// all ftd_utils are meant to be pure functions only: they can only depend on the // input passed, not on closures or global data etc function console_log(...message) { if (true) { // false console.log(...message); } } let ftd_utils = { resolve_reference: function (value, reference, data, obj) { let data_value_ref = (reference !== null && !(value instanceof Object)) ? ftd_utils.get_data_with_default(data, reference) : null; if (value instanceof Object) { let result = value instanceof Array ? [] : {}; for (var key of Object.keys(value)) { if (((typeof value[key]) === "object") && (reference[key] !== undefined)) { result[key] = ftd_utils.resolve_reference(value[key], reference[key], data); } else if (reference[key] !== undefined && reference[key] !== null) { let data_value = ftd_utils.get_data_value(data, reference[key]) result[key] = (data_value !== undefined) ? data_value : value[key]; } else { result[key] = (value[key] === "$VALUE" && obj.value !== undefined) ? obj.value : value[key]; } } for (var key of Object.keys(reference)) { let data_value = ftd_utils.get_data_value(data, reference[key]) if (value[key] === undefined && data_value !== undefined) { result[key] = data_value; } } return result; } else if (reference !== null && reference !== undefined && data_value_ref !== undefined) { return data_value_ref; } else { return (value === "$VALUE" && obj.value !== undefined) ? obj.value : value; } }, is_visible: function (id, affected_id) { let node = document.querySelector(`[data-id="${affected_id}:${id}"]`); while (!!node) { if (!node.style) { return true; } if (node.style.display === "none") { return false; } node = node.parentNode; } return true; }, box_shadow_value_null: function (value) { return (value === "0px 0px 0px 0px") ? null : value; }, box_shadow_value: function (parameter, data_id, value) { let current_value = document.querySelector(`[data-id="${data_id}"]`).style.getPropertyValue('box-shadow'); if (current_value.length === 0) { current_value = "0px 0px 0px 0px"; } let first_split = current_value.split(') '); if (first_split.length === 1) { first_split.unshift(''); } else { first_split[0] = `${first_split[0]})`; } if (parameter === "shadow-color") { if (value === null) { return ftd_utils.box_shadow_value_null(first_split[1].trim()); } first_split[0] = value; return ftd_utils.box_shadow_value_null(first_split.join(' ').trim()); } let second_split = first_split[1].split(' '); if (parameter === "shadow-offset-x") { second_split[0] = value !== null ? value : '0px' ; first_split[1] = second_split.join(' '); return ftd_utils.box_shadow_value_null(first_split.join(' ').trim()); } if (parameter === "shadow-offset-y") { second_split[1] = value !== null ? value : '0px' ; first_split[1] = second_split.join(' '); return ftd_utils.box_shadow_value_null(first_split.join(' ').trim()); } if (parameter === "shadow-blur") { second_split[2] = value !== null ? value : '0px' ; first_split[1] = second_split.join(' '); return ftd_utils.box_shadow_value_null(first_split.join(' ').trim()); } if (parameter === "shadow-size") { second_split[3] = value !== null ? value : '0px' ; first_split[1] = second_split.join(' '); return ftd_utils.box_shadow_value_null(first_split.join(' ').trim()); } }, align_value: function (data_id, value) { let current_position = document.querySelector(`[data-id="${data_id}"]`).style.getPropertyValue('position'); if (current_position === "fixed" || current_position === "absolute") { document.querySelector(`[data-id="${data_id}"]`).style.setProperty('left', null); document.querySelector(`[data-id="${data_id}"]`).style.setProperty('top', null); 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document.querySelector(`[data-id="${data_id}"]`).style.setProperty('margin-bottom', '0'); document.querySelector(`[data-id="${data_id}"]`).style.setProperty('margin-top', 'auto'); document.querySelector(`[data-id="${data_id}"]`).style.setProperty('margin-left', 'auto'); } } }, line_clamp: function (data_id, value) { let doc = document.querySelector(`[data-id="${data_id}"]`); if (value == null) { doc.style.setProperty('display', null); doc.style.setProperty('overflow', null); doc.style.setProperty('-webkit-line-clamp', null); doc.style.setProperty('-webkit-box-orient', null); } else { doc.style.setProperty('display', '-webkit-box'); doc.style.setProperty('overflow', 'hidden'); doc.style.setProperty('-webkit-line-clamp', value); doc.style.setProperty('-webkit-box-orient', 'vertical'); } }, background_image: function (data_id, value) { let background_repeat = document.querySelector(`[data-id="${data_id}"]`).style.getPropertyValue('background-repeat'); let doc = document.querySelector(`[data-id="${data_id}"]`); if (value == null) { doc.style.setProperty('background-image', null); doc.style.setProperty('background-size', null); doc.style.setProperty('background-position', null); } else { doc.style.setProperty('background-image', `url(${value})`); if (background_repeat.length === 0) { doc.style.setProperty('background-size', 'cover'); doc.style.setProperty('background-position', 'center'); } } }, background_repeat: function (data_id, value) { let doc = document.querySelector(`[data-id="${data_id}"]`); if (value == null) { doc.style.setProperty('background-repeat', null); doc.style.setProperty('background-size', 'cover'); doc.style.setProperty('background-position', 'center'); } else { doc.style.setProperty('background-repeat', 'repeat'); doc.style.setProperty('background-size', null); doc.style.setProperty('background-position', null); } }, first_child_styling: function (data_id) { let parent = document.querySelector(`[data-id="${data_id}"]`).parentElement; if (parent.dataset.spacing !