. if typename != depname: self.markTypeRequired(depname, required) else: self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'type', typename, 'is self-referential') # Tag types used in defining this type (e.g. in nested # tags) # Look for in entire tree, # not just immediate children for subtype in typeinfo.elem.findall('.//type'): self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'markRequired: type requires dependent ', subtype.text) if typename != subtype.text: self.markTypeRequired(subtype.text, required) else: self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'type', typename, 'is self-referential') # Tag enums used in defining this type, for example in # member[MEMBER_SIZE] for subenum in typeinfo.elem.findall('.//enum'): self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'markRequired: type requires dependent ', subenum.text) self.markEnumRequired(subenum.text, required) # Tag type dependency in 'bitvalues' attributes as # required. This ensures that the bit values for a flag # are emitted depType = typeinfo.elem.get('bitvalues') if depType: self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Generating bitflag type', depType, 'for type', typename) self.markTypeRequired(depType, required) group = self.lookupElementInfo(depType, self.groupdict) if group is not None: group.flagType = typeinfo typeinfo.required = required elif '.h' not in typename: self.gen.logMsg('warn', 'type:', typename, 'IS NOT DEFINED') def markEnumRequired(self, enumname, required): """Mark an enum as required or not. - enumname - name of enum - required - boolean (to tag features as required or not)""" self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'markEnumRequired: tagging enum:', enumname, '-> required =', required) enum = self.lookupElementInfo(enumname, self.enumdict) if enum is not None: # If the enum is part of a group, and is being removed, then # look it up in that tag and remove the Element there, # so that it is not visible to generators (which traverse the # tag elements rather than using the dictionaries). if not required: groupName = enum.elem.get('extends') if groupName is not None: self.gen.logMsg('diag', f'markEnumRequired: Removing extending enum {enum.elem.get("name")}') # Look up the Info with matching groupName if groupName in self.groupdict: gi = self.groupdict[groupName] gienum = gi.elem.find("enum[@name='" + enumname + "']") if gienum is not None: # Remove copy of this enum from the group gi.elem.remove(gienum) else: self.gen.logMsg('warn', 'markEnumRequired: Cannot remove enum', enumname, 'not found in group', groupName) else: self.gen.logMsg('warn', 'markEnumRequired: Cannot remove enum', enumname, 'from nonexistent group', groupName) else: # This enum is not an extending enum. # The XML tree must be searched for all that # might have it, so we know the parent to delete from. enumName = enum.elem.get('name') self.gen.logMsg('diag', f'markEnumRequired: Removing non-extending enum {enumName}') count = 0 for enums in self.reg.findall('enums'): for thisEnum in enums.findall('enum'): if thisEnum.get('name') == enumName: # Actually remove it count = count + 1 enums.remove(thisEnum) if count == 0: self.gen.logMsg('warn', f'markEnumRequired: {enumName}) not found in any tag') enum.required = required # Tag enum dependencies in 'alias' attribute as required depname = enum.elem.get('alias') if depname: self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'markEnumRequired: Generating dependent enum', depname, 'for alias', enumname, 'required =', enum.required) self.markEnumRequired(depname, required) else: self.gen.logMsg('warn', f'markEnumRequired: {enumname} IS NOT DEFINED') def markCmdRequired(self, cmdname, required): """Mark a command as required or not. - cmdname - name of command - required - boolean (to tag features as required or not)""" self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'tagging command:', cmdname, '-> required =', required) cmd = self.lookupElementInfo(cmdname, self.cmddict) if cmd is not None: cmd.required = required # Tag command dependencies in 'alias' attribute as required # # This is usually not done, because command 'aliases' are not # actual C language aliases like type and enum aliases. Instead # they are just duplicates of the function signature of the # alias. This means that there is no dependency of a command # alias on what it aliases. One exception is validity includes, # where the spec markup needs the promoted-to validity include # even if only the promoted-from command is being built. if self.genOpts.requireCommandAliases: depname = cmd.elem.get('alias') if depname: self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Generating dependent command', depname, 'for alias', cmdname) self.markCmdRequired(depname, required) # Tag all parameter types of this command as required. # This does not remove types of commands in a # tag, because many other commands may use the same type. # We could be more clever and reference count types, # instead of using a boolean. if required: # Look for in entire tree, # not just immediate children for type_elem in cmd.elem.findall('.