-- import: ft -- ftd.text: Go to Next Steps link: \#next-steps -- ft.h0: News -- ft.h1: End of Daily Calls. Long live Daily Calls. 19th Oct 2021 -- ft.markdown: Today FifthTry has stopped conducting daily standup meetings. Instead of the daily meeting with everyone, we will have one on one daily meeting between everyone and their manager. The goal of the daily team meeting was so that everyone can know what everyone is working on, and the daily meeting is not achieving this goal, or rather the understanding of what someone else is working on is very superficial and fickle, so much so that not only can anyone attending the daily meeting can tell what someone else did day before yesterday or the last week, forget about that, no one can even tell with any reasonable detail what they themselves did a week ago and so on. This is a major problem as we will soon have performance appraisal process starting, and one of the most common feedback I have received in the manager giving feedback process is that manager should have given feedback more often. If you get a feedback at the end of a year, its too late, one should give much more frequent feedback so there is ample time for people to course correct and ensure they are making the best use of their time, bring maximum impact to the company. Two solve these two problems: and also to have a depth of conversation which is not suitable when everyone is waiting their turn, the pressure of lots of people watching forces people to be brief. To solve all this everyone is now going to have their own page. This page would be part of FifthTry Bible, everyone can see the page. There would be a daily one on one with the manager, which will be a 15-30 mins meeting. **During this meeting the manager will signup off the current days update**. The update has to be prepared by individual in advance, and would be edited during the meeting. The **meeting ends with manager sharing the link to person's page in `#daily-updates` channel on Slack**. The daily update must contain the following sections: -- ft.h2: `ft.h1`: The Date. Every daily update starts with a `ft.h1` date: -- ft.code: lang: ftd \-- ft.h1: 18th Oct 2021 -- ft.markdown: It is 18th not 18. It is Oct, oct or Octuber or 10, and it ends with 2021. -- ft.h2: Did you spend 8hrs today? This is a `h2` heading. This is the first question, where everyone will give their answer to if they were able to spend 8 productive hours for the company. This should be personal note to the team about what did they do, like how was your day, when did you start, when did you finish, was there any interruptions etc. -- ft.h2: What did you do? This is another `h2`, and it will contain one `h3` for every task you want to talk about. Each task must explain what happened, what were you trying to do, who asked you to do it, if you chatted with people about it what was the question and what was the answer etc. As much detail as you can. -- ft.h2: Did You Uphold FifthTry Ethos? This section will invite you to understand what are FifthTry ethos, and ask you to mention any examples of if you upheld the ethos. This is usually: reading others daily update, trying out others work, giving them feedback on their PR, on their design, on the quality of their daily update etc. Reading about our ethos, what makes us the best company to work for, thinking about and discussing and proposing ways to improve how we work, etc are part of your job. Being too busy to think about such thing is not part of the kind of company we want to create. -- ft.h2: Did I do Extra? Extra is things beyond coding and direct responsibility. Did you write a blog or tweet about your work? Did you update the documentation, or write great documentation about what you built? Did you perfect the code? Was the PR title, the name of the branch really reflecting the work you are doing? Did you catch up with someone else in the team about their work? -- ft.h2: Next Steps Please book a 30 mins, daily one on one meeting with AmitU.