== undefined) { let spacing = parent.dataset.spacing.split(":"); let property = spacing[0].trim(); let value = spacing[1].trim(); let first_child = true; for (let i = 0; i < parent.children.length; i++) { if (!first_child) { parent.children[i].style.setProperty(property, value); } else if (parent.children[i].style.display !== 'none') { parent.children[i].style.setProperty(property, null); first_child = false; } } } }, set_style: function (parameter, data_id, value, important) { if (["shadow-offset-x", "shadow-offset-y", "shadow-size", "shadow-blur", "shadow-color"].includes(parameter)) { let box_shadow_value = ftd_utils.box_shadow_value(parameter,data_id, value); document.querySelector(`[data-id="${data_id}"]`).style.setProperty('box-shadow', box_shadow_value); } else if (parameter === "align" || parameter === "position") { ftd_utils.align_value(data_id, value); } else if (parameter === "line-clamp") { ftd_utils.line_clamp(data_id, value); } else if (parameter === "background-image") { ftd_utils.background_image(data_id, value); } else if (parameter === "background-repeat") { ftd_utils.background_repeat(data_id, value); } else if (important) { document.querySelector(`[data-id="${data_id}"]`).style.setProperty(`${parameter}`, value, 'important'); } else { document.querySelector(`[data-id="${data_id}"]`).style.setProperty(`${parameter}`, value); } }, isJson: function(str) { try { JSON.parse(str); } catch (e) { return false; } return true; }, getString: (function() { var DIV = document.createElement("div"); if ('outerHTML' in DIV) return function(node) { return node.outerHTML; }; return function(node) { var div = DIV.cloneNode(); div.appendChild(node.cloneNode(true)); return div.innerHTML; }; })(), create_dom: function (value, node) { let dom_ids = []; let parent_node = node.parentElement; if (value instanceof Object) { for (const idx in value) { var new_node = node.cloneNode(true); new_node.style.display = null; let id = new_node.getAttribute("data-id").replace(":dummy", ",".concat(idx, ":new")); new_node.setAttribute("data-id", id); dom_ids.push(id); parent_node.innerHTML += ftd_utils.getString(new_node).replace("$loop$", value[idx]); } } else { var new_node = node.cloneNode(true); new_node.style.display = null; let id = new_node.getAttribute("data-id").replace(":dummy", ",0:new"); new_node.setAttribute("data-id", id); dom_ids.push(id); parent_node.innerHTML += ftd_utils.getString(new_node).replace("$loop$", value); } return dom_ids; }, remove_nodes: function (nodes, id) { for (const node in nodes) { console_log(`${nodes[node]}:${id}`); document.querySelector(`[data-id="${nodes[node]}:${id}"]`).remove(); } }, is_equal_condition: function (value, condition) { let val = value.toString().replaceAll("\"", ""); return ((value === condition) || (condition === "$IsNull$" && (val.trim().length === 0 || value === null)) || (condition === "$IsNotNull$" && (val.trim().length !== 0 && value !== null)) ); }, get_name_and_remaining: function(name) { let part1 = ""; let pattern_to_split_at = name; let parent_split = ftd_utils.split_once(name, "#"); if (parent_split.length === 2) { part1 = parent_split[0] + "#"; pattern_to_split_at = parent_split[1]; } parent_split = ftd_utils.split_once(pattern_to_split_at, "."); if (parent_split.length === 2) { return [part1 + parent_split[0], parent_split[1]]; } return [name, null]; }, split_once: function (name, split_at) { const i = name.indexOf(split_at); if (i === -1) { return [name]; } return [name.slice(0, i), name.slice(i + 1)]; }, deepEqual: function (object1, object2) { const areObjects = ftd_utils.isObject(object1) && ftd_utils.isObject(object2); if (!areObjects && object1 !== object2) { return false; } if (!areObjects) { return true; } const keys1 = Object.keys(object1); const keys2 = Object.keys(object2); if (keys1.length !== keys2.length) { return false; } for (const key of keys1) { const val1 = object1[key]; const val2 = object2[key]; if (!ftd_utils.deepEqual(val1, val2)) { return false; } } return true; }, isObject: function (object) { return object != null && typeof object === 'object'; }, deepCopy: function (object) { if (ftd_utils.isObject(object)) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(object)); } return object; }, get_data_value: function (data, name) { let [var_name, remaining] = ftd_utils.get_name_and_remaining(name); let initial_value = data[var_name].value; while (!!remaining) { let [p1, p2] = ftd_utils.split_once(remaining, "."); if (ftd_utils.isJson(initial_value)) { initial_value = JSON.parse(initial_value)[p1] } else { initial_value = initial_value[p1]; } remaining = p2; } return ftd_utils.deepCopy(initial_value); }, get_data_with_default: function (data, name, def) { try { return ftd_utils.get_data_value(data, name); } catch (e) { return def; } }, set_data_value: function (data, name, value) { let [var_name, remaining] = ftd_utils.get_name_and_remaining(name); let