//type'): self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'markRequired: command implicitly requires dependent type', type_elem.text) self.markTypeRequired(type_elem.text, required) else: self.gen.logMsg('warn', 'command:', cmdname, 'IS NOT DEFINED') def markRequired(self, featurename, feature, required): """Require or remove features specified in the Element. - featurename - name of the feature - feature - Element for `` or `` tag - required - boolean (to tag features as required or not)""" self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'markRequired (feature = , required =', required, ')') # Loop over types, enums, and commands in the tag # @@ It would be possible to respect 'api' and 'profile' attributes # in individual features, but that is not done yet. for typeElem in feature.findall('type'): self.markTypeRequired(typeElem.get('name'), required) for enumElem in feature.findall('enum'): self.markEnumRequired(enumElem.get('name'), required) for cmdElem in feature.findall('command'): self.markCmdRequired(cmdElem.get('name'), required) # Extensions may need to extend existing commands or other items in the future. # So, look for extend tags. for extendElem in feature.findall('extend'): extendType = extendElem.get('type') if extendType == 'command': commandName = extendElem.get('name') successExtends = extendElem.get('successcodes') if successExtends is not None: for success in successExtends.split(','): self.commandextensionsuccesses.append(self.commandextensiontuple(command=commandName, value=success, extension=featurename)) errorExtends = extendElem.get('errorcodes') if errorExtends is not None: for error in errorExtends.split(','): self.commandextensionerrors.append(self.commandextensiontuple(command=commandName, value=error, extension=featurename)) else: self.gen.logMsg('warn', 'extend type:', extendType, 'IS NOT SUPPORTED') def getAlias(self, elem, dict): """Check for an alias in the same require block. - elem - Element to check for an alias""" # Try to find an alias alias = elem.get('alias') if alias is None: name = elem.get('name') typeinfo = self.lookupElementInfo(name, dict) if not typeinfo: self.gen.logMsg('error', name, 'is not a known name') alias = typeinfo.elem.get('alias') return alias def checkForCorrectionAliases(self, alias, require, tag): """Check for an alias in the same require block. - alias - String name of the alias - require - `` block from the registry - tag - tag to look for in the require block""" # For the time being, the code below is bypassed. It has the effect # of excluding "spelling aliases" created to comply with the style # guide, but this leaves references out of the specification and # causes broken internal links. # # if alias and require.findall(tag + "[@name='" + alias + "']"): # return True return False def fillFeatureDictionary(self, interface, featurename, api, profile): """Capture added interfaces for a `` or ``. - interface - Element for `` or ``, containing `` and `` tags - featurename - name of the feature - api - string specifying API name being generated - profile - string specifying API profile being generated""" # Explicitly initialize known types - errors for unhandled categories self.gen.featureDictionary[featurename] = { "enumconstant": {}, "command": {}, "enum": {}, "struct": {}, "handle": {}, "basetype": {}, "include": {}, "define": {}, "bitmask": {}, "union": {}, "funcpointer": {}, } # marks things that are required by this version/profile for require in interface.findall('require'): if matchAPIProfile(api, profile, require): # Determine the required extension or version needed for a require block # Assumes that only one of these is specified # 'extension', and therefore 'required_key', may be a boolean # expression of extension names. # 'required_key' is used only as a dictionary key at # present, and passed through to the script generators, so # they must be prepared to parse that boolean expression. required_key = require.get('depends') # Loop over types, enums, and commands in the tag for typeElem in require.findall('type'): typename = typeElem.get('name') typeinfo = self.lookupElementInfo(typename, self.typedict) if typeinfo: # Remove aliases in the same extension/feature; these are always added as a correction. Do not need the original to be visible. alias = self.getAlias(typeElem, self.typedict) if not self.checkForCorrectionAliases(alias, require, 'type'): # Resolve the type info to the actual type, so we get an accurate read for 'structextends' while