use embedded_hal::digital::v2::OutputPin; use ftd2xx_embedded_hal as hal; use std::{thread::sleep, time::Duration}; const NUM_BLINK: usize = 10; const SLEEP_DURATION: Duration = Duration::from_millis(500); fn main() { let ftdi = hal::Ft232hHal::new() .expect("Failed to open FT232H device") .init_default() .expect("Failed to initialize MPSSE"); let mut output_pin = ftdi.ad3(); println!("Starting blinky example"); for n in 0..NUM_BLINK { output_pin.set_high().expect("failed to set GPIO"); sleep(SLEEP_DURATION); output_pin.set_low().expect("failed to set GPIO"); sleep(SLEEP_DURATION); println!("Blinked {}/{} times", n + 1, NUM_BLINK); } }