initial_value = data[var_name].value; if (ftd_utils.isJson(initial_value)) { initial_value = JSON.parse(initial_value); } data[var_name].value = ftd_utils.deepCopy(set(initial_value, remaining, value)); function set(initial_value, remaining, value) { if (!remaining) { return value; } let [p1, p2] = ftd_utils.split_once(remaining, "."); initial_value[p1] = set(initial_value[p1], p2, value); return initial_value; } }, handle_action: function (id, target_variable, value, data, ftd_external_children) { var styles_edited = []; let visibility_change = false; let current_value = ftd_utils.get_data_value(data, target_variable); if (current_value === value) { return; } handle_action_(id, target_variable, value, data, ftd_external_children, styles_edited, visibility_change); function handle_action_(id, target_variable, value, data, ftd_external_children, styles_edited, visibility_change) { ftd_utils.set_data_value(data, target_variable, value); let full_value = ftd_utils.get_data_value(data, target_variable); let new_value = full_value; if (!!new_value && !!new_value["$kind$"]) { new_value = new_value[new_value["$kind$"]]; } let [target, target_remaining] = ftd_utils.get_name_and_remaining(target_variable); let dependencies = data[target].dependencies; for (const dependency in dependencies) { if (!dependencies.hasOwnProperty(dependency)) { continue; } let json_dependencies = dependencies[dependency]; for (const index in json_dependencies) { let json_dependency = json_dependencies[index]; if (json_dependency.dependency_type === "Value") { if (dependency.endsWith(':dummy')) { let dummy_node = document.querySelector(`[data-id="${dependency}:${id}"]`); let dom_ids = ftd_utils.create_dom(full_value, dummy_node); ftd_utils.remove_nodes(Object.keys(dependencies).filter(s => !s.endsWith(':dummy')), id); let deps = {}; for (const dom_id in dom_ids) { let id_without_main = dom_ids[dom_id].substring(0, dom_ids[dom_id].length - `:${id}`.length) deps[id_without_main] = dependencies[dependency]; } deps[dependency] = dependencies[dependency]; data[target].dependencies = deps; } else { if ((!!json_dependency.remaining) && (json_dependency.remaining !== target_remaining)) { continue; } let doc = document.querySelector(`[data-id="${dependency}:${id}"]`); if (doc.nodeName === "INPUT") { doc.value = new_value; } else if (doc.src !== undefined) { doc.src = new_value; } else { doc.innerText = new_value; } } } else if (json_dependency.dependency_type === "Visible") { let display = "none"; if (ftd_utils.is_equal_condition(full_value, json_dependency.condition)) { let is_flex = !!document.querySelector(`[data-id="${dependency}:${id}"]`).style.flexDirection.length; let is_grid = !!document.querySelector(`[data-id="${dependency}:${id}"]`).style.gridTemplateAreas.length; let is_webkit = !!document.querySelector(`[data-id="${dependency}:${id}"]`).style.webkitLineClamp.length; if (is_flex) { display = "flex"; } else if (is_webkit) { display = "-webkit-box"; } else if (is_grid) { display = "grid"; } else { display = "block"; } } let node = document.querySelector(`[data-id="${dependency}:${id}"]`); if (node.style.display !== display) { visibility_change = true; } document.querySelector(`[data-id="${dependency}:${id}"]`).style.display = display; ftd_utils.first_child_styling(`${dependency}:${id}`); } else if (json_dependency.dependency_type === "Variable") { if (json_dependency.condition === null) { if (dependency === "$style$") { for (const parameter in json_dependency.parameters) { let param_val = json_dependency.parameters[parameter].value.value; let node = param_val["$node$"]; let var_ = param_val["$variable$"]; let dependent = ftd_utils.get_data_value(data, var_); let variable = ftd_utils.get_name_and_remaining(var_)[0]; let dependent_dependencies = data[variable].dependencies[node]; let call = false; for (const d in dependent_dependencies) { if (dependent_dependencies[d].dependency_type !== "Style" || !dependent_dependencies[d].parameters[parameter]) { continue; } if (dependent_dependencies[d].parameters[parameter].value.reference === target) { if (ftd_utils.is_equal_condition(dependent, dependent_dependencies[d].condition) && !ftd_utils.deepEqual(dependent_dependencies[d].parameters[parameter].value.value, full_value)) { call = true; } dependent_dependencies[d].parameters[parameter].value.value = full_value; } if (!!dependent_dependencies[d].parameters[parameter].default && dependent_dependencies[d].parameters[parameter].default.reference === target) { if (ftd_utils.is_equal_condition(dependent, dependent_dependencies[d].condition) && !ftd_utils.deepEqual(dependent_dependencies[d].parameters[parameter].default.value, full_value)) { call = true; } dependent_dependencies[d].parameters[parameter].default.value = full_value; } } data[variable].dependencies[node] = dependent_dependencies; if (call) { handle_action_(id, variable, dependent, data, ftd_external_children, styles_edited, visibility_change); } } } } else if (ftd_utils.is_equal_condition(full_value, json_dependency.condition)) { for (const parameter in json_dependency.parameters) { if (data[ftd_utils.get_name_and_remaining(parameter)[0]] === undefined) { continue; } let value = json_dependency.parameters[parameter].value.value; let call = false; if (dependency === "$value#kind$") { let get_value = ftd_utils.get_data_value(data, parameter + ".