alias: typeinfo = self.lookupElementInfo(alias, self.typedict) alias = typeinfo.elem.get('alias') typecat = typeinfo.elem.get('category') typeextends = typeinfo.elem.get('structextends') if not required_key in self.gen.featureDictionary[featurename][typecat]: self.gen.featureDictionary[featurename][typecat][required_key] = {} if not typeextends in self.gen.featureDictionary[featurename][typecat][required_key]: self.gen.featureDictionary[featurename][typecat][required_key][typeextends] = [] self.gen.featureDictionary[featurename][typecat][required_key][typeextends].append(typename) else: self.gen.logMsg('warn', 'fillFeatureDictionary: NOT filling for {}'.format(typename)) for enumElem in require.findall('enum'): enumname = enumElem.get('name') typeinfo = self.lookupElementInfo(enumname, self.enumdict) # Remove aliases in the same extension/feature; these are always added as a correction. Do not need the original to be visible. alias = self.getAlias(enumElem, self.enumdict) if not self.checkForCorrectionAliases(alias, require, 'enum'): enumextends = enumElem.get('extends') if not required_key in self.gen.featureDictionary[featurename]['enumconstant']: self.gen.featureDictionary[featurename]['enumconstant'][required_key] = {} if not enumextends in self.gen.featureDictionary[featurename]['enumconstant'][required_key]: self.gen.featureDictionary[featurename]['enumconstant'][required_key][enumextends] = [] self.gen.featureDictionary[featurename]['enumconstant'][required_key][enumextends].append(enumname) else: self.gen.logMsg('warn', 'fillFeatureDictionary: NOT filling for {}'.format(typename)) for cmdElem in require.findall('command'): # Remove aliases in the same extension/feature; these are always added as a correction. Do not need the original to be visible. alias = self.getAlias(cmdElem, self.cmddict) if not self.checkForCorrectionAliases(alias, require, 'command'): if not required_key in self.gen.featureDictionary[featurename]['command']: self.gen.featureDictionary[featurename]['command'][required_key] = [] self.gen.featureDictionary[featurename]['command'][required_key].append(cmdElem.get('name')) else: self.gen.logMsg('warn', 'fillFeatureDictionary: NOT filling for {}'.format(typename)) def requireFeatures(self, interface, featurename, api, profile): """Process `` tags for a `` or ``. - interface - Element for `` or ``, containing `` tags - featurename - name of the feature - api - string specifying API name being generated - profile - string specifying API profile being generated""" # marks things that are required by this version/profile for feature in interface.findall('require'): if matchAPIProfile(api, profile, feature): self.markRequired(featurename, feature, True) def removeFeatures(self, interface, featurename, api, profile): """Process `` tags for a `` or ``. - interface - Element for `` or ``, containing `` tags - featurename - name of the feature - api - string specifying API name being generated - profile - string specifying API profile being generated""" # marks things that are removed by this version/profile for feature in interface.findall('remove'): if matchAPIProfile(api, profile, feature): self.markRequired(featurename, feature, False) def assignAdditionalValidity(self, interface, api, profile): # Loop over all usage inside all tags. for feature in interface.findall('require'): if matchAPIProfile(api, profile, feature): for v in feature.findall('usage'): if v.get('command'): self.cmddict[v.get('command')].additionalValidity.append(copy.deepcopy(v)) if v.get('struct'): self.typedict[v.get('struct')].additionalValidity.append(copy.deepcopy(v)) def removeAdditionalValidity(self, interface, api, profile): # Loop over all usage inside all tags. for feature in interface.findall('remove'): if matchAPIProfile(api, profile, feature): for v in feature.findall('usage'): if v.get('command'): self.cmddict[v.get('command')].removedValidity.append(copy.deepcopy(v)) if v.get('struct'): self.typedict[v.get('struct')].removedValidity.append(copy.deepcopy(v)) def generateFeature(self, fname, ftype, dictionary, explicit=False): """Generate a single type / enum group / enum / command, and all its dependencies as needed. - fname - name of feature (``/``/``) - ftype - type of feature, 'type' | 'enum' | 'command' - dictionary - of *Info objects - self.