Unknown applicability: - bits, stop_bits, parity, break_type - read/write - chunksize - bitmode / bitmask - en/disable bitbang (sets bitmode internally) - read pins - modem status(???) - flow control - set: DTR / RTS - event char - error char - (eeprom) - strings - CBUS - (everything else) - user data - chip ID BITMODE_RESET: switch off bitbang mode, back to regular serial/FIFO - FIFO needs eeprom BITMODE_BITBANG: classical asynchronous bitbang mode, introduced with B-type chips - no eeprom BITMODE_MPSSE: MPSSE mode, available on 2232x chips BITMODE_SYNCBB: synchronous bitbang mode, available on 2232x and R-type chips - no eeprom BITMODE_MCU: MCU Host Bus Emulation mode, available on 2232x chips BITMODE_OPTO: Fast Opto-Isolated Serial Interface Mode, available on 2232x chips - channel B only(?) BITMODE_CBUS: Bitbang on CBUS pins of R-type chips, configure in EEPROM before BITMODE_SYNCFF: Single Channel Synchronous FIFO mode, available on 2232H chips - single channel only, always on A - needs eeprom BITMODE_FT1284: FT1284 mode, available on 232H chips - according to app note, it's FT1248(sic!) Legend: AB / A-only / B-only: channels that can be used DC: dual-channel (requires both) EE: requires EEPROM NB: does not use baud rate CS: uses a command stream, not data stream As in 2232H docs: - RS232 (BITMODE_RESET) AB - FT245 sync FIFO (BITMODE_SYNCFF) A-only DC EE NB [1] [4] - FT245 async FIFO (BITMODE_RESET?) AB EE NB - Async bitbang (BITMODE_BITBANG) AB - Sync bitbang (BITMODE_SYNCBB) AB - MPSSE (BITMODE_MPSSE) AB CS NB - Fast Serial (BITMODE_OPTO) AB !DC EE NB [2] [3] - CPU-style FIFO (???) AB EE NB??? - Host Bus Emulation Interface (BITMODE_MCU) AB DC NB CS In 232H also: - FT1248 Dynamic Parallel/SerialInterface AB NB EE [1]: both channels must be in async FIFO before [2]: Always uses channel B pins, but can be enabled on any channel (or both!) [3]: According to FT2232H manual, BITMODE_OPTO is actually its "hold" config, and regular is BITMODE_RESET(!) [4]: It may be desirable to change channel B to inputs with MPSSE before entering this mode So, for FT2232H the following branches are EEPROM-chosen - RS232 - FIFO -> SYNCFF - OPTO - cpuFIFO The following are enter at will: - BB - SYNCBB - MPSSE - MCU Unknown, probably needs EEPROM - FT1248 Baud rate affects RS232, BB, SYNCBB Command stream instead of data: MPSSE, MCU ## Does async BB read??? ## what is FT1284? 0x0 = Reset0x1 = Asynchronous Bit Bang 0x2 = MPSSE (FT2232, FT2232H, FT4232H and FT232Hdevices only) 0x4 = Synchronous Bit Bang (FT232R, FT245R,FT2232, FT2232H, FT4232H and FT232Hdevices only) 0x8 = MCU Host Bus Emulation Mode (FT2232, FT2232H, FT4232Hand FT232Hdevices only) 0x10 = FastOpto-Isolated Serial Mode (FT2232, FT2232H, FT4232H and FT232Hdevices only) 0x20 = CBUS Bit Bang Mode (FT232Rand FT232Hdevices only) 0x40 = Single Channel Synchronous 245 FIFO Mode (FT2232H and FT232H devices only)