$kind$"); if (!ftd_utils.deepEqual(value, get_value)) { call = true; } ftd_utils.set_data_value(data, parameter + ".$kind$", value); } if (dependency === "$value$") { let get_value = ftd_utils.get_data_value(data, parameter); if (!ftd_utils.deepEqual(value, get_value)) { call = true; } ftd_utils.set_data_value(data, parameter, value); } let parameter_value = ftd_utils.get_data_value(data, parameter); if (call) { handle_action_(id, parameter, parameter_value, data, ftd_external_children, styles_edited, visibility_change); } } } else { for (const parameter in json_dependency.parameters) { if (data[ftd_utils.get_name_and_remaining(parameter)[0]] === undefined) { continue; } let dep_default = json_dependency.parameters[parameter].default; let call = false; if (dep_default === null) { continue; } let value = dep_default.value; if (dependency === "$value#kind$") { let get_value = ftd_utils.get_data_value(data, parameter + ".$kind$"); if (!ftd_utils.deepEqual(value, get_value)) { call = true; } ftd_utils.set_data_value(data, parameter + ".$kind$", value); } if (dependency === "$value$") { let get_value = ftd_utils.get_data_value(data, parameter); if (!ftd_utils.deepEqual(value, get_value)) { call = true; } ftd_utils.set_data_value(data, parameter, value); } let parameter_value = ftd_utils.get_data_value(data, parameter); if (call) { handle_action_(id, parameter, parameter_value, data, ftd_external_children, styles_edited, visibility_change); } } } } else if (json_dependency.dependency_type === "Style") { if (json_dependency.condition === null || json_dependency.condition === undefined) { let set = []; if (!!json_dependency.parameters["dependents"]) { set = json_dependency.parameters["dependents"].value.value; } if ((!!json_dependency.remaining) && (json_dependency.remaining !== target_remaining)) { continue; } if (!!set.length) { let style_attr = Object.keys(json_dependency.parameters).filter(w => w !== "dependents")[0]; let call = false; for (const idx in set) { let dependent = ftd_utils.get_data_value(data, set[idx]); let variable = ftd_utils.get_name_and_remaining(set[idx])[0]; let dependent_dependencies = data[variable].dependencies[dependency]; for (const d in dependent_dependencies) { if (dependent_dependencies[d].dependency_type !== "Style" || !dependent_dependencies[d].parameters[style_attr]) { continue; } let current_value = dependent_dependencies[d].parameters[style_attr].default.value; if (!ftd_utils.deepEqual(current_value, full_value)) { call = true; } dependent_dependencies[d].parameters[style_attr].default.value = full_value; } data[variable].dependencies[dependency] = dependent_dependencies; if (call) { handle_action_(id, set[idx], dependent, data, ftd_external_children, styles_edited, visibility_change); } } continue; } for (const parameter in json_dependency.parameters) { if (parameter === "dependents") { continue; } let important = json_dependency.parameters[parameter].value.important; if (new_value instanceof Object) { for (const parameter in new_value) { ftd_utils.set_style(parameter, `${dependency}:${id}`, new_value[parameter], important); if (!styles_edited.includes(`${parameter}::${dependency}`)) { styles_edited.push(`${parameter}::${dependency}`); } } } else { ftd_utils.set_style(parameter, `${dependency}:${id}`, new_value, important); if (!styles_edited.includes(`${parameter}::${dependency}`)) { styles_edited.push(`${parameter}::${dependency}`); } } } } else if (ftd_utils.is_equal_condition(full_value, json_dependency.condition)) { for (const parameter in json_dependency.parameters) { let value = json_dependency.parameters[parameter].value.value; // if (ftd_utils.isJson(value)) { // value = JSON.parse(value); // } if (!!value && !!value["$kind$"]) { value = value[value["$kind$"]]; } let important = json_dependency.parameters[parameter].value.important; ftd_utils.set_style(parameter, `${dependency}:${id}`, value, important); if (!styles_edited.includes(`${parameter}::${dependency}`)) { styles_edited.push(`${parameter}::${dependency}`); } } } else { for (const parameter in json_dependency.parameters) { let default_value = json_dependency.parameters[parameter].default; // if (ftd_utils.isJson(default_value)) { // default_value = JSON.parse(default_value); // } if (!!default_value && !!default_value["$kind$"]) { default_value = default_value[default_value["$kind$"]]; } if (!styles_edited.includes(`${parameter}::${dependency}`)) { if (default_value === null) { if (["border-left-width", "border-right-width", "border-top-width", "border-bottom-width"].includes(parameter)) { default_value = "0px"; document.querySelector(`[data-id="${dependency}:${id}"]`).style[`${parameter}`] = default_value; } else { ftd_utils.set_style(parameter, `${dependency}:${id}`, default_value, false); } } else { let value = default_value.value; // if (ftd_utils.isJson(value)) { // value = JSON.parse(value); // } if (!!value && !!value["$kind$"]) { value = value[value["$kind$"]]; } let important = default_value.important; ftd_utils.set_style(parameter, `${dependency}:${id}`, value, important); } } } } } } } if (visibility_change) { ftd_utils.external_children_replace(id, ftd_external_children); } } }, external_children_replace: function (id, ftd_external_children) { if (ftd_external_children[id] === undefined) { return; } let external_children = ftd_external_children[id]; let external_children_placed = []; for (const object in external_children) { if (!external_children.hasOwnProperty(object)) { continue; } let conditions = external_children[object]; for (const idx in conditions) { if (!conditions.hasOwnProperty(idx)) { continue; } let condition = conditions[idx].condition; let set_at = conditions[idx].set_at; let display = true; for (const i in condition) { if (!condition.hasOwnProperty(i)) { continue; } display &= ftd_utils.is_visible(id, condition[i]); if (!display) { break; } } if (display && !external_children_placed.includes(object)) { console_log(`${object}:${id}::: ${set_at}:${id}`); let get_element_set_at = document.querySelector(`[data-id="${set_at}:${id}"]`); let objects_to_set = document.querySelectorAll(`[data-ext-id="${object}:${id}"]`); for (let i = 0; i < objects_to_set.length; i++) { let object_to_set = objects_to_set[i]; let parent = object_to_set.parentElement; if (parent !== get_element_set_at) { get_element_set_at.appendChild(object_to_set); } } external_children_placed.push(object); } } } } }; window.ftd = (function () { let ftd_data = {}; let ftd_external_children = {}; // Setting up default value on const inputElements = document.querySelectorAll('input[data-dv]'); for (let input_ele of inputElements) { input_ele.defaultValue = input_ele.dataset.dv; } function handle_event(evt, id, action, obj) { let act = action["action"]; let data = ftd_data[id]; if (act === "stop-propagation") { evt.stopPropagation(); } else if (act === "prevent-default") { evt.preventDefault(); } else if (act === "toggle") { let target = action["target"]; let var_name = ftd_utils.get_name_and_remaining(target)[0]; let value = data[var_name].value; if (typeof value === "string" || value instanceof String) { value = value === 'true'; } exports.set_bool(id, target, !value); } else if (act === "message-host") { if (action["parameters"].data !== undefined) { let value = action["parameters"].data[0].value; let reference = JSON.parse(action["parameters"].data[0].reference); let resolved_data = ftd_utils.resolve_reference(value, reference, data, obj); let func = resolved_data.function? resolved_data.function.trim().replaceAll("-", "_").toLowerCase(): "http"; let method = resolved_data.method? resolved_data.method.trim().toUpperCase(): "GET"; window[func](id, method, resolved_data, reference); } else { let target = action["target"].trim().replaceAll("-", "_"); window[target](id); } } else if (act === "increment") { let target = action["target"]; let increment = 1; if (action["parameters"].by !== undefined) { let by_value = action["parameters"].by[0].value; let by_reference = action["parameters"].by[0].reference; increment = parseInt(ftd_utils.resolve_reference(by_value, by_reference, data, obj)); } let clamp_max = undefined; let clamp_min = undefined; if (action["parameters"]["clamp"] !== undefined) { let clamp_value = action["parameters"]["clamp"]; if (clamp_value.length === 1) { clamp_max = parseInt(ftd_utils.resolve_reference(clamp_value[0].value, clamp_value[0].reference, data, obj)); } if (clamp_value.length === 2) { clamp_min = parseInt(ftd_utils.resolve_reference(clamp_value[0].value, clamp_value[0].reference, data, obj)); clamp_max = parseInt(ftd_utils.resolve_reference(clamp_value[1].value, clamp_value[1].reference, data, obj)); } } exports.increment_decrement_value(id, target, increment, clamp_min, clamp_max); } else if (act === "decrement") { let target = action["target"]; let decrement = -1; if (action["parameters"].by !== undefined) { let by_value = action["parameters"].by[0].value; let by_reference = action["parameters"].by[0].reference; decrement = -parseInt(ftd_utils.resolve_reference(by_value, by_reference, data, obj)); } let clamp_max = undefined; let clamp_min = undefined; if (action["parameters"]["clamp"] !== undefined) { let clamp_value = action["parameters"]["clamp"]; if (clamp_value.length === 1) { clamp_max = parseInt(ftd_utils.resolve_reference(clamp_value[0].value, clamp_value[0].reference, data, obj)); } if (clamp_value.length === 2) { clamp_min = parseInt(ftd_utils.resolve_reference(clamp_value[0].value, clamp_value[0].reference, data, obj)); clamp_max = parseInt(ftd_utils.resolve_reference(clamp_value[1].value, clamp_value[1].reference, data, obj)); } } exports.increment_decrement_value(id, target, decrement, clamp_min, clamp_max); } else if (act === "set-value") { let target = action["target"]; let value_data = action["parameters"].value[0]; let value = ftd_utils.resolve_reference(value_data.value, value_data.reference, data, obj) if (action["parameters"].value[1].value === "integer") { value = parseInt(value.toString()); } else if (action["parameters"].value[1].value === "decimal") { value = parseFloat(value.toString()); } else if (action["parameters"].value[1].value === "boolean") { value = (value === "true") || value; } else if (ftd_utils.isJson(value)) { value = JSON.parse(value) } let var_name = ftd_utils.get_name_and_remaining(target)[0]; if (!data[var_name]) { console_log(target, " is not in data, ignoring"); return; } let old_value = ftd_utils.get_data_value(data, target); if (ftd_utils.deepEqual(old_value, value) && !target.includes("MOUSE-IN")) { console_log(target, " value is same as current, ignoring"); return; } ftd_utils.handle_action(id, target, value, data, ftd_external_children); } else if (act === "insert") { let target = action["target"]; let value = undefined; if (action["parameters"].value !