{type|enum|cmd}dict - explicit - True if this is explicitly required by the top-level XML tag, False if it is a dependency of an explicit requirement.""" self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'generateFeature: generating', ftype, fname) if not (explicit or self.genOpts.requireDepends): self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'generateFeature: NOT generating', ftype, fname, 'because generator does not require dependencies') return f = self.lookupElementInfo(fname, dictionary) if f is None: # No such feature. This is an error, but reported earlier self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'No entry found for feature', fname, 'returning!') return # If feature is not required, or has already been declared, return if not f.required: self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Skipping', ftype, fname, '(not required)') return if f.declared: self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Skipping', ftype, fname, '(already declared)') return # Always mark feature declared, as though actually emitted f.declared = True # Determine if this is an alias, and of what, if so alias = f.elem.get('alias') if alias: self.gen.logMsg('diag', fname, 'is an alias of', alias) # Pull in dependent declaration(s) of the feature. # For types, there may be one type in the 'requires' attribute of # the element, one in the 'alias' attribute, and many in # embedded and tags within the element. # For commands, there may be many in tags within the element. # For enums, no dependencies are allowed (though perhaps if you # have a uint64 enum, it should require that type). genProc = None followupFeature = None if ftype == 'type': genProc = self.gen.genType # Generate type dependencies in 'alias' and 'requires' attributes if alias: self.generateFeature(alias, 'type', self.typedict) requires = f.elem.get('requires') if requires: self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Generating required dependent type', requires) self.generateFeature(requires, 'type', self.typedict) # Generate types used in defining this type (e.g. in nested # tags) # Look for in entire tree, # not just immediate children for subtype in f.elem.findall('.//type'): self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Generating required dependent ', subtype.text) self.generateFeature(subtype.text, 'type', self.typedict) # Generate enums used in defining this type, for example in # member[MEMBER_SIZE] for subtype in f.elem.findall('.//enum'): self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Generating required dependent ', subtype.text) self.generateFeature(subtype.text, 'enum', self.enumdict) # If the type is an enum group, look up the corresponding # group in the group dictionary and generate that instead. if f.elem.get('category') == 'enum': self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Type', fname, 'is an enum group, so generate that instead') group = self.lookupElementInfo(fname, self.groupdict) if alias is not None: # An alias of another group name. # Pass to genGroup with 'alias' parameter = aliased name self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Generating alias', fname, 'for enumerated type', alias) # Now, pass the *aliased* GroupInfo to the genGroup, but # with an additional parameter which is the alias name. genProc = self.gen.genGroup f = self.lookupElementInfo(alias, self.groupdict) elif group is None: self.gen.logMsg('warn', 'Skipping enum type', fname, ': No matching enumerant group') return else: genProc = self.gen.genGroup f = group # @ The enum group is not ready for generation. At this # @ point, it contains all tags injected by # @ tags without any verification of whether # @ they are required or not. It may also contain # @ duplicates injected by multiple consistent # @ definitions of an . # @ Pass over each enum, marking its enumdict[] entry as # @ required or not. Mark aliases of enums as required, # @ too. enums = group.elem.findall('enum') self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'generateFeature: checking enums for group', fname) # Check for required enums, including aliases # LATER - Check for, report, and remove duplicates? enumAliases = [] for elem in enums: name = elem.get('name') required = False extname = elem.get('extname') version = elem.get('version') if extname is not None: # 'supported' attribute was injected when the element was # moved into the group in Registry.parseTree() supported_list = elem.get('supported').split(",") if self.genOpts.defaultExtensions in supported_list: required = True elif re.match(self.genOpts.addExtensions, extname) is not None: required = True elif version is not None: required = re.match(self.genOpts.emitversions, version) is not None else: required = True self.gen.logMsg('diag', '* required =', required, 'for', name) if required: # Mark this element as required (in the element, not the EnumInfo) elem.set('required', 'true') # If it is an alias, track that for later use enumAlias = elem.get('alias') if enumAlias: enumAliases.append(enumAlias) for elem in enums: name = elem.get('name') if name in enumAliases: elem.set('required', 'true') self.gen.logMsg('diag', '* also need to require alias', name) if f is None: raise RuntimeError("Should not get here") if f.elem.get('category') == 'bitmask': followupFeature = f.elem.get('bitvalues') elif ftype == 'command': # Generate command dependencies in 'alias' attribute if alias: self.generateFeature(alias, 'command', self.cmddict) genProc = self.gen.genCmd for type_elem in f.elem.findall('.