== undefined) { let insert_value = action["parameters"].value[0].value; let insert_reference = action["parameters"].value[0].reference; value = ftd_utils.resolve_reference(insert_value, insert_reference, data, obj); } let at = undefined; if (action["parameters"].at !== undefined) { let at_value = action["parameters"].at[0].value; let at_reference = action["parameters"].at[0].reference; at = ftd_utils.resolve_reference(at_value, at_reference, data, obj); } exports.insert_value(id, target, value, at); } else if (act === "clear") { let target = action["target"]; let value = ""; let var_name = ftd_utils.get_name_and_remaining(target)[0]; if (data[var_name].value instanceof Object) { let list = []; value = list; } ftd_utils.handle_action(id, target, value, data, ftd_external_children); } else { console_log("unknown action:", act); return; } } let exports = {}; exports.handle_event = function (evt, id, event, obj) { console_log(id, event); let actions = JSON.parse(event); for (const action in actions) { handle_event(evt, id, actions[action], obj) } } exports.increment_decrement_value = function (id, variable, increment_by, clamp_min, clamp_max) { let data = ftd_data[id]; if (!data[variable]) { console_log(variable, "is not in data, ignoring"); return; } let value = parseInt(ftd_utils.get_data_value(data, variable)); value += increment_by; if (clamp_max !== undefined) { let min = (clamp_min === undefined) ? 0: clamp_min if (clamp_max < value) { value = min; } if (clamp_min > value) { value = clamp_max; } } ftd_utils.handle_action(id, variable, value, data, ftd_external_children); } exports.insert_value = function (id, target, value, at) { let data = ftd_data[id]; if (!data[ftd_utils.get_name_and_remaining(target)[0]]) { console_log(target, "is not in data, ignoring"); return; } let list = ftd_utils.get_data_value(data, target); if (!(list instanceof Object)) { console_log(list, "is not list, ignoring"); return; } if (value === undefined || value.trim() === "") { console_log("Nothing to insert in ", list); return; } if (at !== undefined && at === "end") { list.push(value); } else if (at !== undefined && at === "start") { list.unshift(value); } else { list.push(value); } ftd_utils.handle_action(id, target, list, data, ftd_external_children); } exports.set_bool = function (id, variable, value) { let data = ftd_data[id]; if (!data[variable]) { console_log(variable, "is not in data, ignoring"); return; } ftd_utils.handle_action(id, variable, value, data, ftd_external_children); } exports.set_string = function (id, variable, value) { let data = ftd_data[id]; if (!data[variable]) { console_log(variable, "is not in data, ignoring"); return; } ftd_utils.handle_action(id, variable, value, data, ftd_external_children); } exports.get_value = function (id, variable) { let data = ftd_data[id]; let var_name = ftd_utils.get_name_and_remaining(variable)[0]; if (!data[var_name]) { console_log(variable, "is not in data, ignoring"); return; } return ftd_utils.get_data_value(data, variable); } exports.set_multi_value = function (id, list) { for (const idx in list) { if (!list.hasOwnProperty(idx)) { continue; } let item = list[idx]; let [variable, value] = item; this.set_bool(id, variable, value); } } exports.init = function (id, data, external_children) { ftd_data[id] = JSON.parse(document.getElementById(data).innerText); ftd_external_children[id] = JSON.parse(document.getElementById(external_children).innerText); window.ftd.post_init(); } exports.set_bool_for_all = function (variable, value) { for (let id in ftd_data) { if (!ftd_data.hasOwnProperty(id)) { continue; } exports.set_bool(id, variable, value) } } exports.set_string_for_all = function (variable, value) { for (let id in ftd_data) { if (!ftd_data.hasOwnProperty(id)) { continue; } exports.set_string(id, variable, value) } } exports.set_value = function (id, variable, value) { let data = ftd_data[id]; if (!data[variable]) { console_log(variable, "is not in data, ignoring"); return; } ftd_utils.handle_action(id, variable, value, data, ftd_external_children); } return exports; })(); function console_print(id, data) { console.log("console_print",data); } function http(id, method="GET", data, reference) { let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open(method.toUpperCase(), data.url); xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json"); xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status !== 200) { console.log("Error in calling url: ", data.url, xhr.responseText); return; } if (xhr.readyState !== 4) { return; } let response = JSON.parse(xhr.response); console_log("API response", data.url, xhr.response) if (!!response.data && !!response.data.url) { window.location.href = response.data.url; } else if (!!response.data && !!response.data.reload) { window.location.reload(); } else { for (const key of Object.keys(response.data)) { ftd.set_value(id, key, response.data[key]) } } }; xhr.send(JSON.stringify(data)); } function redirect(id, data) { window.location.href = data.url; } window.ftd.post_init = function () { const DARK_MODE = "ftd#dark-mode"; const SYSTEM_DARK_MODE = "ftd#system-dark-mode"; const FOLLOW_SYSTEM_DARK_MODE = "ftd#follow-system-dark-mode"; const DARK_MODE_COOKIE = "ftd-dark-mode"; const COOKIE_SYSTEM_LIGHT = "system-light"; const COOKIE_SYSTEM_DARK = "system-dark"; const COOKIE_DARK_MODE = "dark"; const COOKIE_LIGHT_MODE = "light"; const DARK_MODE_CLASS = "fpm-dark"; const MOBILE_CLASS = "ftd-mobile"; const XL_CLASS = "ftd-xl"; const FTD_DEVICE = "ftd#device"; const FTD_MOBILE_BREAKPOINT = "ftd#mobile-breakpoint"; const FTD_DESKTOP_BREAKPOINT = "ftd#desktop-breakpoint"; const FTD_THEME_COLOR = "ftd#theme-color"; const THEME_COLOR_META = "theme-color"; const MARKDOWN_COLOR = "ftd#markdown-color"; const MARKDOWN_BACKGROUND_COLOR = "ftd#markdown-background-color"; let last_device; function initialise_device() { last_device = get_device(); console_log("last_device", last_device); window.ftd.set_bool_for_all(FTD_DEVICE, last_device); } window.onresize = function () { let current = get_device(); if (current === last_device) { return; } window.ftd.set_string_for_all(FTD_DEVICE, current); last_device = current; console_log("last_device", last_device); } function update_markdown_colors() { // remove all colors from ftd.css: copy every deleted stuff in this function let markdown_style_sheet = document.createElement('style'); markdown_style_sheet.innerHTML = ` .ft_md a { color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_COLOR + ".link.light")}; background-color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_BACKGROUND_COLOR + ".link.light")}; } body.fpm-dark .ft_md a { color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_COLOR + ".link.dark")}; background-color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_BACKGROUND_COLOR + ".link.dark")}; } .ft_md code { color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_COLOR + ".code.light")}; background-color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_BACKGROUND_COLOR + ".code.light")}; } body.fpm-dark .ft_md code { color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_COLOR + ".code.dark")}; background-color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_BACKGROUND_COLOR + ".code.dark")}; } .ft_md a:visited { color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_COLOR + ".link-visited.light")}; background-color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_BACKGROUND_COLOR + ".link-visited.light")}; } body.fpm-dark .ft_md a:visited { color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_COLOR + ".link-visited.dark")}; background-color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_BACKGROUND_COLOR + ".link-visited.dark")}; } .ft_md a code { color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_COLOR + ".link-code.light")}; background-color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_BACKGROUND_COLOR + ".link-code.light")}; } body.fpm-dark .ft_md a code { color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_COLOR + ".link-code.dark")}; background-color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_BACKGROUND_COLOR + ".link-code.dark")}; } .ft_md a:visited code { color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_COLOR + ".link-visited-code.light")}; background-color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_BACKGROUND_COLOR + ".link-visited-code.light")}; } body.fpm-dark .ft_md a:visited code { color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_COLOR + ".link-visited-code.dark")}; background-color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_BACKGROUND_COLOR + ".link-visited-code.dark")}; } .ft_md ul ol li:before { color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_COLOR + ".ul-ol-li-before.light")}; background-color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_BACKGROUND_COLOR + ".ul-ol-li-before.light")}; } body.fpm-dark .ft_md ul ol li:before { color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_COLOR + ".ul-ol-li-before.dark")}; background-color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_BACKGROUND_COLOR + ".ul-ol-li-before.dark")}; } `; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(markdown_style_sheet); } function get_device() { // not at all sure about this functions logic. let width = window.innerWidth; // in future we may want to have more than one break points, and then // we may also want the theme builders to decide where the breakpoints // should go. we should be able to fetch fpm variables here, or maybe // simply pass the width, user agent etc to fpm and let people put the // checks on width user agent etc, but it would be good if we can // standardize few breakpoints. or maybe we should do both, some // standard breakpoints and pass the raw data. // we would then rename this function to detect_device() which will // return one of "desktop", "tablet", "mobile". and also maybe have // another function detect_orientation(), "landscape" and "portrait" etc, // and instead of setting `fpm#mobile: boolean` we set `fpm-ui#device` // and `fpm#view-port-orientation` etc. let mobile_breakpoint = window.ftd.get_value("main", FTD_MOBILE_BREAKPOINT); let desktop_breakpoint = window.ftd.get_value("main", FTD_DESKTOP_BREAKPOINT); if (width <= mobile_breakpoint) { document.body.classList.add(MOBILE_CLASS); if (document.body.classList.contains(XL_CLASS)) { document.body.classList.remove(XL_CLASS); } return "mobile"; } if (width > desktop_breakpoint) { document.body.classList.add(XL_CLASS); if (document.body.classList.contains(MOBILE_CLASS)) { document.body.classList.remove(MOBILE_CLASS); } return "xl"; } if (document.body.classList.contains(MOBILE_CLASS)) { document.body.classList.remove(MOBILE_CLASS); } if (document.body.classList.contains(XL_CLASS)) { document.body.classList.remove(XL_CLASS); } return "desktop"; } /* ftd.dark-mode behaviour: ftd.dark-mode is a boolean, default false, it tells the UI to show the UI in dark or light mode. Themes should use this variable to decide which mode to show in UI. ftd.follow-system-dark-mode, boolean, default true, keeps track if we are reading the value of `dark-mode` from system preference, or user has overridden the system preference. These two variables must not be set by ftd code directly, but they must use `$on-click$: message-host enable-dark-mode`, to ignore system preference and use dark mode. `$on-click$: message-host disable-dark-mode` to ignore system preference and use light mode and `$on-click$: message-host follow-system-dark-mode` to ignore user preference and start following system preference. we use a cookie: `ftd-dark-mode` to store the preference. The cookie can have three values: cookie missing / user wants us to honour system preference system-light and currently its light. system-dark follow system and currently its dark. light: user prefers light dark: user prefers light We use cookie instead of localstorage so in future `fpm-repo` can see users preferences up front and renders the HTML on service wide following user's preference. */ window.enable_dark_mode = function () { // TODO: coalesce the two set_bool-s into one so there is only one DOM // update window.ftd.set_bool_for_all(DARK_MODE, true); window.ftd.set_bool_for_all(FOLLOW_SYSTEM_DARK_MODE, false); window.ftd.set_bool_for_all(SYSTEM_DARK_MODE, system_dark_mode()); document.body.classList.add(DARK_MODE_CLASS); set_cookie(DARK_MODE_COOKIE, COOKIE_DARK_MODE); update_theme_color(); } window.enable_light_mode = function () { // TODO: coalesce the two set_bool-s into one so there is only one DOM // update window.ftd.set_bool_for_all(DARK_MODE, false); window.ftd.set_bool_for_all(FOLLOW_SYSTEM_DARK_MODE, false); window.ftd.set_bool_for_all(SYSTEM_DARK_MODE, system_dark_mode()); if (document.body.classList.contains(DARK_MODE_CLASS)) { document.body.classList.remove(DARK_MODE_CLASS); } set_cookie(DARK_MODE_COOKIE, COOKIE_LIGHT_MODE); update_theme_color(); } window.enable_system_mode = function () { // TODO: coalesce the two set_bool-s into one so there is only one DOM // update window.ftd.set_bool_for_all(FOLLOW_SYSTEM_DARK_MODE, true); window.ftd.set_bool_for_all(SYSTEM_DARK_MODE, system_dark_mode()); if (system_dark_mode()) { window.ftd.set_bool_for_all(DARK_MODE, true); document.body.classList.add(DARK_MODE_CLASS); set_cookie(DARK_MODE_COOKIE, COOKIE_SYSTEM_DARK) } else { window.ftd.set_bool_for_all(DARK_MODE, false); if (document.body.classList.contains(DARK_MODE_CLASS)) { document.body.classList.remove(DARK_MODE_CLASS); } set_cookie(DARK_MODE_COOKIE, COOKIE_SYSTEM_LIGHT) } update_theme_color(); } function update_theme_color() { let theme_color = window.ftd.get_value("main", FTD_THEME_COLOR); if (!!theme_color) { document.body.style.backgroundColor = FTD_THEME_COLOR; set_meta(THEME_COLOR_META, theme_color); } else { document.body.style.backgroundColor = FTD_THEME_COLOR; delete_meta(THEME_COLOR_META); } } function set_meta(name, value) { let meta = document.querySelector("meta[name=" + name + "]"); if (!!meta) { meta.content = value; } else { meta = document.createElement('meta'); meta.name = name; meta.content = value; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(meta); } } function delete_meta(name) { let meta = document.querySelector("meta[name=" + name + "]") if (!!meta) { meta.remove(); } } function set_cookie(name, value) { document.cookie = name + "=" + value + "; path=/"; } function system_dark_mode() { return !!(window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches) } function initialise_dark_mode() { update_dark_mode(); start_watching_dark_mode_system_preference(); } function get_cookie(name, def) { // source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5639346/ let regex = document.cookie.match('(^|;)\\s*' + name + '\\s*=\\s*([^;]+)'); return regex !== null ? regex.pop() : def; } function update_dark_mode() { let current_dark_mode_cookie = get_cookie(DARK_MODE_COOKIE, COOKIE_SYSTEM_LIGHT); switch (current_dark_mode_cookie) { case COOKIE_SYSTEM_LIGHT: case COOKIE_SYSTEM_DARK: window.enable_system_mode(); break; case COOKIE_LIGHT_MODE: window.enable_light_mode(); break; case COOKIE_DARK_MODE: window.enable_dark_mode(); break; default: console_log("cookie value is wrong", current_dark_mode_cookie); window.enable_system_mode(); } } function start_watching_dark_mode_system_preference() { window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').addEventListener( "change", update_dark_mode ); } initialise_dark_mode(); initialise_device(); update_markdown_colors(); };