//type'): depname = type_elem.text self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Generating required parameter type', depname) self.generateFeature(depname, 'type', self.typedict) elif ftype == 'enum': # Generate enum dependencies in 'alias' attribute if alias: self.generateFeature(alias, 'enum', self.enumdict) genProc = self.gen.genEnum # Actually generate the type only if emitting declarations if self.emitFeatures: self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Emitting', ftype, 'decl for', fname) if genProc is None: raise RuntimeError("genProc is None when we should be emitting") genProc(f, fname, alias) else: self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Skipping', ftype, fname, '(should not be emitted)') if followupFeature: self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Generating required bitvalues ', followupFeature) self.generateFeature(followupFeature, "type", self.typedict) def generateRequiredInterface(self, interface): """Generate all interfaces required by an API version or extension. - interface - Element for `` or ``""" # Loop over all features inside all tags. for features in interface.findall('require'): for t in features.findall('type'): self.generateFeature(t.get('name'), 'type', self.typedict, explicit=True) for e in features.findall('enum'): # If this is an enum extending an enumerated type, do not # generate it - this has already been done in reg.parseTree, # by copying this element into the enumerated type. enumextends = e.get('extends') if not enumextends: self.generateFeature(e.get('name'), 'enum', self.enumdict, explicit=True) for c in features.findall('command'): self.generateFeature(c.get('name'), 'command', self.cmddict, explicit=True) def generateSpirv(self, spirv, dictionary): if spirv is None: self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'No entry found for element', name, 'returning!') return name = spirv.elem.get('name') # No known alias for spirv elements alias = None if spirv.emit: genProc = self.gen.genSpirv genProc(spirv, name, alias) def stripUnsupportedAPIs(self, dictionary, attribute, supportedDictionary): """Strip unsupported APIs from attributes of APIs. dictionary - *Info dictionary of APIs to be updated attribute - attribute name to look for in each API supportedDictionary - dictionary in which to look for supported API elements in the attribute""" for key in dictionary: eleminfo = dictionary[key] attribstring = eleminfo.elem.get(attribute) if attribstring is not None: apis = [] stripped = False for api in attribstring.split(','): ##print('Checking API {} referenced by {}'.format(api, key)) if api in supportedDictionary and supportedDictionary[api].required: apis.append(api) else: stripped = True ##print('\t**STRIPPING API {} from {}'.format(api, key)) # Update the attribute after stripping stuff. # Could sort apis before joining, but it is not a clear win if stripped: eleminfo.elem.set(attribute, ','.join(apis)) def stripUnsupportedAPIsFromList(self, dictionary, supportedDictionary): """Strip unsupported APIs from attributes of APIs. dictionary - dictionary of list of structure name strings supportedDictionary - dictionary in which to look for supported API elements in the attribute""" for key in dictionary: attribstring = dictionary[key] if attribstring is not None: apis = [] stripped = False for api in attribstring: ##print('Checking API {} referenced by {}'.format(api, key)) if supportedDictionary[api].required: apis.append(api) else: stripped = True ##print('\t**STRIPPING API {} from {}'.format(api, key)) # Update the attribute after stripping stuff. # Could sort apis before joining, but it is not a clear win if stripped: dictionary[key] = apis def generateFormat(self, format, dictionary): if format is None: self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'No entry found for format element', 'returning!') return name = format.elem.get('name') # No known alias for VkFormat elements alias = None if format.emit: genProc = self.gen.genFormat genProc(format, name, alias) def generateSyncStage(self, sync): genProc = self.gen.genSyncStage genProc(sync) def generateSyncAccess(self, sync): genProc = self.gen.genSyncAccess genProc(sync) def generateSyncPipeline(self, sync): genProc = self.gen.genSyncPipeline genProc(sync) def tagValidExtensionStructs(self): """Construct a "validextensionstructs" list for parent structures based on "structextends" tags in child structures. Only do this for structures tagged as required.""" for typeinfo in self.typedict.values(): type_elem = typeinfo.elem if typeinfo.required and type_elem.get('category') == 'struct': struct_extends = type_elem.get('structextends') if struct_extends is not None: for parent in struct_extends.split(','): # self.gen.logMsg('diag', type_elem.get('name'), 'extends', parent) self.validextensionstructs[parent].append(type_elem.get('name')) # Sort the lists so they do not depend on the XML order for parent in self.validextensionstructs: self.validextensionstructs[parent].sort() def apiGen(self): """Generate interface for specified versions using the current generator and generator options""" self.gen.logMsg('diag', '*******************************************') self.gen.logMsg('diag', ' Registry.apiGen file:', self.genOpts.filename, 'api:', self.genOpts.apiname, 'profile:', self.genOpts.profile) self.gen.logMsg('diag', '*******************************************') # Could reset required/declared flags for all features here. # This has been removed as never used. The initial motivation was # the idea of calling apiGen() repeatedly for different targets, but # this has never been done. The 20% or so build-time speedup that # might result is not worth the effort to make it actually work. # # self.apiReset() # Compile regexps used to select versions & extensions regVersions = re.compile(self.genOpts.versions) regEmitVersions = re.compile(self.genOpts.emitversions) regAddExtensions = re.compile(self.genOpts.addExtensions) regRemoveExtensions = re.compile(self.genOpts.removeExtensions) regEmitExtensions = re.compile(self.genOpts.emitExtensions) regEmitSpirv = re.compile(self.genOpts.emitSpirv) regEmitFormats = re.compile(self.genOpts.emitFormats) # Get all matching API feature names & add to list of FeatureInfo # Note we used to select on feature version attributes, not names. features = [] apiMatch = False for key in self.apidict: fi = self.apidict[key] api = fi.elem.get('api') if apiNameMatch(self.genOpts.apiname, api): apiMatch = True if regVersions.match(fi.name): # Matches API & version #s being generated. Mark for # emission and add to the features[] list . # @@ Could use 'declared' instead of 'emit'? fi.emit = (regEmitVersions.match(fi.name) is not None) features.append(fi) if not fi.emit: self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'NOT tagging feature api =', api, 'name =', fi.name, 'version =', fi.version, 'for emission (does not match emitversions pattern)') else: self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Including feature api =', api, 'name =', fi.name, 'version =', fi.version, 'for emission (matches emitversions pattern)') else: self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'NOT including feature api =', api, 'name =', fi.name, 'version =', fi.version, '(does not match requested versions)') else: self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'NOT including feature api =', api, 'name =', fi.name, '(does not match requested API)') if not apiMatch: self.gen.logMsg('warn', 'No matching API versions found!') # Get all matching extensions, in order by their extension number, # and add to the list of features. # Start with extensions whose 'supported' attributes match the API # being generated. Add extensions matching the pattern specified in # regExtensions, then remove extensions matching the pattern # specified in regRemoveExtensions for (extName, ei) in sorted(self.extdict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1].number if x[1].number is not None else '0'): extName = ei.name include = False # Include extension if defaultExtensions is not None and is # exactly matched by the 'supported' attribute. if apiNameMatch(self.genOpts.defaultExtensions, ei.elem.get('supported')): self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Including extension', extName, "(defaultExtensions matches the 'supported' attribute)") include = True # Include additional extensions if the extension name matches # the regexp specified in the generator options. This allows # forcing extensions into an interface even if they are not # tagged appropriately in the registry. # However, we still respect the 'supported' attribute. if regAddExtensions.match(extName) is not None: if not apiNameMatch(self.genOpts.apiname, ei.elem.get('supported')): self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'NOT including extension', extName, '(matches explicitly requested, but does not match the \'supported\' attribute)') include = False else: self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Including extension', extName, '(matches explicitly requested extensions to add)') include = True # Remove extensions if the name matches the regexp specified # in generator options. This allows forcing removal of # extensions from an interface even if they are tagged that # way in the registry. if regRemoveExtensions.match(extName) is not None: self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'Removing extension', extName, '(matches explicitly requested extensions to remove)') include = False # If the extension is to be included, add it to the # extension features list. if include: ei.emit = (regEmitExtensions.match(extName) is not None) features.append(ei) if not ei.emit: self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'NOT tagging extension', extName, 'for emission (does not match emitextensions pattern)') # Hack - can be removed when validity generator goes away # (Jon) I am not sure what this does, or if it should # respect the ei.emit flag above. self.requiredextensions.append(extName) else: self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'NOT including extension', extName, '(does not match api attribute or explicitly requested extensions)') # Add all spirv elements to list # generators decide to emit them all or not # Currently no filtering as no client of these elements needs filtering spirvexts = [] for key in self.spirvextdict: si = self.spirvextdict[key] si.emit = (regEmitSpirv.match(key) is not None) spirvexts.append(si) spirvcaps = [] for key in self.spirvcapdict: si = self.spirvcapdict[key] si.emit = (regEmitSpirv.match(key) is not None) spirvcaps.append(si) formats = [] for key in self.formatsdict: si = self.formatsdict[key] si.emit = (regEmitFormats.match(key) is not None) formats.append(si) # Sort the features list, if a sort procedure is defined if self.genOpts.sortProcedure: self.genOpts.sortProcedure(features) # Passes 1+2: loop over requested API versions and extensions tagging # types/commands/features as required (in an block) or no # longer required (in an block). s are processed # after all s, so removals win. # If a profile other than 'None' is being generated, it must # match the profile attribute (if any) of the and # tags. self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'PASS 1: TAG FEATURES') for f in features: self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'PASS 1: Tagging required and features for', f.name) self.fillFeatureDictionary(f.elem, f.name, self.genOpts.apiname, self.genOpts.profile) self.requireFeatures(f.elem, f.name, self.genOpts.apiname, self.genOpts.profile) self.assignAdditionalValidity(f.elem, self.genOpts.apiname, self.genOpts.profile) for f in features: self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'PASS 2: Tagging removed features for', f.name) self.removeFeatures(f.elem, f.name, self.genOpts.apiname, self.genOpts.profile) self.removeAdditionalValidity(f.elem, self.genOpts.apiname, self.genOpts.profile) # Now, strip references to APIs that are not required. # At present such references may occur in: # Structs in 'structextends' attributes # Enums in 'successcodes' and 'errorcodes' attributes self.stripUnsupportedAPIs(self.typedict, 'structextends', self.typedict) self.stripUnsupportedAPIs(self.cmddict, 'successcodes', self.enumdict) self.stripUnsupportedAPIs(self.cmddict, 'errorcodes', self.enumdict) self.stripUnsupportedAPIsFromList(self.validextensionstructs, self.typedict) # Construct lists of valid extension structures self.tagValidExtensionStructs() # @@May need to strip / # tags of these forms: # # # # # Pass 3: loop over specified API versions and extensions printing # declarations for required things which have not already been # generated. self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'PASS 3: GENERATE INTERFACES FOR FEATURES') self.gen.beginFile(self.genOpts) for f in features: self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'PASS 3: Generating interface for', f.name) emit = self.emitFeatures = f.emit if not emit: self.gen.logMsg('diag', 'PASS 3: NOT declaring feature', f.elem.get('name'), 'because it is not tagged for emission') # Generate the interface (or just tag its elements as having been # emitted, if they have not been). self.gen.beginFeature(f.elem, emit) self.generateRequiredInterface(f.elem) self.gen.endFeature() # Generate spirv elements for s in spirvexts: self.generateSpirv(s, self.spirvextdict) for s in spirvcaps: self.generateSpirv(s, self.spirvcapdict) for s in formats: self.generateFormat(s, self.formatsdict) for s in self.syncstagedict: self.generateSyncStage(self.syncstagedict[s]) for s in self.syncaccessdict: self.generateSyncAccess(self.syncaccessdict[s]) for s in self.syncpipelinedict: self.generateSyncPipeline(self.syncpipelinedict[s]) self.gen.endFile() def apiReset(self): """Reset type/enum/command dictionaries before generating another API. Use between apiGen() calls to reset internal state.""" for datatype in self.typedict: self.typedict[datatype].resetState() for enum in self.enumdict: self.enumdict[enum].resetState() for cmd in self.cmddict: self.cmddict[cmd].resetState() for cmd in self.apidict: self.apidict[cmd].resetState()